
Showing posts from May, 2012

Google Spreadsheet find duplicates and delete ALL -

I have a spreadsheet with duplicate rows, all duplicate rows should be removed. Example: Superman super hero Batman superhero apple fruit Superman Super Hero Batman Super Hero After the script is running Which I want to: apple fruit found this script ... maybe a good thing to start? Remove duplicate function (RO) (var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet (); Var data = sheet.getDataRange (). GetValues ​​(); Var newData = new array (); (In data i) {var row = data [i]; Var copy = false; For (in new data j) {if (row.join () == newData [j] .join ()) {duplicate = true; }} If (! Duplicate) {newData.push (line); }} Sheet.clearContents (); Sheet.Great Orange (1, 1, new data link, new data [0]. Length). SetValues ​​(new data); } Here is an amendment of the proposed slightly different algorithm on another forum. The warning is that it will sort your data as well as remove duplicated rows (but can be worked around). function removeDuplicatesAndSort () {var headerRow = f...

javascript - ng-Grid allow the selection to show when a row is selected that is using a rowTemplate -

Is there a way to allow selection to show selection when a row is selected which is using the row template? I tried to set the .ngRow.selected background color as Important but it does not seem to work. Is there any other way? This is probably not the most beautiful way, but your line template for the selected class ng-square = "{selected: row selected, green: row.getProperty (\ 'age \') and then update your css: .ngRow Selected (background color: blue! Important;} Here is a display plunker:

vim - gvim custom command arguments -

I'm trying to create a custom command to use vimgrep to search patterns like a given file pattern I : Command- nargs = * Find: Tabune & lt; Bar & gt; Vimgrep / & lt; Arg1 & gt; / Gj & lt; Arg2 & gt; & Lt; Bar & gt; CW & LT; CR & gt; How can I use arg1 and arg2 arguments? Edit 1 : I've come with the following solution order! -nargs = * Find the call VimFind (& lt; f-args & gt;) function! VimFind (searchPattern, filePattern, ...) searchCommand = 'vimgrep /'.a:searchPattern.'/gj' .a: filePattern. '| Cw 'if one: 0 & gt; 0 and amp; Amp; A: 1 == 'n' search compand = 'tannu |' L: Perform search Commands AndIIF: searchCommand endfunction Is there a cleaner way to do this? Edit : Eh well, the above function errors arise and then nothing is found then a new tab opens & lt; F-args & gt; And by using a function, Vim parses personal command arguments for you; There...

javascript - jQuery input function not always firing -

I am using .on ('input', function (e) {...}) ; to see when the text has changed in textfield input. Although it does not always work, sometimes when I write something, no warning box is visible. When the page is fresh and tested, sometimes it works most of the time, but not 100%. I tried to try one of you under the outer retrix, and you can see that I am using an abstract because I also use an external .js file on my site. Here's an example of not working, refresh button I am using Google Chrome 32.0.1700.107 on OS X 10.9.1

google cast - Auto start chromecast a website -

I am trying to write a simple code which is very simple if a page is brought in the browser then the HTML Start page automatically Chromecast Is that a valid case or a sample code or a place where I can start? I have a Chromecast Whitelist, Dev is registered for SDK, but I'm looking at all the samples to start YouTube and stuff thanks, Please see one more from our side. Automatically something we do not support.

Idea 13 highlighting playframework 2 routes -

I tried everything, but the idea 13 still highlighted the routes. The app is deployed and it's OK: As you can Look, I tried to mark code as class_managed and src_managed (classes too) code. I have also installed Plugin Scala and play 2 support UPDATE More generally, a play must be 2 project structure:

javascript - Adding Jquery from extension directory in HTML iframe within XUL -

I want to create a Firefox extension that uses Inbuilt JS and JSN scripts to get a popup panel data with an outlum And show it in that panel. Here is the image of the panel: My XUL script is & Lt; Hbox & gt; & Lt; Button label = "Add task" id = "panel-add-task" /> & Lt; Button label = "Open page" id = "panel-open-weedo" /> & Lt; / Hbox & gt; & Lt; / Vbox & gt; & Lt; / Panel & gt; & Lt; / Popupset & gt; The issue is that adding Chrome: /addonname/content/jquery.js does not include jquery in that HTML page (tasks.html). How do I go about getting JSON data using Jquery and using JQR and show it in the panel JSON Item 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> JSON Item 2 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; My directory structure is such -...

javascript - Cannot read property 'length' of undefined when the inputs are not found on the page -

I'm getting dangerous "Unkot type error": the 'length' property of the undefined can not be read: 561 Window.onload "error, I am getting this page on the page where the input names given below are not found - As a result, the other jacquery that breaks it needs to be run after this, can I suppress this error by any means? And other junkies? if ($ ("input [name = 'dnn $ ct R621 $ form $ qty '] "). Val () Length === 0) $ (" input [name =' dnn $ ctr621] $ form $ quantity '] ") Val (.' 0 '); if ( $ ("Input [name = 'dnn $ ctr621 $ form $ qty2']"). Val (). Length === 0) $ ("input [name = 'dnn $ ctr621 $ form $ qty2']"). Val ('0'); if ($ ("input [name = 'dnn $ ctr621 $ form $ qty3']"). Val (). Length === 0) $ ("input [name = 'dnn $ ctr621] $ Form $ qty3 '] ".val (' 0 '); if ($ (" input [name =' dnn $ ctr621 $ form $ qty4...

python - Can I run pygame and EasyGui at the same time? -

Is it possible that I can run Pygm and Ezigu at the same time? Maybe they are being played in different video drivers? If this is possible, can I run a driver and a pilot with Iguigee? I'm just learning Python and using easyGuie and Pygm with the appropriate success. I have a problem with that the piegem screen sometimes gets downward on an easy input input window, making it impossible to see it without manually selecting it. For example, I have written a program in which some pagamas are screened and then the user is given the option to press a key or click on the mouse to be inspired by a message on the pygame screen, controlled by an event loop goes. The next action is an easy input input box. The problem is that when the mouse click is used, the easy window can appear properly, may be attributed by the pagmim window, or appear before a click or key press It is repeated in a similar sequence program later, and gives similar results but similar results. Using the main pr...

git - Why should I put files inside .idea folder under version control? -

का PhpStorm बताता है कि: सभी सेटिंग्स फ़ाइलें .idea निर्देशिका में वर्कस्पेस एक्सएमएल को छोड़कर संस्करण नियंत्रण के तहत रखा जाना चाहिए, जो आपकी स्थानीय वरीयताओं को संग्रहीत करता है। वर्कस्पेस.एक्सएम फाइल को वीसीएस द्वारा उपेक्षा के रूप में चिह्नित किया जाना चाहिए। क्या आप कृपया बता सकते हैं कि इसका कारण क्या है? यह उत्तर देने की बजाय एक राय के अधिक है, लेकिन आपको अपनी किसी भी कार्यस्थल से संबंधित फ़ाइलों को रिपॉज़िटरी में नहीं डालनी चाहिए प्रत्येक डेवलपर के पास अपने कॉन्फ़िगरेशन, एप्लिकेशन और सर्वर स्टैक हैं और मुझे यह जानने की आवश्यकता नहीं है कि आप नेटबीन्स (.nbproject निर्देशिका) का उपयोग कर रहे हैं और आपको यह जानने की आवश्यकता नहीं है कि मैं PHPStorm (.idea) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। रिपॉजिटरी में केवल परियोजना से संबंधित फाइलें होनी चाहिए, उदा। स्रोत कोड, डिफ़ॉल्ट कॉन्फ़िगरेशन, टेम्पलेट्स, पुस्तकालय, प्रलेखन, तृतीय पक्ष कॉन्फ़िगरेशन (ट्रैविस, संगीतकार), और इसी तरह।

c# - Change background color upon textbox value changed -

I want to change the background color of my webpage when choosing a color from an ASPColorPicker and color code textbox I have this jQuery code & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function Change Caller () {$ ('# Page'). CSS ('background', $ ("#colickertextbox") .val ()); } $ ("#color tickertextbox"). Change (change color); & Lt; / Script & gt; and text box & lt; Asp: text box id = "color picture textbox" onchange = "changecolor" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: text box & gt; & Lt; Asp: ColorPickerExtender TargetControlID = "Color Picture Textbox" ID = "Color" Runat = "Server" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: ColorPickerExtender & gt; I have this ID in and CSS #page {width: 990px; Margin: 0 auto; Padding: 20px 5px; Background: #FF99FF; } Add JavaScript Function: Function selected color changed (Se...

Posting Image Event on javascript facebook api -

OK, I'm stuck, I want to create an event in Facebook using the Javascript Facebook API, Loading is the image on the event cover. I can not understand how I can do it. I am creating an image in a canvas and I can upload it using the asbinary function on Facebook: and this function Facebook.prototype.postImageToFacebook = function (AuthToken, filename, mimeType, imageData, message) {showmoase ("Creating post ..."); // This is multipart / form-data limit, we will use the range of var I == ---------- RaNdOm_crAPP '+ getBoundary (); // Let us encode our image file, which is contained in Var var formadata = '-' + + + + '\ r \ n'; FormData + = 'Content-Disposal: Form-Data; Name = "source"; File name = "'+ filename +'" \ r \ n '; FormData + = 'Content-Type:' + mimeType + '\ r \ n \ r \ n'; FormData + = String.fromCharCode (imageData [i] & amp; 0xff);} FormData + = '\ r \ n'; FormData for ...

python - How to search a list with user input? -

अब तक मेरे पास है ... डीईफ़ मुख्य (): list = [8 , 25, 10, 99, 54, 3, 61, 24] प्रिंट ("आपकी सूची है:", सूची) नया = इनपुट ("कृपया सूची से कोई संख्या चुनें:") प्रिंट ("आपका नंबर इंडेक्स है:" , सूची.इंडएक्स (नया)) इनपुट ("प्रोग्राम को बंद करने के लिए एन्टर करें") तो मेरी समस्या यह है कि मैं यह नहीं समझ सकता कि उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट कैसे लें और इंडेक्स कैसे प्राप्त करें उपयोगकर्ताओं की पसंद का उदाहरण के लिए, यदि उपयोगकर्ता ने 99 दर्ज किया है, तो मेरा प्रोग्राम "आपका नंबर इंडेक्स है: 3" कृपया मदद करेगा। इनपुट फ़ंक्शन एक स्ट्रिंग लौटाता है, जबकि आपकी सूची में ints शामिल हैं आपको स्ट्रिंग को int परिवर्तित करने की आवश्यकता है: new = int (इनपुट ("कृपया सूची में से कोई संख्या चुनें:"))

javascript - Render model view within collection view doesn not know it's element? -

backbone. Being new to JS, I try to develop the SPA, among others, Eddie Osmani's "Developing Backbone.JS Application" This drill shows 2 () how to use the collection scene to present the internal model view from each model of the collection object. However, in this example, the collection scene does not come with its own HTML markup. Thus, the models of the collection are associated with the DOM element (here: '#books') of the collection of the collection. I want to use my own template to present HTML elements of my collection scene first, say, a simple div with id = "the-plan". The problem is, the "# the.plan" element is not recognized as the internal model views. Therefore, inner ideas have not been given at all. There are no error messages and all console.logs are working. Code looks like this: App Panel Icons = Backbone View. Extension ({classname: "plan-item", template: _.template ($ ("# plan-item-view - template...

java how to combine two hashmap without duplicate entries -

I am trying to combine two different hamsters but in those two maps, there are some duplicate entries, so I combine After thoese entries will be removed. For example: Hashmap 1: 100 Hello = 101 Good Hashmap 2: 100 Hello 100 Hello = 101 Good-- 102 Good I have tried putall , but it seems that it does not remove duplicate entries Can I help it on a faster way? I do not see a problem in your approach. Hashmap output {102 = well, 101 = well, 100 = hello} , If your Hashmap operation is correct.

sql - How to check when a transaction occurs -

Is anyone ever asked to know when the transaction occurs? BEGIN TRAN BEGIN --- Choose the accessories with @INTST @ TBT (ID, Colo_1, COMO_2) @id, @ val1, valbo, ..... ..... ...... END IF (@@ error 0) Start Role Tran before the end of the Quoted Tran - & gt; Want to know when it started or was logged? - "XE some_trans_log getDate (), 'start-web_sp @id' are about to be added here here EXEC web_sp_id-> It takes a while to execute - exe some_trans_log getDate () about adding I'm thinking, 'end-web_sp @id' END I do not think it is necessary to enter your transaction, but I can make a mistake. This is your way, the first is the @@ error function as soon as an error occurs. And if any other statement has been executed after an error has occurred, then @@ error is set to zero. To properly use the @@ error function, its variable is stored in its variable You will have to do as soon as you execute the statement but to estimate where an error ca...

sql - Oracle. Constrain one row to have a certain value -

I want to add an obstacle to a table where in one column there is only one row at the same time with the value May be. For example create a table of MyTable .... position varchar (1); ) A check on the Status column will be 'O', 'C', 'P' for open, closed or pending. Multiple shutdowns and pending can be open but only one row (or none) in the table can be open. Any indication appreciated. Create a unique function index: Unique index Mayandex and MyTable Create on (case status when 'o' then 'he' end); This prevents the value from entering two 'O' values, but will allow other duplicate values.

jframe - Why is the proper conversion of nanoseconds to seconds changing in Java when I write to the console? -

I am currently clearing the loop of my game on time in Java, but I get second conversion with nanosecond. For some reason when I do not write the nanoseconds passed in the console at one time delta (measured in seconds), then works well by dividing by 100,000,000. It seems to me that I have given 1000,000,000 nanoseconds in each other, so I tried to measure how many loops were running per second and printed in the console when it flies to above the required fps. The need for delta to be divided by 1000,000,000 has been slowed to reach this game at a very reasonable price due to completely unknown reasons. I'm totally lost, so why would it be so? Below the loop, because it stands at present. When the "Comment Trigger" line has been commented, changing its "problem lines" work requires changing its value, which is why it is divided to convert it into appropriate units while (isRunning) {now = System.nanoTime (); Delta = (Double) (Now - Last Exception Ti...

php - Mock Objects: implement interface or extend class? -

I'm writing in a library, I want to write unit tests. I know that in fact for one unit test, only one object can be tested at a time. My question is directly related to the creation of counterfeit goods. I am writing an XML library to convert PHP arrays into well-formed XML, and I have to include properties by creating a container object Have decided to resolve. I have no possibility of writing an interface for the other class except to create a fake version of it. Is it better to just type an interface to duplicate an item, especially when the interface is found only? Or what is the solution to increase the base class and to define data members or override the gates to return specific values? Thank you. Recommendation per Sense exception, there is an object structure: EXMLWriter: takes an Excel data and runs the validator, and writes XML. EXMLData: $ data is an array where $ key = & gt; $ Value is used to generate XML. interface iEXMLData {public functio...

Android NDK: compile HDF5 library with source code -

Now I have a third party library (HDF5) in the source code but it is written in Library C ++ Is it possible to use Android NDK to compile it? how? Do I have to write the file itself to configure or Android to configure? Use MIC? And I think there are some dependencies in this library, do I need to compile each one of them? Typically, the standard .lconfigure & amp; Amp; Create for external root libraries, but you need to prepare the standalone toolchain , as described.

javascript - Event for controller changing model in Ember? -

Is there an event or hook that should be used to capture when a controller is initiated immediately Or is there a specific route? I have already tried at init () - but my controller has been instituted for the life of the application only once, but on the basis of many Supports models. I need to capture, when the controller's model changes, or after a few moments when changing the route. I have also tried to establish a calculated property, but it is not really suitable because Any help is greatly appreciated . EDIT: Ah! I fully point out the fact that I can set the view () on my work so that the models will change. So, my answer was to do the following: Dependency: function () {console.log ('model has changed'); // ... other stuff ...} .observes ('model') From my edit: Ah! I totally point out the fact that I can set an overview () on my function, so that models will change. Then, my answer was the following: Dependency: function...

Django multi table inheritance represented with SQLAlchemy -

How can I change the Django's multi-table array schema for a SQLLM model? It seems like SQLElim is a discriminatory column on the parents table included in the table succession method. There is no such area with Django's multi-table heritage. CommonParent (models.Model): field = models.CharField (max_length = 10) Category ChildA (Normal): Pass Class ChildB General Reader: Pass This results in 3 tables: child , childbie , and incomplete . Child tables have an automated foreign key which is (parent group name) _ptr . Django uses it to drag the original table columns. With Django, a child example join occurs on general viewer code> table and all The fields have been merged into the example of the class. How do I make this behavior through SQLLE motivational model? Any sign in the right direction will be very helpful. / P> Update: In other words, I need the above Dijena model relationship which can be accessed through SQLLM by calling child_b...

objective c - Switching to a UITabBarController at a specific index -

I am trying to switch back to UITabBarController in a specific index. My method does not seem to work here. My code is: BaseViewController.m - (zero) switch tab visibility: (NSString *) viewName inx: (int ) Index {UIStoryboard * storyBoard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName: @ "man_iphone" bundle: zero]; UITabBarController * View = [storyBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: viewName]; View.tabBarController.selectedIndex = Index; [Self-present ViewController: see animated: yes complete: zero]; } ChildViewController.m (BaseViewController inherits) - (IBAction) Backbuttonclosed: (ID) sender {[Self switch tab visibility: @ "Tab view" Inks : 1]; } It goes back to the UITabBarController, but the index argument does not appear because it always goes to index 0. - (zero) switch tab view: (NSString *) viewName Inx: (int Index) {UIStoryboard * StoryBoard = "post-text" itemprop = "text" [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName: @ ...

html - Website displaying improperly on only one computer -

So I have placed a website, and it displays properly on every computer that I tested it But one is done. The screen resolution is 1920 x 1080. This div creates: violation on the text after the attribute. I have approved the cache and history, just are not sure what else to do. This is CSS. .mfg {margin-top: 19px; height: 4px; padding: 0; border: none; border-top: 6px solid # 1d2148; color: # 1d 2148; text align: center;} .mfg: : After {content: "mfg"; display: inline-block; position: relative; top: -0.7em; font-size: 2.2m; padding: 0 0.14 m2.2m; background: white; color: # 1d 2148; letter-spacing: 2px; margin-d If: 1AM; font-weight: 100;} This is a large text size The problem is that some measurements are made in em while others Code> px will fail if the user's default font size is not exactly 16px . class mfg margin-top: 19px; and its after: pseudo-element top: -0.7em; Font-size: 2.2m; Which means that wi...

node.js - Retrieving data with mongoose -

I am currently trying to get users of Mongoose, but when I move the function to a different module If I try, then it throws something errors that are not very helpful then some introduction: If I use this in the controller: export.index2 = function (Req, res) {users.find (function (err, users) {If (err) {console.log ("ERR");} console.log (user); res.json (user);});} ; Everything is working fine, but when I try to isolate it like this, it does not work. export.index = function (req, res) {UsersModel.findAll (function (users, err) {if (! Err) {console.log (users); // is in the model, which is required in the controller findAll: function () {User.find (function (mistake, user) { If (err) {console.log ("ERR");} //console.log(users); & lt; --- This Returns Showing User;}); }, I was getting undefined, because I was trying to find not all sync and async. After "taking care", undefined disappeared, but it still does not work.

passenger - Nginx unknown directive for passenger_root -

When I try to restart the server, I am running in an error I do not know how to fix it . user @ deployment: ~ $ sudo nginx -s reload nginx: [emerging] unknown instructions in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:66 "traveler_root" I have added these lines to the NGN configuration file '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf' passenger_root /home/deploy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0 -p353 /gems/passenger-4.0.37; Passenger_ruby /home/deploy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353/wrappers/ruby; I ran into the same thing, I accidentally installed the nginx-extras package Which was usually provided by Ubuntu provided by the Fusion Traveler's repository. The passenger package has been compiled as a module with Passenger Nginx, while there is no other package. The solution is to add the appropriate repository of the flyer, since then install the NGN X-Xtra package. The method of doing this is different depending on your Linux distro and version so that you should first read the document: If reading a ...

ember.js - need to get primary Ember outlet in the rails outlet correctly -

I'm taking a part of an app to Amber, as expected, that the full app needs to be migrated. This is a rail app and I am in the proof of concept stage. In my rail view (index2.html.erb) I have the following: & lt; Script type = "text / x-handlebars" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Here's the outlet: {{Outlet}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; In Index 2, However, it renders amber output to the bottom of the HTML page like this: How do I fix this? Even if I put my amber outlet in my rail layout, it also presents itself. Thx for any help While declaring your amber app, In the context of a div, such as: app = Create ({root element: '#Ap'}); And then in that place, make that ID a device where you want your app to appear: & lt; Div id = "app" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; And now your app will be inserted into that div.

java - MySQL JDBC Connector Error -

I am using the latest Java scheme ... with my named pipe in my Java application and I get the following error 20 times in a row: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: The last packet sent successfully from the communication link failure server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not got any packet from the server. ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... by reason: all pipe examples are busy ... 4 more Com.mysql .jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: The last packet sent successfully from the communication link failure server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not got any packet from the server. ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... by reason: all pipe examples are busy ... 4 more Com.mysql .jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: The last packet sent successfully from the communication link failure server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not got any packet from the server....

php - Set model variable from activeTextField with Yii -

I have difficulty installing a variable in my model from an activeTestField in Yii Here's my view: echo chtml :: activetextfold ($ model, 'text_field', array ('id' => 'test')); Echo CHtml :: submitButton ('query'); My model: class query farm extends CFormModel {public $ text_field; } My Controller: Public function actionQuery () {$ model = new queryform; Revert $ Model- & gt; Text_field; } I am searching for answers on Google but I have difficulty in getting started with the initial questions like it Thanks! Instead you should do if (isset ($ _POST ['textField']) {$ Model-> Attributes = $ _POST ['textField']; Model Model- & gt; Text_field;}

oop - Not sure what/what not to put in classes in Python -

I'm very new to Python and programming. Say that I have a text file in which a group of people's names, articles have been written, and their assigned ID. I created a class with these attributes and placed that text file through the class. no problem. Now, the user is encouraged to enter the name of someone from that text file and all the articles of that person are printed. My question is: Do I do this by creating a new function inside the classroom? Or should I make it outside the classroom? I have a hard time when wrapping my head while not touching a class, I feel that I think a class defines the properties of an object. However, when I add an object to the class, I am having difficulty referencing that object outside the class. Say when entering a user name and comparing an object. I think this is not the biggest question and I am sure some people will scold me for posting. I'm just running out of options and I am desperate for help. I am reading books, watchin...

Liferay: How can I set a specific layout for Terms of use content, the page shown after an user registered -

To use Liferay 6.2, I try to make an alternative solution to set a special layout for the terms of use, which is shown after being registered by a user. url / c / portal / Please verify the portal, and the email address page after clicking "Agree" under. I would like to show these pages at a glance and I think I have made it. For example, I have created a layout named "1_column_white" in the subject that I am using for this site and would like to specify these pages (confirmation of terms and confirmation of email address). Please give me an advice. Regards, Create a Liferay hook as / portal -trunk / portal-web / docroot / html / portal / terms_of_use.jsp file according to your requirement.

node.js - mongoDB Aggregate By Date and another field -

I provide a date field and AD id. I have the following code that produces the amount of all the offers viewed for each month. db.useroffers.aggregate ({$ project: {date: {month: {$ month: "$ viewdate"}, Year: {$ Year: "$ viewdate"},}} }, {$ range: {offer_id: {$ in: [101,102,103,104,105,106]}}}, {$ group: {_id: {offer_id: "$ offer_id However, I need $ Mah- $ year group and the sum of all "$ Date =" $ date "offer for limited offer ID The question will be better with a sample document, though it seems that you have mixed in some conditions around it. First Pipe Lie In the document is to rebuild when you structure change for the date you want, then you have left other fields which you want to use later in other pipeline steps. There is another area that is included interactively _id , so you need to explicitly declare those fields that you want. Second, only one numeric Argument, shows the number of documents to keep in the archi...

javascript - JS function to update captcha image -

I do not know why my work does not work on reloading an image, but on Dev, it Okay . URL: Click the "Unable to read Captcha" link! Click here The image remains the same ... but on my God, it's fine. Any thoughts? To prevent caching, add a cache-booster to the URL: reload function cpt () {jQuery ('# captcha_img'). Et ('src', / / ​​user / gener_capTcha? CB = '+ (new date). GetTime ())); }

html - How to get a div element to have the same background-image as its parent? -

मैं मूल डिवेल तत्व को मूल पृष्ठभूमि तत्व के समान पृष्ठभूमि बनावट कैसे प्राप्त करूं? पृष्ठभूमि छोटे वर्गों की एक बनावट है, फिर भी जब मैं बच्चे तत्व को मूल पृष्ठभूमि के समान पृष्ठभूमि को देने का प्रयास करता हूं तो वर्ग ऊपर नहीं खड़े होते हैं। कोई भी विचार? html: & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & LT; शैली & gt; । Parent {width: 500px; ऊँचाई: 500px; पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url ('wallpaper324845.jpg')} .child {width: 200px; ऊँचाई: 200px; / * समान पृष्ठभूमि-छवि कैसे प्राप्त करें} / lt; / style & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div class = "parent" & gt; & Lt; div class = "child" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; बच्चे को पृष्ठभूमि को असाइन न करें।

php - What's the point of javascript templating engines? -

I know people generally answer, but I need a solid example of why they are necessary. I'm getting the latest impressions (mostly from underscore .js) is that it creates code and php, such as you & lt; %%> like?> In PHP The idea is to create less spaghetti for my code and there is a clear difference between presentation and logic. This is what everyone says, but I'm not sure why this warrants the need for a templating engine. Why can not you just do this in pure JavaScript? You have only one function that takes data as a logic and you can have javascript syntax without searching for a new language, which seems ridiculous. For example, you can just do this: populateTable (obj) {$ ('#models'). Html ('& lt; h2 & gt;' + obj.title + '& lt; / h2 & gt;' + & lt; ul & gt; ... & gt;} This sounds good to me, it's a function that you are dedicated to presenting in the table using some model data. Do we need t...

java - How do i add a message through a config in bukkit? -

सार्वजनिक बूलियन ऑन कॉमांड (कमांडसेंडर प्रेषक, कमांड सीएमडी, स्ट्रिंग लेबल, स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {यदि (प्रेषक इंस्टॉलेशन खिलाड़ी) {प्लेयर प्लेयर = (खिलाड़ी) प्रेषक; If (cmd.getName ()। EqualsIgnoreCase ("सदस्य")) {स्ट्रिंग सदस्य = "सदस्य" + खिलाड़ी .getName (); बुक्किट डाइसपेच कॉमांड (बुक्किट.गेट कॉन्सोलसेंडर (सदस्य)); player.sendMessage (getConfig () getStringList ( "MemberText")।); मैं खिलाड़ी कैसे बना सकता हूं। सन्देश (getConfig ()। GetStringList ("सदस्य पाठ")); काम? त्रुटि: विधि sendMessage (स्ट्रिंग) प्रकार कमांडसेंडर में तर्क (सूची) के लिए लागू नहीं है मैं एक मनीक्राफ्ट मॉडरेटर नहीं हूं, हालांकि ऐसा लगता है जैसे player.sendMessage () एक स्ट्रिंग की अपेक्षा करता है, लेकिन getConfig () प्राप्त करें। GetStringList ("सदस्य पाठ") उस प्रकार की सूची है। अपने परिणामों को स्ट्रिंग में बदलने का प्रयास करें, या पाश के माध्यम से, और sendMessage के माध्यम से।

mysql - Error in table definition syntax -

त्रुटि 1064 (42000): आपके SQL सिंटैक्स में एक त्रुटि है; टेबल उत्पादों का निर्माण करें (शीर्षक varchar (100), आईएमजी varchar (100), मूल्य इंट, टाइप varchar (10), डेस् टेक्स्ट); मुझे यकीन है कि यह कुछ बेवकूफी है कि मैं देर रात को यह देख रहा हूं, लेकिन मेरे जीवन के लिए मुझे पता नहीं चला कि यह क्यों नहीं जाता है। मैं अभी भी इस सबके लिए नया हूँ, लेकिन क्या कोई जगह नहीं है कि मेरे कॉलम के नाम डेटा-प्रकार या एसक्यूएल कार्यों के नाम पर विरोधाभासी हैं? डीईएससी एक है यदि आप इसे कॉलम पहचानकर्ता के रूप में उपयोग करने जा रहे हैं, तो आपको इसे टिक में लपेट कर रखना होगा बनाओ टेबल उत्पादों (शीर्षक varchar (100), आईएमजी varchar (100), कीमत इंट, टाइप varchar ( 10), `नारा 'पाठ);

java - Unable to start eclipse kepler without root -

I also ask the same question in the Ubuntu forum. I am using the kepler assumed on Ubuntu 13.10 with 8 8 and when I start without root I am facing the following error. as root, chmod -R + rx / opt / eclipse chmod-R 777 / opt / eclipse / Configuration / Org.eclipse.osgi / .manager If it does not work, try deleting it, repeat manager

encryption - Python gpgme non-ascii text handling -

I am trying to encrypt-decrypt via GPGME via GPG, whereas it works for Western characters Does decryption fail on a Russian text. I use the GPG suite on Mac to decrypt e-mail. I use code to produce encrypted e-mail body, note that I tried to encode the message in Unicode but it did not make any difference. I use Python 2.7. Please help, I must say that I'm new to the dragon. ctx = gpgme.Context () ctx.armor = true key = ctx Get_key ('0B26AE38098') Payload = 'Start' '#plain = Biteioo (Payload.Incode (' UTF-8 ')) Plain = Baitio (Payload) Cipher = Baitio (ctx.encrypt ([key], gpgme. ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST, plain, cipher) Here are many problems that you should actually read, but I will try to explain payload = 'project' Python 2.x source code by default, Latin-1 but your source is clearly Latin is not -1, because even those characters in Latin-1 do not have if you type in a program (such as text editor) in UTF-8 with the passwor...

c# - Windows Stand Alone Application Stops Auto Refresh when moved into background -

I have a Windows standalone application that I refresh myself based on a particular user-defined interval. Everything is fine, only if the application is in the background and I have opened something else in the desktop, then the application automatically refreshes. I am using a time for refresh. Here is the code Global. Datetime Value will get the last refreshed value. global.detaim = global.detime; Double minutes = Convert. ToDouble (Global.dictionary ["WebserviceIntervalMins"]. ToString ()); Date time refreshdate = global Datetime. Admins (minutes); LblRefresh.Text = refreshDate.ToString (); Public Zero InitTimer () {int interv = Convert.ToInt32 (Global.dictionary ["WebserviceIntervalMins"]. ToString ()) * 60000; Get the time interval from the // configuration file and change the timer 1 = new system in milliseconds for minutes. Window.form. Timer (); Timer 1 Tick ​​+ = new event heredollar (timer 1 post); Timer1.Interval = interv; // timer 1 in millis...

dns - Azure website domain names when migrating to new subscription -

I have a domain on membership A (www and any www). Our customer correctly added the correct names and everything has done a great deal for the past few months. Now, I need to take them to a different Azure membership. I transferred the site to a new subscription (the current site is still live on the original subscription) I am trying to determine the best way to switch domains. The IP of the blue website is actually the same (for both subscriptions), but I'm scared about switching the cnames waiting to add the domain to the new site. Tip: From the existing account to the new account, the web site (and any other affiliate property - storage act, databases) ) Ask support to move I'm not sure they can, but if they can, this can be the easiest and least risky because the site itself can not change No need to experience any downtime or

java - using only 1 for loop -

Is it possible that 2: int index = ws.getLastRowNum () + 1; & Lt; AdditiveList & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; & Gt; (); {List.add (new AdditiveList ()) for (int i = 1; i & lt; index; i ++); } (AdditiveList x: list) {line row = zero; If (rowIterator.hasNext ()) row = (); X.inputAdditiveData (line); X.outputData (); } I think this is possible. Try this - int index = ws.getLastRowNum () + 1; & Lt; AdditiveList & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; & Gt; (); For (int i = 1; i If the rowIterator.hasNext () returns incorrectly, then add value to the list of that case. If it is not correct according to need, then you should leave the null as below - for (int i = 1; i

ruby - File to import not found or unreadable when using Rails asset gem -

I am trying to make a Rail Property gem problem is that when I need asset files in my Rail 4 project Or use gem to import, I get an error: The file was not found or is not readable for import: jquery.xdan .datetimepicker I have inspected the paths that are seeing it, and it seems that it really is my Do not look at each directory (folder gem is nowhere in the list) to Ni. Therefore, it seems that the gem is not required, because if this happens, then the engine will load , there are indications of the rail that I have an asset folder, is anyone watching me What am I missing? Whatever I can tell, I am doing all those things which are doing other asset gemstones. I saw your gem to work it, lib / xdan_datetimepicker_rails.rb To rename lib / xdan-datetimepicker-rails.rb . In your rail project, uninstall your old gem and install a new one. To make sure it is properly installed: $ rails c> PP MyRailsApp :: application.assets.paths You should see an a...

jquery - idangerous page navigation but not a single slide -

How to show not just all the navigation pages, but the slides? I have 20 slides on the page, and all display 20 points. 4 How to show? Thank you. MySwiper = new switcher ('. Swiper-container', {pagination: '. Endorsement', endorsement clickable: true, slides presentations: 4}) Example I think this works better: new switcher ('. Swiper-container', {pageignation: '.swiper-pagination', paginationClickable: true, paginatio NBulletRender: function (index, classname) {// Four slides per view if (index% 4 & gt; 0) {className + = "hidden"; // Added hidden class} Return '& lt; span class =' ​​' ClassName + '"& gt; & lt; / span & gt;';}});

java - Taking values from multiple arraylist in order -

मेरे पास 4 सरणी सूची है ArrayList & lt; स्ट्रिंग [] & gt; Split_url = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग [] & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; मीडियाआईडी = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; ProductID = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; ClusResult = नया ArrayList & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); और प्रत्येक सरणी में कुछ मान हैं मैं प्रत्येक arralist से पहला मान लेना चाहता हूं और इसे डेटाबेस में एक पंक्ति में सहेजना चाहता हूं, फिर प्रत्येक डेटाबेस से दूसरे मान लेना चाहिए और इसे अगले पंक्ति में और इतने पर सहेजना है .... मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? 1) पहले सभी सरणी सूचियों को एक निश्चित लंबाई तक शून्य के साथ प्रारंभ करें। 2) प्रत्येक सरणी सूची में कुछ मान जोड़ें। 3) इस तरह एक पाश चलाएं, के लिए (int x = 0; x & lt; l; x ++ ) {स्ट्रिंग ए = स्पिल्ट_अर्नल (एक्स); स्ट्रिंग बी = मीडियाइड (एक्स); स्ट्रिंग सी = उत्पाद आईडी (एक्स); स्ट्रिंग डी = क्...

C shell: kill process syntax -

I am trying to write my own shell I am wondering how 'kill' in command line work To call. For example, shell & gt; Kill 2: Process 2 is killed Line 1 is user input 'Beat 2' Line 2 is a proxy message from the program that has been done. I know that I have to take Pod as an argument which I believe and SIGKILL sends the signal. Using something like kill (pid, SIGKILL); When I kill the user in 'C2 implementation', how do I add this killing function to answer? I feel that it is getting tough time for the implementation with command line arguments I might need strtok / atoi? Thank you. contains # lt; Stdio.h & gt; Sys / types.h & gt; #includes & lt; #to & lt include, signal.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {if (argc & lt; 3) {printf ("use: ./kill OPERATION (kill / cont) pid \ n"); Return -1; } If (SRCMP (ARGV [1], "kill") == 0} {printf ("kill: \ n"); Kill (Atto (Arjavi [2])...

Using solr/pysolr with flask sqlalchemy -

I am trying to setup solr to use with postgres db, which I can do via flask scalchemy orm I have used Library Pirolor for this purpose, but it is not clear how to set up the Scribal Index to be installed within the Skelechyma model. Is there an example? Pysolr suggests manually through solr.add, inserting documents, but it is not clear how will you separate the index for different database tables After doing some research, I have come from the following perspective, I am thinking that this is the correct way: in the ORM model, after hook, after_update, after_remove and after_commit and In these events, incorporate object data into solr / update / free Alen. Single document Solr_id = db_table_name + db_id When you do a search, get all the results, filter manually, which match the required DB table, remove the ID, search DB against those IDs, and use those DB results. Is there a better way to do this? Thank you. SQLAlchemy and solar are different. I think...

android - Writing Wavefront OBJ Parser For Use with OpenGL Indexed Vertex Buffer Objects -

I am trying to write the original warfter obj loader for my Android OpenGL ES 2.0 program. For now, I'm ignoring everything except parentheses, normal and face in the OBJ file. Even what I have written: inputstream input strike = reference.get resource (). OpenRawResource (resource ID); BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (InputStream)); String line; Float ("line") = = ((line = Float.wooof (line split ("") [2]); float z = float.valouf (line split ("") [3]); verticesArrayList.add (x); verticesArrayList.add (y); verticesArrayList .add (z);} and if (with line star ("vn") {float x = float.valouf (line split ("") [1]); float y = float.lowoff (line split ("") [2]); float z = float.valouf (line split ("") [3]); normalsArrayList.add (x); normalsArrayList.add (y); normalsArrayList.add (z);}And if for 3x (int i = 1; i & lt; = 3; i ++) for each face / texture / coconut (with "li...

sql - Is there a more efficient way of selecting data from a dynamic table than using a temp table? -

can be a table near me, including different types and fields of many ways, and I have a table definition table which I what data tells which is the area I need to choose things from the table, so currently I have the table definition in the table, and a dynamic select statement by choosing a temporary table Builds Not, then act on it. The actual amount I am selecting is very large, more than 5 million records. I'm wondering if a floating table is actually the best way to do this. What are the other more efficient options I need to do? If your data is static, report - cache is the most popular query result, preferably on the application server. Or multi-dimensional modeling (cubes) are actually "more efficient choices" to do this. temporary tables, table variables, table data type ... in any case you will be using your tempdb, and if you want to optimize your queries, customize Tempdb storage (after checking) You can also create indexing for your floating t...

loops - replicating and iterating in R -

कोड की यह पंक्ति प्रतिनिधि (c (0), 2) बनाता है x 1 0 2 0 मैं किसी तरह इसे आर के लिए उपयुक्त ढंग से विस्तारित करना चाहता हूं, ताकि मैं नीचे वेक्टर की तरह कुछ के साथ समाप्त कर सकूं। असल में, मैं पूर्णांक जोड़ों को इस तरह जोड़ना चाहूंगा: x 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 1 5 2 6 2 मुझे लगता है यह आर के नापसंदों का एक उदाहरण है, जिसमें अनचाहे साइड इफेक्ट है, जो सरल चीजों को अपरिचित लगता है और अन्य भाषाओं में अन्य उपकरणों के लिए मुझे लंबा बनाता है, जैसे पायथन में शायद numpy सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है कि मैं इस तरीके से पुनरावृत्त और वृद्धि कर सकता हूं? निशांत के जवाब की प्रतिलिपि बनाकर, यह वही करता है जो आप चाहते हैं। प्रतिनिधि (0: 2, प्रत्येक = 2)

javascript - Force page to load at top + Disable scrolling while page loads -

My header is slightly shorter and it breaks if the page loads down half way (if the link w / a # At the end of the URL) or the loader when you scroll. The page loads when I use JS to disable scrolling, and forces the page to load up too much. Thanks You can try: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (this) .scrollTop (0);});

javascript - JSON File Data Access Issue in Meteor? -

I try to access JSON file data using metar JS. But I am unable to access it. Can someone suggest what I am doing? Folder structure: myapp project / lib folder - myfile.json "M", "Salary": "Pay "" "" "" "", "Final": "do", "age": 39, "sex": "spaghetti"}} : 70000 , "Registered": true, "favorites": {"color": "blue", "sports": "soccer", "food" meteorite js: if (Meteor.isClient) {Console.log ("My JSON File Data:" + EJSONObj.age); } The error is: Unfair reference references: EJSONABh is not defined Meteor has recently introduced a private directory with an asset API. There are documents and which allows it to do so, you can put your text and binary files in a private directory, they do not serve the customer, and they access the meteor in the server side You can. Bec...

face recognition - How to add title on rectangle object in matlab -

I used the following code to attract the box on the face 'Position', face coder (I, :), ... 'linewidth', 2, ... 'Edge Collar', 'Y'); Now, I'd like to add a title box at the top of the box to display the face name. I can not find the proper solution in MATLAB do this. Can anyone help on this? You can use annotation ('text box', [xywh]) An editable text box creates annotations; You must do some experiment, specified in units of X, Y, width w, and one height H, from the lower left corner of its point, But you can get it using syntax: annotation ('text box', [xywh], 'string', 'image title')

assembly - How to use more than 512 bytes of my own bootable floppy -

I am studying assembly language, I follow the steps to create a bootable graphic game, but I There is a problem: I ' How can I solve this problem? I appreciate any help. Here my code (still less than 512 bytes): Edit: I resolve my problem, here's a minimum of floppy bootloader Example assembly language has been done in 16 bits: The link at the end was very helpful: It is not easy: In fact, BOOS only loads 512 bytes of memory in memory first. What you have to do, is to load the remaining data into memory, this is usually done using interrupt 13h (subfunction AH = 2 or AH = 42H). If you really know where the disk is located, it is very easy because of this, boot loaders such as GRUB use famous places - unfortunately these places are sometimes called copy-protection drivers like Overwritten by other programs. If you have to load with a well-defined file system (such as FAT or NTFS) it is more difficult: you only have ~ 450 bytes of space (because 512 b...

java - How to soft delete (logical delete) for all entities in eclipselink -

I have researched the soft removal of water in eclipselink and I have seen that we can do it with DescriptorCustomizer and AdditionalCriteria Are there. But my problem is that I have a big project and the customer wants to delete all the records (also) I want to solve a solution without making it a lot more descriptor customizer classes. I have a lot of relationships and it is very difficult to handle That is to write a SQL update for all children. Can I cancel the soft removal of all our institutions and their child easily?

java - Mulipart upload issue -

I want to record video as well as multilevel uploads of this file via Amazon S3 SDK. What will happen with the uploaded data if the upload does not end? * Does the uploaded data appear on my bucket, if so, can I play it? * Those questions have been told to those who have such an issue, otherwise ignore it Thank you! No S3 will do this right as you would ask S3 after all the parts were ready To "collect" files in a different call. It is at this stage, the file has been made available at S3. Since you are doing video (and I have some experience with video), this is a disturbance usually modifies video encoding softwares in the initial part of the file, when you end the recording (This is how the video file format is organized and done so that the video's progressive-download is good). If this is the case, then you will end up with a corrupt video on S3, because your code is "already uploaded" initial part. This is not always the case - varies with ...

apache zookeeper - why pipeline content to command nc won't work? -

मैं zookeeper stat को nc , का उपयोग करके शेल से प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करता हूं एनसी लोकलहोस्ट 2181 को पहले कॉल करें, फिर इसमें टाइप करें: stat काम करता है। जबकि echo "stat" | एनसी लोकलहोस्ट 2181 कुछ भी नहीं रिटर्न क्यों? मैंने पाया है कि - nc कमांड के लिए q परम के परिणामस्वरूप अपेक्षित उत्पादन हुआ। गूंज "ruok" | Nc -q 2 लोकलहोस्ट 2181 उबंटू सिस्टम पर मेरे लिए काम किया ओपन बीएसडी सिस्टम पर -q के बजाय आपको -w का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।

string - Substitute same number of repeated characters with others using Regex -

I want to replace repeating characters with the second character for the same amount of repeated characters, and if it repeats at the beginning Door's been. Minimum recurrence number should be greater than 2. For the East: $ string = 'BBBBCIDIE' Here BBBB should be replaced with yyyy But if $ string = 'bbcccccccddddddeefdfg' should not be replaced first double character As nothing is more than two times $ string = ~ s / ^ (b) {3,} / y / will be more than 2b only Only a y Is it possible to use a regular line expression? Note: If someone replies in Pearl or Python then it would be nice. You can use code like this: $ String = 'bbbbccccccccddddddeeeffdfg'; $ String = ~ s / ^ ((\ w) \ 2 {2,}) / 'y' x length ($ 1) / e; Print $ string "\ N"; output yyyyccccccccddddddeeeffdfg execute / e -> For the replacement of code 'y' x length ($ 1) -> The character length of the matching group, too many times...

javascript - Dynamic event attachment not working correctly -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: var smartActionsId = [ 'smartActions1', 'smartActions5', 'smartActions10']; के लिए (var i में SmartActionsId) {console.log ("smartActionsId =" + स्मार्टएक्शनआईडी [i]); $ ('#' + स्मार्टएक्शनआईडी [आई] + 'चयन')। परिवर्तन (फ़ंक्शन () {var value = $ (this) .val (); var disableValue; var ruleIndex = smartActionsId [i] .substr (11); (Value === '0') {disableValue = true; onRuleToggle (disableValue, ruleIndex)} और यदि (मान == = '1') {disableValue = false; onRuleToggle (disableValue, ruleIndex)}}); } मैं ऊपर जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड का उपयोग करते हुए एक से अधिक स्विच स्लाइडर आइटम के लिए गतिशील रूप से परिवर्तन ईवेंट बना रहा हूं। लेकिन मैं जो समस्या का सामना कर रहा हूं वह है, जब मैं किसी भी स्विच 'आई' मान पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो अंतिम मूल्य के साथ प्रतिस्थापित किया जाता है अर्थात स्मार्टएक्शन में मेरे पास 3 तत्व हैं, जो कभी भी स्विच करते हैं I इसे अंतिम स्विच (स्मार्टएक्शन 10) के लिए...

java - Implementing strobe (Flash Light Blinking) effect on android which blinks with the same frequency -

I am implementing strobe functionality that works fine (LED camera flash light ON / OFF) I am turning on / off with different frequency in different devices. Its blinking in HTC SensationXE is fast and its blinking in the Nexus does not know at the moment that what the problem is, anybody can help please: this code : / * * This method LED camera flash light * / Public Zero Flash LightOn () {Log D. ("Time", "on"); If (! IsFlashOn) {if (cam! = Null || params! = Null) {params.setFlashMode (Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH); Cam.setParameters (parameter); Cam.startPreview (); IsFlashOn = True; } Else {cam = (); Params = cam.getParameters (); Params.setFlashMode (Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH); Cam.setParameters (parameter); Cam.startPreview (); IsFlashOn = True; }} And {return; }} / * * This method has LED camera flash light * / Public Wide Flash Lightoff () {Log D. ("Time", "off"); If (isFlashOn) {if (cam! = Null || params! = Null) {//pa...

c++ - Reference to an array parameter in google test/mock framework -

I have a member function with reference to an array output parameter and I would like to use it in Google's fake, but this work does not. class: class squared {// return: number of elements rewritten in array int foo (Structure (& amp; bar) [ArraySize]); }; Mock Class: class mock class: public class {MOCK_CONST_METHOD1 (Fu, Int (Strait (and Anjyue) [Arresijh])); }; When I want to use it I want to write the following: ON_CALL (mMockClass, foo (_)) .WillByDefault (DOALL (SetArgReferee & LT; 0> (MBR), returns (5))); MBR is a proper array of stratus ( Strawberte amber [arrays]] ). When I compile it, I get the following error message: .. / .. / .. / ... vendor / gmock-1.7.0 / include / gmock / gmock-more -actions .h: In the member function, typename testing: internal :: function & lt; F> :: Results Test :: Set ARGRIIFAAPPP & lt; K, value_type & gt; Gmock_impl & lt; F & gt; :: gmock_PerformImpl (Const Taipanam testing :: inter...

c# - Ajax control toolkit combobox showing weird bullets in dropdown -

I'm using in my website. I am dynamically binding custom type data. Here I have Espace code which I have placed for it. & lt; AjaxToolkit: combo box id = "ddlAddAccount" runat = "server" autopost = "false" dropdown style = "dropdown list" AutoComplete = "Suggest" CaseSensitive = "False" CssClass = "combo box style" itemInstate location = " Attached "/> Here's the CSS: .ComboBoxStyle .ajax__combobox_itemlist {border: 1px solid YellowGreen; Font-size: medium; Font-family: new courier; Padding-left: 0 pixels; List-style: none; List-style-type: none; } The problem I am facing is that when DDL is placed on the page, it is showing some strange boxes inside the dropdown. They seem to be bullets But despite putting the list-style-type: none; In CSS, there is no change in output. That is, weird boxes are still visible, given the screen clip of the combo box provided here: I also c...

hiveql - how to use subquery with aggregate function in hive -

select peridle, from CPU (choose from try2 MAX (peridle)); I am getting the error when executing this question in the hive Parse error: Line 1:47 'Selection' 'Max' can not recognize the input. (In the expression specification Please suggest a solution to use the total functions in the haw subquiry At least two things need to be fixed here: You can use the peridle or CPU sub- From the query, you are still trying to select them. The hive needs to nick sub-questions, even if you do not reference the alias. You can call it ); end ) x; (or you want to call it).

ios - User Interactive Core Graphics line without memory warning/crash -

I am working on a project that includes users who interact with straight lines in the top of UIIMage, Has been included. There is "handle" at each end of the line to interact with the user. When dragged, setNeedsDisplay is called and the line is drawn again after the length and angle change I redraw the line using the following code I am here. It is very simple, but I think core graphics may not be the right approach to this. The following drawRect : - (zero) drones {CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGContextSaveGState (ctx); CGContextBeginPath (ctx); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor (CTX, [[UIColor BlueColor CGColor]); CGContextSetLineWidth (CTX, 6.0); CGContextSetAlpha (CTX, 1.0); CGContextMoveToPoint (ctx, pointA.x, pointA.y); CGContextAddLineToPoint (ctx, pointB.x, pointB.y); CGContextStrokePath (ctx); CGContextRestoreGstate (ctx); } Edit: The problem I am facing is that when I pull this item quickly, I spike memory usage, I get memory w...