javascript - JSON File Data Access Issue in Meteor? -
I try to access JSON file data using metar JS. But I am unable to access it. Can someone suggest what I am doing?
Folder structure:
myapp project / lib folder - myfile.json
"M", "Salary": "Pay "" "" "" "", "Final": "do", "age": 39, "sex": "spaghetti"}}
: 70000 , "Registered": true, "favorites": {"color": "blue", "sports": "soccer", "food" meteorite js:
if (Meteor.isClient) {Console.log ("My JSON File Data:" + EJSONObj.age); }
The error is:
Unfair reference references: EJSONABh is not defined
Meteor has recently introduced a private
directory with an asset API.
There are documents and which allows it to do so, you can put your text and binary files in a private directory, they do not serve the customer, and they access the meteor in the server side You can.
Because the meteor takes all the other JS and css resources and bundles them, the private directory is a place for other file types that you need to read and use.
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