vba - Parsing through Linkedin and Exporting to Excel -
LinkedIn as a data source to populate our database with the contacts that I work for. Uses the process manual currently, and I want to automate the part of this process.
I am trying to write a script in VBScript or VBA that will parse through an already open webpage's content. I want a script to evaluate each person's description sections on lipidine and gives the person's name, description and links linked in Excel, based on specific criteria. I have already done some VBSScript scripting, where I can open webpages and read through HTML content, but I want to use an already open webpage to use LinkedIn's filtering features.
here is a function so you can use a previously open IE window to get a reference (To work with the ISE)
'Usage: Dim IE set IE = Getty ("http://www.linkedin.com") If not so IE' one Find an IE window with matching window (partial) url 'no frames does not eclipse function as getIE (sAddress string) object objShell object, as objShellWindows object In the form of the object retold object, string set retval = nothing set as objShell = CreateObject as the OURL ("Shell.Application") objShellWindows = objShell.Windows as' if IE first For every objShellWindows SURL = "" resume error on the next SURL = o.document.Location Goto on error 0 If SURL is open & lt; & Gt; "" Then if you have a handkerchief like a Sedder and SURL; "*" Then set retVal = o to exit the end if the end if set next o GetIE = retVal End Function
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