ember.js - need to get primary Ember outlet in the rails outlet correctly -
I'm taking a part of an app to Amber, as expected, that the full app needs to be migrated. This is a rail app and I am in the proof of concept stage. In my rail view (index2.html.erb) I have the following:
& lt; Script type = "text / x-handlebars" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Here's the outlet: {{Outlet}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; In Index 2,
However, it renders amber output to the bottom of the HTML page like this:
How do I fix this? Even if I put my amber outlet in my rail layout, it also presents itself.
Thx for any help
While declaring your amber app, In the context of a div, such as:
app = amber.app. Create ({root element: '#Ap'});
And then in that place, make that ID a device where you want your app to appear:
& lt; Div id = "app" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;
And now your app will be inserted into that div.
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