java - Android - Is it bad practice to have multiple Shared Preferences? -
I have to use shared contexts
for an app. One simply checks for an app version to store against the update, the second has some layout information that is called clear
when the user chooses to be in the end, Code> Prioritization managed to work and saw a trend, so I thought I could ask before prior to being crazy (although I think I have enough).
I have tried my best to search and have not seen any specific mention of any problem, only that it is possible to do many multiples.
I'm a bit worried
Only relevant codes that I can think of from my activity:
shared references inserted workers = references received (VER_NUM, 0); Shared documents saved layout = referenced references (LAYOUT_SAVE, 0);
This is not bad behavior at all. I think this is the opposite. I think different behaviors should use different shared presentation
.getDefaultSharedPreferences ()
default com. Company.packagename.xml
uses the file.
- When you use the Backup Manager If you do, you can provide which
shared spreads
files for backup and restore. - When the user logs out, you can delete the
shared context
file with that user's private values. You do not want to delete some others.
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