
Showing posts from August, 2011

java - "if" statement block doesn't work correctly -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मुझे वास्तव में पता नहीं है यहाँ क्या हो रहा है, लेकिन मैं सर्वर-क्लाइंट अनुप्रयोग लिख रहा हूं और क्लाइंट सर्वर पर एक स्ट्रिंग भेजता है। मुझे सर्वर पर "x" स्ट्रिंग भेजने की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए यह कोड 1 चलने लगती है, लेकिन जब मैं यह करता हूं, सर्वर को कोड 3 चलाता है। सबसे मजेदार बात यह है कि System.out.println (x); कंसोल में "a" प्रिंट करता है। यहां सर्वर कोड का एक टुकड़ा है (win7, javac compiler पर चलता है) : sInput = नया ऑब्जेक्ट इनटस्टस्ट्रीम (सॉकेट.जेट इन्पुटस्ट्रीम ()); SOutput = नया ऑब्जेक्टऑटपुटस्ट्रीम (socket.getOutputStream ()); स्ट्रिंग x = (स्ट्रिंग) sInput.readObject (); Println (x); यदि (x == "ए") {/ * * code1 * /} और यदि (x == "b") {/ * * code2 * /} और {/ * * code3 * /} और यह वही है जो क्लाइंट करता है (ओएसएक्स, जावाक कंपाइलर चलाता है): sInput = नया ऑब्जेक्ट इनटस्टस्ट्रीम (सॉकेट.जेट इन्पुटस्ट्रीम ()); SOutput = नया ऑब्जेक्टऑटपुटस्ट्रीम (socket.getOutputStream ()); स...

Drupal 7 Button to take site out of maintenance mode for Launch Day? -

I'm just thinking that a specific link or code can be used to launch the website i.e. maintenance mode To carry out? You can find the flag in the database that depends on either 1 or 0 that the maintenance mode enabled Yes or No. Then you can write a script and place it on a page which allows a button press to change the flag state in the database, thus putting the site online Ie php page (possibly behind the password wall) that has a submit button for PHP scripts, in which there is a mySQL UPDATE query to change the flag status. / P>

C++: Callback in class -

I have a little complex class. I have a reference in this class: Pvt: IETPPTP _ PIETAPI; IEtApiPtr is defined in .tlh file: _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF (IEtApi, __uuidof (IEtApi)); The name of "SetRawDataCB" in IEtApiPtr is zero Virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetRawDataCB (/ * [in] * / long address, / * [in] * / Long user data, / * [out, retal] * / enum apiError * pRetVal) = 0; I have defined a callback function in class: zero CETAPI :: rodenti (rotaata and r, zero * userata) {/ something] I now want to install callback using _pIEtApi-> SetRawDataCB ((long) (__ int64) (& RawDataCB), 0 And results); ... The compiler tells me "Invalid C2276: Invalid Operation for the expression of a bound member job". What did I do wrong here? This does not work because rodentibi is a member function that has a global function You can declare as RawDataCB as a static job as the following code and it will work. Although you will not have acces...

sql - PHP update database with checkbox -

I am a newcomer at AJAX and I try to change a value on my database pending on a checkbox. I am using the following code: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function update (id_submit, check) {check = (check == true? 1: 0); Var url = "check_validate.php.php? Id_submit =" + id_submit + "& amp; chkYesNo =" + check; If (windows.XMLHttpRequest) {req = new XMLHttpRequest (); } And if (windows.ActiveXObject) {req = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } ("GET", URL, true); Req.send (zero); } & Lt; / Script & gt; Then I get another value from my database: while ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {$ check = $ Row ['checkbox']; $ Id_submits = $ zeile ['id_submits']; ? & Gt; & Lt; Td style = 'text-align: center; Width: 120px; ' & Gt; & Lt; Input name = "check" type = "checkbox" id = "check_ " Value = ...

java - How can I write metadata to png Image -

I am trying to find a method to write a meta data to PNG and I have tried a lot. I can read the data using the library: PngReader pngr = new PngReader (file); Pngr.readSkippingAllRows (); // Only read metadata (PngChunk c: pngr.getChunksList (). GetChunks ()) {If (! ChunkHelper.isText (c)) is released; PngChunkTextVar CT = (PngChunkTextVar) c; String key = ct.getKey (); String val = whistle .getVal (); System.out.print (key + "+ + + + wal +" \ n ");} Pngr.close (); And this works great but I have to write it. I have tried: write public boolean custom data (string key, string value) exception {PngReader pngr = new PngReader (current image); PngWriter png = new PngWriter (New FileOutputStream (current image), pngr.imgInfo); Png.getMetadata (). SetText (key, value); Back true;} But this is nothing. And I tried to use the answer This work (th I can not see my studies work If you add image If you want a part of, you should read and write the who...

c# - One particular user has a 403 Forbidden when communicating with our auth servers -

A specific user is facing a problem communicating with our authentication server, so I decided that I request the diagnostic information, mainly by sending us the status code when it is talking to our ethical server (that is specific address). The header request code has a cookie container to keep information about this session and allows not redirection (on purpose Is): list & lt; String & gt; Header = new list & lt; String & gt; (); HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url); WebRequest.CookieContainer = New Cookie Container (); WebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false; (HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse) using webRequest.GetResponse ()) {headers.Add ("StatusCode:" + (int) webResponse.StatusCode); Header. Add ("Status Details:" + webResponse.StatusDescription); Foreach (string key in webResponse.Headers.Keys) {if (! Key.ToString (.) Equals ("Location")) {var value = webResponse.Headers [ke...

ios - How do I focus on a specific <div> tag while displaying webpages in UIWebView -

मेरे पास एक HTML पृष्ठ है जिसमें इसमें एक डिविटी टैग है, & lt; htmL & gt ; & Lt; शीर्ष / & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div id = "आवश्यक" & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी / & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; UIWebView का उपयोग करते हुए उपरोक्त वेबसाइट को प्रदर्शित करते समय, मुझे वेब टैग लोड होने पर डिव टैग पर फ़ोकस करना होगा। तो मूल रूप से, उपयोगकर्ता को UIWebView के तहत यूआरएल भार के रूप में जल्द ही अपने आईफोन पर तालिका (डिविग टैग के अंतर्गत) देखना चाहिए। अब तक मैंने क्या कोशिश की है? - (शून्य) ViewDidLoad () {self.webView.delegate = self; NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; NSURLRequest * req = [NSURLRequest अनुरोध विथ url: url]; [स्वयं। वेबवॉ लोड अनुरोध: अनुरोध]; } - (शून्य) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UiWebView *) webView {self.webView stringBy...

excel - Get a Sum of ONLY duplicate values -

If a method of using a safe is combined with counting? For example if I have not a transaction. Number to toce 1 1 | 9 2 6 3. 3 4 | 4 | 4 5 6 6 | 4 7 | 7 | 9 8. 7 9. 4 10. 10 | 1 11 | 3 12 6 My result will be: 23 Because value 1,4,7, 10 has been duplicated, so I need the amount of NumberToSum in this case Ideally I If somethings like = SumIf (A: A, Calculation> > 1. but = SUMIF (A: A, COUNT (A: A)> 1, B: B) does not work. Note: is sorted by not data as it appears in my example. If I want to do it in VBA, then there may be a quick way: sub rim () dim range as the RNG dim dim rng2 range dim sum Set long in rng = [A2: A17] for each RNG 2 in RGN if worksheet function. Contraag (Range ("A1: A17"), RNG 2. value) & gt; 1 then yoga = yoga + rng2.offset (0, 1). If there is one more option I have tried, add a formula to the formula = IF (COUNTIF (A: A, A2)> Then use the supporting column, but I hope there is a simple fo...

Build error with a Hello World C program with a default CDT plugin installation in Eclipse on Ubuntu -

I have just installed the CDT plugin for Eclipse on my Ubuntu machine. I created a new Hello World ANSI C project and put the code for a basic program inside the source file: #include When I am going to create a program, I get this error that "errors were encountered during build." Projects running on 'CS47 HW2' builders 'CDT builder' Errors on index 4: CS47 HW2 " In addition, 2 errors occur when I have two errors with 85 warnings to create a program in the Problem window: Details processing Path Location Type ./src/CS47 HW2.o: Estates against `.rodata ' Consequently R_X86_64_32 can not be used when sharing object; Reload- fPIC CS47 HW2 C / C ++ Problem and Description Resource Path Create Location Type: * [libCS47 HW2] Error 1 CS47 HW2 C / C ++ problem The first comment is that it works with the name Eclipse CdT plugin for some reasons Will allow a place in.

javascript - Table cell borders get stripped by ckeditor in Internet Explorer when pasted from Word -

I have a problem where ckeditor removes the border style in Internet Explorer 10 on the HTML table pasted with 4.3.1 ms. Is the word Chrome and Firefox work as expected in the range and border- (top | right | bottom | left) style allowed contact Listed clearly for , tr , th , and td element. Related ckeditor configuration override: $ ("# textareaElement"). (PasteFromWordRemoveStyles: false, pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles: false, // Permissioned content is only shown below to show the td element of permission: 'td {limit, border-top, border-right, border-down, border- Left, background, padding, width, height} '// toolbar and toolbar group are not shown); When the same word document is pasted in the editor, the resultant HTML is different . Paste after sample td element, IE: & lt; td sh Li = "padding: 0in 5.4pt; width: 87px; height: 32px;"> This is the cell content & lt; / td & lt; & gt; After the paste, ...

Does TypeScript allow type aliases? -

So I want to use a nickname in an ugly way that looks like this: core Maybe & lt; Core.Promise & lt; Info.paged & lt; Info.Carrier & gt; Corner. Problem & gt; & Gt; [] Something like this: import pu = core Maybe & lt; Core. Light & lt; Info.paged & lt; Info.Carrier & gt; Core Problem & gt; []; Is there a way to type alias in typecript? supports version 1.4 type alias () from type 1.4. Type aliases Now you can define a type of nickname using type keywords: Type PrimitiveArray = Array & lt; String | Number | Boolean & gt;; Type MyNumber = number; Type NgScope = ng.IScope; Type callback = () = & gt; Zero; Type nicknames are exactly the same as their original type; They are only alternative names. and Version 1.6 supports Typecape generic type aliases (). Generic Type Alias ​​ Leading up to TypeScript 1.6, type nicknames were restricted to simple aliases that shorten long names I went. Unfort...

c# - More layers and performance issue -

Depending on the presentation (for more details) it seems that unnecessary performance problems due to layers and assembly can be problematic. Take a look at this scenario, it's about sending a message on the "contact us" section of an application: [http post] Create public actioners (contactwmmedmail contact viewmodel) {var Request = new CreateContactRequest (ContactViewModel); _contactService.CreateContact (requested); See Return (); } This request is just an MVC controller action to make contact through feedback patterns, now about the service layer, in the service layer I have this piece of code: Public CreateContactResponse CreateContact (CreateContactRequest Request) {var response = New CreateContactResponse (); Var contact = request.ContactViewModel.ConvertToContactModel (); {_contactRepository.Add (contact); _unitOfWork.Commit (); reaction. Success = true; reaction. Type message = message type Success; reaction. Message = service message. On the general s...

mysql - how can i optimize performance with this query? -

I have three tables, users, activities and purchases. The user has many activities and purchases, 4 types of activities. I have to ask users like this: [{user_id: 1, // activities from post_count: 2, updated_count: 3, print_count: 4, Share_count: 5, // calculation from purchase: 6}, ...] I use this SQL: SELECT, Post .post_count, updated.update_count, print.print_count, share.share_count, users post.purchase_count as U LEFT (Activities where USER_ID selects activity_type = 1 group from POST_COUNT as user_id, activity_type, count ( *)). Id = post.user_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_id, activity_type, count (*) activities as updated_count WHERE activity_type = 2 GROUP by user_id) updated on = updated.user_id LEFT JOIN electronic user_id, activity_type From the activities of count (*), print_count where activity_type = 3 by group user_id) include = print.user_id print left (select user_id, activity_type, counting (*) as the form SHARE_COUNT Where activity_type = ...

java - Using compareTo(String) get error says undefined for the type String -

सार्वजनिक नोड जोड़ (स्ट्रिंग न्यू वर्ड, इंट एलएन, नोड कट) {if (cur == null) {return नया नोड (नया वर्ड, एलएन); } Int परिणाम = newWord.compareTo (cur.word); // तुलना करें एक त्रुटि का सुझाव देते हुए रेखांकित किया जाता है (परिणाम == 0); और यदि (परिणाम & lt; 0) {cur.left = जोड़ (नया वर्ड, एलएन, cur.left); } Else {cur.right = add (newWord, ln, cur.right); } वापसी कर; } सार्वजनिक शून्य जोड़ें (स्ट्रिंग शब्द, इंट एलएन) {रूट = जोड़ (शब्द, एलएन, रूट); } मैं ईक्लिप्स का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और लाल रेखांकन कहते हैं "विधि की तुलना स्ट्रिंग के लिए स्ट्रिंग (" स्ट्रिंग) अपरिभाषित है " मैं इसे कैसे तय कर सकता हूं? नोड के बारे में treemap कोड .. वर्ग treemap & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt; {निजी वर्ग नोड {स्ट्रिंग शब्द; इंट लाइन; नोड छोड़ दिया; नोड सही; नोड (स्ट्रिंग wd, int ln) {word = wd; लाइन = ln; }} निजी नोड जड़; सार्वजनिक treemap () {root = null; } यह तब दिखाता है जब मैं javac का उपयोग करता हूं: त्रुटि: प्रतीक नहीं मिल सकता int result = newWord.c...

arrays - C++ Sudoku Solver -

Help find out what's wrong with readPuzzle and printPuzzle Requires works. SetOfSmallInts is a set containing {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} or any combination of those numbers singletonets (S) Store a single number in a set. No matter what input I run on this program, I only use 1 I even if all input '-' output is 81 1. Any suggestions? To create an array of puzzle types in the main SetofSmallInts [9] [9] . // ====================================== ======================== / readPuzzle // ===================== STANDARD From the puzzle in ========================================= input // ================================================ ============== To read Zero (puzzle p) {int i, j; SetOfSmallInts s; S = boundary (1, 9); Four n; For (i = 0; i All you need is a scanf ("% c", & Amp; n) is also a character such as else if (n == 1 || n == 2 || n == 3 || n == 4 || n == 5 || n == 6 || n == 7 || n == 8 || n = 9 9) to n == '1' etc...

vba - Parsing through Linkedin and Exporting to Excel -

LinkedIn as a data source to populate our database with the contacts that I work for. Uses the process manual currently, and I want to automate the part of this process. I am trying to write a script in VBScript or VBA that will parse through an already open webpage's content. I want a script to evaluate each person's description sections on lipidine and gives the person's name, description and links linked in Excel, based on specific criteria. I have already done some VBSScript scripting, where I can open webpages and read through HTML content, but I want to use an already open webpage to use LinkedIn's filtering features. After a URL here is a function so you can use a previously open IE window to get a reference (To work with the ISE) 'Usage: Dim IE set IE = Getty ("") If not so IE' one Find an IE window with matching window (partial) url 'no frames does not eclipse function as getIE (sAddress string) object ...

closures - Laravel returning array from each() method -

I am getting an array of permissions related to the role of a specific user, mainly to get my head around working With eager loading and with each () method In this way a $ array is making the array, so how can I use the array outside the closing? $ User = user :: with ('roles.perms') - & gt; Search (1); $ Permissions = array (); $ List = $ user- & gt; Roles-gt; Each (function ($ role) usage ($ permissions) {$ permission = array_merge ($ permissions, $ role-> perms- & gt; toArray ());}); Thanks! Just enter the $ permissions by variable: $ user- & gt; Roles-gt; Usage of each (function ($ role) (& amp; $ permission) {// - Reference passed $ $ permission = array_merge ($ permissions, $ role-> perms- & gt; toArray) );}); Note , and , you now have the same value declared outside of the function and it is in your current radius and is modified within close time. Therefore, you can use $ permissions here, for example: dd ($ ...

c - unwanted newline or empty symbols in g_strdup_printf -

डेटा = g_strdup_printf ("%। * S", len, buf) का उपयोग करते समय जहां गिनती लेन और gchar * buf , मुझे लगता है कि नई पंक्ति या कुछ खाली जगहों को शामिल करने वाला स्ट्रिंग मिला .. मुझे पता है, क्योंकि अगर मैं ' इस स्ट्रिंग को एक और g_strdup_printf ("% s% s% s", "blah1", डेटा, "blah2") में डाल देंगे; और इसे win32 MessageBoxA () - इसमें blah1datainsidesblah2 नहीं होगा लेकिन blah1datainsides / blah2 संभव कारण क्या है और मैं कैसे कर सकता हूँ यह ठीक है? महत्वपूर्ण अतिरिक्त: मैं उन डेटा प्राप्त करने के लिए g_io_channel_read_line का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और ऐसा लगता है कि इसमें शामिल किए गए नए-लाइन वाले वर्णों के साथ डेटा प्राप्त होता है, यदि ऐसा है, तो मैं इसे से छुटकारा पाने के लिए? पिछली श्वेत स्थान को हटाने के लिए आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं अग्रणी सफेद स्थान के लिए g_strchug है, और दोनों अग्रणी और अनुगामी g_strstrip के लिए।

meteor - Use handlebars helper as function in javascript -

मेरे पास एक हैंडलबार सहायक परिभाषित है जैसे: Handlebars.registerHelper ('isAdmin', फ़ंक्शन (इनपुट) {वापसी Meteor.user () & amp; Meteor.user ()। व्यवस्थापक;}); और मैं इसे अपने जेएस में कहीं और का उपयोग करना चाहूंगा जैसे कि यह सामान्य कार्य था क्या यह संभव है? आप isAdmin नामक एक वैश्विक फ़ंक्शन बना सकते हैं और फिर अपने सहायक को इस तरह परिभाषित करें: this.isAdmin = फ़ंक्शन (इनपुट) {वापसी Meteor.user () & amp; । Meteor.user () व्यवस्थापक; }; Handlebars.registerHelper ('isAdmin', isAdmin); तब आप इसे अपने टेम्पलेट्स में कहीं भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं: ({' Submit ': फ़ंक्शन () {if (एडमिन ()) {return console.log (' व्यवस्थापक पक्ष! ');}}});

c++ - Need to change a string to binary, then to ASCII -

I have some data from the sensor, the data is in the range of a signed int, 16 bit or more. I need to send data via Bluetooth. Problem: The data is -1564, say. Bluetooth transmit - 1, 5, 6, then 4. It is disabled; I can process data on PC later, I just need frequency to go. My Idea / Solution: It has been changed to binary, then for ASCII for output. I can change ASCII later in processing. I have a binary share (found on stack overflow): Inline Zero printbinderpad (four c) {for (int i = 7; i> = 0; -i) { Turtle ((C and (1 i)) '1': '0'); }} These outputs are very good in binary. But ask to transmit Bluetooth, 24, 1, 1, 0, 0, then zero turns out. In fact, slower than just 2, then 4. Say I have 65062, 5 bytes for communication, coming out of the sensor, it is 1111111000100110 in binary, 16 bytes for ASCII, this & amp; (Yes, the set character here is small, I know, but it is unique) just 2 bytes! The EFs in Hex are 26, 4 bytes. 3 vs decimal save a...

jasper reports - Using JasperReports (JasperSoft Studio + JasperReports Library) with ColdFusion 9 Standard Edition -

So this is my first question that is posting here. If I do this wrong, please be gentle :) I am trying to find a decent reporting solution in my company and it seems that Jasper Ripper is a better way to go (read: affordable). They've got a new re-eclipse based banded report editor called Jaspersoft Studio, and it looks really smart. The problem I have to figure out is that what I need to do to use this tool (or this file which makes) after many googling in my CF apps, I actually I see the answer is not getting ... and what small information I do search is really old. Does anyone in the studio combine with JasperSoft JasperReports library to produce any fly pdf? We have come to a point on this special application where cfdocument is not just cutting it. Things I have to do are: The CF is actually under the hood to actually drive seafront (actually, in reality) the old version of the JAFFERFRIPERS. There is a way for me to override the older version of the rugs wh...

android - At what point should I save my JSON file? -

I have an app that downloads a JSON file from my server. I would like to save this data so that my other activities are its The file comes from Httpentity as an inputstream, then it is converted into a string, then on JSONObject. I was originally trying to change the JSON object in a string, and tried to store the string in a file, but when I read it back, the JSON parser does not like the string because the new characters (or Different) have gone. The diamond is the part that converts: is = httpEntity.getContent (); Bufferreader Reader = New buffed reader (new input stereo reader ("ISO-885 9-1"), 8); Stringbilder sb = new stringbiller (); String line = null; While ((line = reader. Readline ())! = Null () {sb.append (row + "\ n"); } So this is a 2 part question 1- at what point should I store the file? (Should I direct inputstream to a file-output stream, or should it be stored after converting it into a string?) 2- After storing my strings and rea...

ruby on rails - Using a form_for to create a nested model row -

Each "user" has a "move" Many in each "swap" "Neighborhood Preferences". I want to create a form on the "/ user / (: id) / edit" page, allowing a person to edit "move", and "neighborhood-preferences". Currently, this form displays correctly, but when I submit the form, I get this error move (# 2168853040) Expected, ActionController :: parameter (# 2158484920) found. How can I save both a new step and neighborhood / priorities? View # Edit for users & lt;% = form_for (@user) | F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = hidden_field_tag ​​"user [step] [neighborhood_iodes] []", zero%> & Lt;% @ neighborhoods.each do | N | & Gt%; & Lt;% = check_box_tag "User [location] [neighborhood_idus] []", NID, # user @ move.neighborhood_ids.include submit to value (, # Check the box on the Load ID: dom_id (n ) Add a unique category based on # objects & gt; & Lt;% = label_tag d...

curl - Enable php module on -

Currently my project requires curl detail for php. It has been shown that nitrogen php5 has been compiled from curls. But when I check extension_loaded ('curl'), the return value is wrong. How do I enable this module? And my project needs a GD with FreeType support, is there any way to do this work? CRL is now added to php so that you can do this to work in the boxes terminal. : Turn off parts php5 part Apache2 parts start apache2

c++ - Why do I keep getting a segmentation fault when passing objects by reference? -

I am trying to get data from a file and store it in the object that I have created I have a partition I am walking in the wrong way, but I am not sure what is the reason for this. Here's the code: object This may or may cause problems, but this is incorrect : if (file.is_open ()) {while (! File.eof ()) {file & gt; & Gt; word; Obj.add (word); }} Try instead: while (file & gt; & gt; word) {obj.add (word); } The use of your original code EOF can be very useful.

c# - convert string value to SqlDbType -

I am creating in-memory data dictionary from these class objects public Class DDRO {public string columnname {received; Set; } Type public SqlDB datatype {get; Set; } Public int column size {get; Set; } Receive Public Bull IDCTT { Set; } Public Child AllowDBNull {get; Set; }} ... in a sub-routine, is populating it with a SqlReader.GetSchema call // Column schema to a DataTable Recover in SchemaTable = myReader.GetSchemaTable (); DDRow wrkRow = null; // For each field in the table ... foreach (DataRow myField in schemaTable.Rows) {wrkRow = new DDRow (); WrkRow.ColumnName = Convert ToString (myField ["ColumnName"]); // string wrkRow.DataType = myField ["DataType"]; // SqlDbType ... except for all the work I think I can not understand the way to convert myField ["DataType"] To put DDRow.DataType in a SqlDBType value, which is an object, I can convert it to a string: string S1 = Convert toString (myField ["DataType"]); b...

opengl - When does the transition from clip space to screen coordinates happen? -

I was studying the rendering pipeline and when I got the clipping phase, it was explained that this From the scene or in the camera) space, we have to go through the clip space , which is also called normalized device location (NDC), which is a cubic space for 1 to 1. However, now I do not understand that the place is from place to place when it is from the screen: Right to rafting After and after the clipping? After rasterization and before scissors and Z-test? Frame buffer at the end before writing? Is one step away from NDC, to make all coordinates clip y NDC as a result of the NDC space [ -1 , 1 ] Anything outside matches a point which is outside the clipping volume. The reason for the coordination position before the NDC is called the clip space;) Strictly speaking, ha However, the NDC space is not necessarily solid. It is true that the NDC space is a cube in OpenGL, but it is not in Direct 3D. Jade coordination in DDC space by 0.0 1.0 , while ...

Mysql limit records depending on size output -

I am thinking that it is possible to limit the number of records because the output of a query based on size (KB) In particular the output of my database, there is a table in which a long description can occur. For example, LIMIT 0,15 for example, fifteen records can have a bigger description or simple one, but I would like to get a certain amount of data (automatically increase or decrease the number of records) Is there any other instructions for limiting? Another option is getting the number of characters, summarize them, set a boundary and join the original query. But I think that this is not the best way. You do this by keeping track of length In a variable and then stopping when some threshold is crossed: Choose descr. from Select descr, @ size: = size @ size (descr) of the table size As the length (descr) size: = 0) in the form of T) where the size & lt; = 100000; Your definition of length of each record can be more sophisticated, but it should give you this ...

javascript - HTML5 low FPS on Firefox even when rendering just text -

I'm writing a side-scroller in HTML5, just as a side project and to get hold of HTML5 for. However, I am having some FPS issues - most of them I have just resolved by optimizing the render code and reducing the texture size. Most of the browsers on most browsers I am very much at 60 fps ... the exception of firefox Along with the end, I removed 99% of my code, as long as I'm using only framerate in the canvas - I still have Firefox Iche appears 25-30 fps. I am thinking that I am doing something wrong by default. With 60 fps in Microsoft Firefox, I can get more than 250 fishes, so it does not look like Firefox or my system. My barebones code is as follows (I tried to JSDE it, but I do not think it's like HTML5). Note, I realize that since I am just updating every other framerate, I should not present every frame text, but I have left it to clarify the issue. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; FPS Demo & lt; / Title & g...

javascript - Greasemonkey detect private browsing mode? -

I need to behave differently in my grayskami script if it is currently running in Firefox's Private Browsing Window. Is it possible to detect Greasemonkey? If not, is it possible to not run at all in the private browsing mode? EDIT: One reason I want to do this is that the script normally requests AJAX, which includes information about the page and the server-side can store that information (in normal mode Is fine while browsing). If the user is in private browsing, however, I do not want server-side information that the user is going to the page, so I want him not to make this request in those cases. there is no guarantee that will help you because I'm not sure that to use GM script If Greece monster will expose component APIs in Firefox or not The initial search is not visible to anything. try {var pbs = Components.classes ["@;1"] .getService (Components.interfaces.nsIPrivateBrowsingService); Browsing mode in private = pbs.pri...

ios - One protocol, used by many classes -

I understand how a class can be tailored to several protocols, but where and how do I define a protocol Which can be called in many sections, i.e. _delegate.doStuff can appear in many sections. in encode, file-> new file-> Objective-Protocol @protocol myProtocolName - (zero) doStuff; @end Then in the sections you want to implement this protocol ... #import "myProtocol.h" @ interface aclass & lt; MyProtocolName & gt; ... You can add it to any class.

Repeat Javascript/jQuery until specific outcome -

I currently have the following code that appears in a noodle list and selects random objects. I want to make sure that the 'Li' line is not selected twice, or even better, do not choose to repeat, unless all of them are selected. var list = $ ('# headshot took: view'). ToArray (); Var elemlength = list.length; Var randomitem = list [Math.floor (* MathML) *; Full code: Function Soft Home PageAgentationHeadshots () { Var fullList = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10]; Window.setInterval (function () {var random = fullList.slice (0) .sort (function () {return .5 - Math.random ();}); $ ('# headshots li'). Each (function ((= \ D + /, '')); Random = $ .grep (random, function) { Return value!) =) I;});}); var list = $ ('# headshots li: view'). ToArray (); var elemlength = list.length; var randomitem = list [Math.floor (mathematics. ) * Elemlength)]; $ (Random number) CSS ({'background-image': 'url ("' full redundant path + 'ima...

windows phone 8 - Debug C++ Runtime Component in a WP8 project -

I have tried a lot of solutions, but none of them is working Printf ("Test:% d", 123); std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Test" & lt; & Lt; 123 & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; ... Actually I have installed the debugger of my project, I am able to write in the console using the OutputDebugStringA ("Test" "); But this function does not accept more than one parameter. How can I print something like this: ("Test:% d", 123) ?

ios - UILabel not line breaking trailing whitespace -

I have a multi line UIL which I am trying to resize so that the text can fit. It works just fine for the text, but I am adding it to the white space to place the images in the text. When the text ends with whitespace for these images, the label does not wrap the white space, here's a couple screenshots, one with the text I'm trying to get, and with one of the images where you see The label does not wrap in a second line. In the second image, the text assigned to the label is about 40 spaces, and this word will not be wrapped, I Any suggestions on how to do this? As mentioned in maddy, it is a bad thing to use the space to break the line Consideration Using \ n instead of space will give you the desired results. - ASP Web Api - How to extend user? -

ASP Web APIs have individual user accounts. It's great! But how do I get to add custom fields to the user? I have followed the steps shown here but I always get an internal server error, which is due to the unit error. It's just fine and works, but I will not make any records in DB if I send a request for it. 'Unused' version works fine, any suggestions? The source code looks like this - I've added a new category for the user Public class AppUser: IdentityUser & lt; Br> {Get public string email {get; Set; } & Lt; Br> } Then replace every IdentytUser with my app user, added the email to the model and db. And finally a controller revised. AppUser user = new AppUser & lt; Br> {UserName = model.UserName, & lt; Br> Email = model Email & lt; Br> } IdentityResult result = UserManager.CreateAsync (user, model.Password) awaiting; IHttpActionResult Error Result = GetErrorResult (Results); It stops working on the last li...

javascript - how to implement Bootstrap tabs for each item of Ember's list-view? -

I am using a list of items to show and I want to apply one to show the details of each item I am not, however, to figure out how to make this beautiful in Amber. Here's what I have done here: Javascript: AP = .create (); Var: 'Tab # 1', body: 'Content of Tab # 1', Characters: 'Description1'}, {Title: 'Tab # 2', Body: 'Tab # 2' Content ' , Description: 'description2'}, {title: 'Tab # 3', body: 'Content of Tab # 3', desc: 'description3'}, {title: 'Tab # 4', body: 'Tab # 4 Content of 'Tab # 5', desc: 'description5'}, {title: 'Tab # 6', body: 'content of' Tab # 5 ',' title: 'Description4'}, {title: 'Tab # 5', body: ' Content of Tab # 6, Characters: 'Description 6'}, {Title: 'Tab # 7', Body: Content of 'Tab # 7', Characters: 'description7'}, {title: 'Tab # 8' Body: 'Content of ...

Java: How to read values from .txt file -

I am writing a program that uses 30 grades from a file and calculates the lowest, highest and average grade I have trouble finding out how to write the loop statement reading each grade and updating the lowest / highest grade and adding that amount before reading the next level. import java when *. Import java.util. *; Public class midtermast {Public Static Wide Men (string [] AGR) throws IOException {scanner in = new scanner (new flamerdder ("grade.txt")); Int Min = 50; Int highest = 50; Int sum = 0; Int i; For (I = 0, i & lt; 30, i ++) (if (grade; minimum) minimum = grade; if (grade> highest) highest = grade;} double average = sum / 30; System.out.println ("Average score:" + average); System.out.println ("Highest Score is:" + highest); System.out.println ("lowest score is:" + lowest); in Thank you so much: import *; import java.util. *; Public class midterstest { Public Static Wide Men (string [] AGR) throws IOExceptio...

Finding element using jquery which is hidden -

मेरे पास ऐसा HTML है: & lt; div class = "section project- बिलिंग फंडिंग प्रकार "शैली =" प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं; " ; & Gt; ... & lt; / div & gt; मैं इस तत्व का चयन करना चाहता हूं, मैंने इसे jquery में करने की कोशिश की: $ ("div [class = '' प्रभाग-बिलिंग धन-प्रकार '] ") इसकी वापसी केवल [] नहीं तत्व क्यों? जहां मैं गलती कर रहा हूं? क्या यह कुछ छिपी हुई है? विशेषता चयन करने के बजाय वर्ग चयनकर्ता का उपयोग करें $ ("div.section.project-billing.funding-type")

c# - Does anyone know what's happened with EF6 and AutoMapper for enum conversion -

There is a problem where I updated an application from EF4.1 to 6.0.2 to take advantage of the forwarding migration is. But after updating the automaker, it now fails to convert an ID into an ANIM, then I use the following code and its work for a long time. Mapper Creativepant & lt; Payments, lists & gt; (). For Mail (x = & gt; x.PaymentStatus, opt = & gt; opt.MapFrom (s => Enum.GetName (PaymentStatus, s.PaymentStatusId))) What's New Edit: P> I'm having the following error: Exception description: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'PaymentStatus' and being converted into a DTO object with the following: Public Ink Acceptance Status {Received; Set; } Public Virtual Approval Status acceptance status {get; Set; } Cheers OK I have done this. [NotMapped ] . Then the following similar functionality will be given in my case, because earlier Enum support was introduced with the unit framewor...

c++ - iPhone track only cellular data -

बेल की सफलता; संरचना ifaddrs * addrs; Const struct ifaddrs * कर्सर; Const struct if_data * networkStatisc; फ्लोट वाईफ़िएस्टेंट = 0; फ्लोट वाईफ़ाई = 0; U_int64_t WWANSent = 0; U_int64_t WWANReceived = 0; NSString * नाम = [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease]; सफलता = प्राप्तकर्ता (और जोड़) == 0; अगर (सफलता) {cursor = addrs; जबकि (कर्सर! = नल) {name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% s", कर्सर- & gt; ifa_name]; एनएसएलॉग (@ "ifa_name% s ==% @ \ n", कर्सर- & gt; ifa_name, नाम); इंटरफेस के // नाम: एन0 वाईफाई है, पीडीपी_पी 0 है WWAN अगर (कर्सर- & gt; आईएए_एडीआर- & gt; एसए_फैमिली == AF_LINK) {यदि ([नाम हैप्रफ़िक्स: @ "एन"]) {// नेटवर्क स्टेटस = (कॉन्स्ट स्ट्रैट if_data *) कर्सर- & gt; ifa_data; // WiFiSent + = networkStatisc- & gt; ifi_obytes; // WiFiReceived + = networkStatisc- & gt; ifi_ibytes; // NSLog (@ "वाईफाईसेंट% एफ ==% डी", वाईफाईसेंट, नेटवर्क स्टेटस- & gt; ifi_obytes); // एनएसएलॉग (@ "वाईफाई आरिसेव्ड% ...

selenium webdriver - How to write Xpath. -

I am using this site - and click on 'Find Provider' Around It In the input I am typing 'Los' and I have to choose second value from the suggested options. Can anyone tell me how to write the exhaust for this? A simple approach will be with a clear wait. New WebDriverWait (Driver, 30). Until now (Expected conditions. Visibility availability locked (By.xpath ("// li [@ class = 'ui-menu-item.'] [ 2] "))) Click on ();

git - Sync Branch and staying up to date with a project using GitHub for Windows -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> What should I do in GitHub for Windows applications to stay up to date with changes made in a project or store Hosted on GitHub? I'm not editing the most likely, but want to be aware of and involved in the changes made to this project. When I clone in the desktop, using GitHub for Windows GUI, the option is a "sync branch" from me, which as "change from others sharing your local commitments on the server and down Stretching is defined ". With whom am I sharing my local commitment? Is this the original source? And, whose change I am "down down"? It seems that the "Sync Branch" option will both be in the GUI (whether I want it or not). You can do repo work (even if you do not intend to contribute back), only To keep a clear link with the original upstream. Repo From there, you can: Localize your fork Original repo over the river Adding a remote discussion t...

Open Facebook page from iOS game -

I am making a Facebook game and I have to keep a button that lets the user open my Facebook page, though , When I open my page URL: This only opens the original Facebook app but does not redirect to my page. I tried this URL on Safari and it works just fine. Try to use NS URL NSUrl * AUrl = [NSURL URLWithString : @ "Your Facebook URL"]; [[UIApplication ShareApp] Open URL: URL];

php - Yii Parsing Urlmanager Link Back To Array -

How can I access the array of parameters, to see the controller in action? The basic rules were applied to my links (simplified) before SEO links: foreach (....) {$ _GET ['filter'] = $ value; $ Link = $ this- & gt; CreateUrl ('Model / showModels', $ _GET); Echo CHtml :: link (Yii :: t ('main', $ value), $ link); } But the urlManager has cleared after implementing the $ _GET variable, and to ensure that such rules have stopped working. I find that this is done in CLinkPager module with some "magic" method, but how can not understand In Yii, you can get the ultimate from the following method: Yii :: app () - & gt; Request & gt; GetParam ('PARAM_NAME'); // getParam for example ('filter') // or Yii :: app () - & gt; Request-> GetQuery ('$ _GET key'); To merge the parameter to $ _GET request: CMAP :: Merge ($ _GET, array ('filter' => Value ')) To get all the parameters: ...

Should user interfaces be included in the class diagram and sequence diagram? -

I have a project and I need to produce class and sequence diagrams. This is a purchase website. My only problem is that I do not know how to associate web pages (user interfaces) for these diagrams. If they do not need it, then what is the right way to include it in the picture because I read "Book" from a book "User Interface" classes, so there is another question, what should be there in these UI classes? Can give examples. Thanks! There are many levels of intangibles for UI modeling. Use cases and state machines These diagrams are made in reference to humans. Plan at server / page / frame level Here UML deployment and component diagrams are useful. Plan the content of the UI, define the relationship between elements and flies and their bodies without choosing solid components. There is no standard, extremely important, step for this. Use shapes that you prefer, classes are useful, but not standard reading. UI is planning the contents of the scre...

sprite kit - Change spritekit particle color -

Is it possible to change the color of the particle after creation in the spritekit editor? I tried setParticleColor but it does not appear to do anything. Actually I have a way to programmatically change the color on a particle file and fried ... particlecolor property is not working due to the color ramp setting in the particle editor, they are actually stored in particleColorSequence , which ignores all other particle color properties. So, for this to work, you have to override the particleColorSequence setter and make it zero first, then you will see the particle texture (full blending 1.0 ) To set the particleColorBlendFactor to fully blend your chosen color. Since then, any clear particle color settings should work: emitter.particleColorSequence = zero; Emitter.particleColorBlendFactor = 1.0; Emitter.particleColor = [SKColor redColor];

angularjs factory add/remove messages -

क्यों मेरा कोड काम नहीं कर रहा है? & lt; div data-ng-app = "एप" वर्ग = "कंटेनर" & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; div डेटा-एनजी-नियंत्रक = "नियंत्रक ए" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div डेटा-एनजी-नियंत्रक = "कंट्रोलर बी" & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li डेटा-एनजी-दोहराने = "सूचनाओं में सूचित करें" & gt; {{सूचित}} & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; Var ऐप = कोणीय। मॉड्यूल ('ऐप', []); App.controller ('कंट्रोलर ए', ['$ स्कोप', 'अधिसूचना', फ़ंक्शन ($ दायरा, अधिसूचना) {var i = 0; अधिसूचना.सेट ('अधिसूचना' + आई ++); सेट टाइमआउट (फ़ंक्शन () {$ scope $ लागू करें (फ़ंक्शन () {अधिसूचना.सेट ('अधिसूचना' + i ++)})}, 2000)}]); App.controller ('कंट्रोलरबी', ['$ स्कोप', 'अधिसूचना', फ़ंक्शन ($ दायरा, अधिसूचना)...

java - Getting Current time of day -

सार्वजनिक शून्य getTime () {कैलेंडर कैलेंडर = Calendar.getInstance (); calendar.getTime (); This.minutes = calendar.MINUTE; This.hours = calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY; } यह कोड देखते हुए चर मिनट और घंटे एक पूर्णांक मान में वर्तमान समय पर सेट करता है? ऐसा लगता नहीं है कि कुछ गड़बड़ है? मिनटों और घंटे प्राप्त करने के लिए इसे आज़माएं वर्तमान दिन का कैलेंडर उदाहरण this.minutes = calendar.get (कैलेंडर। मिनट); This.hours = calendar.get (कैलेंडर। HOUR_OF_DAY); कैलेंडर.MINUTE और कैलेंडर.HOUR_OF_DAY स्थिरांक हैं, यह केवल इंट मान देता है अपने कैलेंडर इंस्टेंस के लिए इंट वैल्यू को लागू करें और मिनट और घंटा मान प्राप्त करें।

java - Appending the string -

Can someone understand the difference between the implementation of the string 1) {string coma = ","; Last return STR = "hello" + comma + "welcome" + comma + "" + + comma + "pile" + comma + "overflow"; } 2) {return finalStr = "Hello, welcome, stack, overflow"; } How many string objects will be created in the first (1) block, there will be only one string finalStr which shows the memory location where H Ello Welcome, in, stack, overflow is stored or will create many places for each word, and then adding it once will create a new memory spot. In both cases, only one string object will be created for each, since compiler compiles in combination Is smart enough to understand. These are string literals, their compilation will be assessed on time and only one string will be created for each case. According to A long string can literally be broken, written in small pieces using string conj...

java - Android - Is it bad practice to have multiple Shared Preferences? -

I have to use shared contexts for an app. One simply checks for an app version to store against the update, the second has some layout information that is called clear when the user chooses to be in the end, Code> Prioritization managed to work and saw a trend, so I thought I could ask before prior to being crazy (although I think I have enough). I have tried my best to search and have not seen any specific mention of any problem, only that it is possible to do many multiples. I'm a bit worried PreferManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences () Capturing wrong pref, but I can just misuse the usage. Only relevant codes that I can think of from my activity: shared references inserted workers = references received (VER_NUM, 0); Shared documents saved layout = referenced references (LAYOUT_SAVE, 0); This is not bad behavior at all. I think this is the opposite. I think different behaviors should use different shared presentation files .getDefaultSharedPrefe...

c# - Get the last path of URL -

I am using the following code which is working well for most services, but sometime in the URL I got the user; V = 2; Mp and I just need to get the user , how should I manage it? I need some general solutions because I think that in some other URL, I can get different space charter If the URL https: // ldmrrt Ct / odata / GBSRM / user; V = 2; MP string savannum = _uri.Segments.LastOrDefault (); If the URL is working well ... Instead of: string savannum = _uri.Segments.LastOrDefault (); With : string savannum = _uri.Segments.LastOrDefault (). Split (new [] {';'}). first (); If you need some more flexible, where you can specify characters to include or skip, you can do something like this (little mess, you probably have some of it The parts should be removed as separate variables, etc.): // Note the _ and - characters in this example: URI _uri = new URI ("https: // ldmrrt .ct / odata / GBSRM / User_ex1-ex2; v = 2mp "); // It will return...

mysql - Magento: how much RAM does database consume? -

I have a Magento ecommerce, tables in my database are taken +/- 500 MB on the disk. (I clean log tables per week) With HOP, I see that mysqld uses 330M resource. My site does not have too much traffic (5/10 users simultaneously) in total, site +/- Moves 1600 MB to the server. Is this a normal value? I have a webstore with nearly 1.200 products and images development). This hosting company uses 406 MB of webspace. Database is 95 MB, so 500 MB is too big. Is it possible (if you use images in your webstore) All images are saved in the database table instead of "Linked" Magento?

iis - IIS7 screen when i try to access through an IP -

I'm trying to see the site that the user needs and near I have a natural user of the site Name, password and IP. Unfortunately the site is giving me the IIS 7 screen. I am already trying to reach out but nothing. I have to set an IIS, even though this site is not on my device but on the net? My OS is Windows 8 x 64. Thank you for your help, and sorry for bad english;)

php - cakephp save update data from old data value + new value -

I do not know the keyword to search with my problem How to save the update data in a field that already A value exists and I want to update it with additional value. Here is an example cakephp: $ userData = array ('id' = & gt; $ userId, 'credit' => $ newCredit // Only updates new credits); $ This- & gt; User- & gt; Save ($ userdata); If I use the usual query MySQL, then it will be like this: mysql_query ("UPDATE` user` set` credit` = `credit `+ '$ NewCredit' where` id` = '$ userId' "); You can see only one time to update the normal code with the existing code credit I know that I SELECT I can do this data using and can operate in php , then return the UPDATE data, but it will be 2 times (select, then update). So what can cakephp do it at once? And how: D? will work $ this-> gt; ; User- & gt; Updates (Array ('credit' = & gt; "Credit + $ new credit)", array ('id...

mod pagespeed - Turn ModPagespeed=off for Internet Explorer -

Mod_pagespeed works fine for all browsers but Internet Explorer Is there any more effective way to turn off pagedpad specifically for IE? Rewrite% {HTTP_USER_AGENT} "MSIE [6-10]" I am doing this by adding it? [NC] rewriteAril ^ (. *) $ Http:// [QSA]

diff - Compare two schemas using SQL only in H2 -

I have two schemas in the H2 database: public and test . I have to find out whether the tables in the public and test are similar (same columns with the same data type) and if not, which tables are different so far I I select the required information in INFORMATION_SCHEMA and compare myself using the shell script. But I was wondering if I can use pure SQL for example, for example just select different tables.

android - How to show Badge in TabHost -

यह मेरा मुख्य गतिविधि है। जावा: सार्वजनिक शून्य ऑन क्रेट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {सुपर। कॉन्टेट (सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट); setContentView (R.layout.main_activity); संसाधन ressources = getResources (); TabHost tabHost = getTabHost (); रजिस्टर रिसीवर (myBroadcastReceiver1, नया इंटेन्टफ़िल्टर (MYBROADCAST_INTENTFILTER)); आशय intentFriends = नए आशय ()। SetClass (यह, TabFriendsActivity.class) .addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); टैबसीपीईसी टैबफ्रीएक्स = टैबहोस्ट .नईटीटीपीएसपीईसी ("मित्र") .सेटइंडिकेटर ("", रिज़ोसिएशन.गेटड्रॉउबल (आरड्रॉवेबल.बीटीएन_टैब_फ्रेंड)) .सेट कंटेंट (इन्टेंटफ्रीएंड्स); // वार्ता टैब आशय intentTalks = नया आशय () .setClass (यह, TabTalksactivity.class) .addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); TabSpec tabTalks = tabHost .newTabSpec ("वार्ता") .setIndicator ("", ressources.getDrawable (R.drawable.btn_tab_talk)) .setContent (intentTalks); // मित्र जोड़ें टैब इन्टेंट इन्टेंट एडफ्रीएड्स = नविन इंटेंट ()। सेट क्ल...

reflection - Different versions of the same assembly -

I am writing a cover for a library that has received a huge change in the API between one version and the other, This is required to create an agreement that will allow me to access two versions of the same API. This is my project structure: - Client.dll - reference - Contract.dll - Version01.dll - Version02.dll - Contract.dll - IMyService.cs - version 01.dll - MyServiceImplementation. Cs - reference - Version01Assembly.dll - Version02.dll - MyServiceImplementation.cs - Reference - Version02Assembly.dll Need to call me within the project Client.dll May be the service or the implementation of another, and it is quite fine. The issue is that the Assembly filled in Appendaman is always due to version 072. in my client's bin folder, I always look for the latest version of this dependency. How can I keep these two libraries reference to a different version of the same assembly? I hope the question is clear I have never done that, but I think you have t...

javacard - Java Card program using GPJ -

So I was assigned to create a Java client to communicate with the Java client. I now have the problem of authenticating, writing and reading data using Javax.smartcardio, but having trouble uploading and installing cap files. So after googling around, I came to know that I can use GPJ as a library and can use it in my Java application to upload and install cap files. The problem is that I can not understand the code without GPJ and I have one here that I have to set up a public Zero setting and MACCelTable (AID Parmaid 1, AID Parmaid 2, AID ParamAd 3, Byte Parabite, Byte [Paramarya Aatti 1, Byte [] ParamAreraOfbite 2) I have a problem understanding, I look at the second part of the code, I can not find the last parameter because they all use the method Which will be zero. So if someone knows how I can get the document, then I am very happy. Or better yet, another library can upload cape files and keep some documents with it. So far, I've got GPJ, JPCC, JCMANager and Op...

javascript - getting error : TypeError: $(...).live is not a function -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर मैं लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ इनलाइन संपादन लेकिन मुझे एक त्रुटि मिल रही है: प्रकार त्रुटि: $ (...)। फ़ंक्शन $ ('# editbox') नहीं है। Live ('blur', function ) { मेरा कोड: & lt; script & gt; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ('td.edit')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (ई) {var $ target = $ (; यदि ($ ('# editbox')) {वापसी;} $ ('। Ajax')। Html ($ ('। Ajax इनपुट ')। Val ()); $ ('। Ajax ')। RemoveClass (' अजाक्स '); $ (This) .addClass ( 'ajax'); $ (यह) .html ('& lt; इनपुट आईडी = "एडिट बॉक्स" आकार = "10" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" मान = "' + $ (यह) .text () + '" & gt;'); $ ( '# Editbox') का चयन करें ()।; }); $ ('Td.edit') कुंजीडाउन (कार्य (घटना) {arr = $ (this) .attr ('class')। विभाजन (""); अगर (event.which == 13) {$ .ajax ( {Type: "POST...

Convert char to byte c++ -

I trying to convert around one byte (Microsoft type, I'm working with Visual Studio) I am here. The fact is that I want to fill a structure for serial port communication and I'm getting back the information from .i file. Datas are saved in a four temporary buffer, requiring some value in the DCB port settings in the byte. I tried several ways without success. Datas are recovering from .ini but I have some problem in converting them into bytes. I can convert numeric values ​​to integers, but they also have to be byte. And process-> Read method is a subjective implementation of GetPrivateProfileString. set around [10]; Printf (read port settings \ n "" \ n ", comName); ProcessFileConfig-> Read (comName, "baudrate", "9600", res, sizeof (res)); Baud = atoy (rcc); ProcessFileConfig-> Read (comName, "parity", "n", res, sizeof (res)); Samata = (byte) ridge; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Parity size:...