Google Spreadsheet find duplicates and delete ALL -
I have a spreadsheet with duplicate rows, all duplicate rows should be removed. Example: Superman super hero Batman superhero apple fruit Superman Super Hero Batman Super Hero After the script is running Which I want to: apple fruit found this script ... maybe a good thing to start? Remove duplicate function (RO) (var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet (); Var data = sheet.getDataRange (). GetValues (); Var newData = new array (); (In data i) {var row = data [i]; Var copy = false; For (in new data j) {if (row.join () == newData [j] .join ()) {duplicate = true; }} If (! Duplicate) {newData.push (line); }} Sheet.clearContents (); Sheet.Great Orange (1, 1, new data link, new data [0]. Length). SetValues (new data); } Here is an amendment of the proposed slightly different algorithm on another forum. The warning is that it will sort your data as well as remove duplicated rows (but can be worked around). function removeDuplicatesAndSort () {var headerRow = f...