
Showing posts from January, 2011

unity3d - Building/constructing buildings at runtime -

I am playing with an FPS, where I can be able to build / build my own buildings of my own Wanna start from the beginning I have searched for the surrounding solutions / principles, but by now I can not find anything suitable for my needs, if I remember anything, please tell me in the right direction Where I am now, I have three prefibes; The floor, the wall and the wall with the opening of a door first I want to instantinate the floor tiles, which I can keep on the walls, and hopefully it will be able to pull the walls to the edges / corners of the floor tiles. Can someone point me in the right direction how to do this? Apart from this, does my desired "work flow" make sense to everyone? In advance for any damage there thanks Update:?! Here I am in relation to what the installation prefabs, and as long as it works (except it is like I'm shooting the walls), I have the edges of the wall corners / closest floor (which is already a The same fashion has been ins...

c - Linking to winmm.dll from GCC -

I would like to use MSCC to create DLLs for DLL so that I have to link to the winmm.dll library. I tried to do something like this: gcc-c-o dllTest.o dllTest.c -lC: \ Windows \ System32 \ winmm.dll But when I tried to make DLL, I got an undefined reference to MCAS and String. What is the correct way to connect with GCC from GCC? In the end I was able to work with the lwinmm instead of the big path in the library- lwinmm.

postgresql - Postgres: left join with order by and limit 1 -

I have the position: The list of companies in Table 1 is in the table 2 addresses A list of table 3 table 1 and table 2 has an N connection, with field 'start' and 'end'. Because companies can go ahead over time, having a left for each of them has many records for each company. start and end fields are never copied to find the latest address solution using DESC using ORDER , And there is a LIMIT 1 to delete the old address. This works fine The query can only be brought to 1 company but I need a query that brings all the table 1 records, associated with their current table2 address. Therefore, to remove old data (AFAK) should be omitted. Any ideas how can I create a clause to not create doubling Table 1 companies and bring the latest address? Use a dependent subqueries with the maximum () function in the joining condition. Something like this in this example: C.company_id = r.company_id and r on the relationship relationship except the sel...

wpf, Set Button "preserve" on a Style -

इसे एक बटन के लिए दिया गया है: & lt; बटन xml: space = "संरक्षित करें "& gt; & Lt; / button & gt; भेजें एक शैली के रूप में सभी बटनों के लिए यह कैसे तय करता है? शैली लक्ष्य प्रकार = "{x: प्रकार बटन}" & gt; & LT; Style.Setters & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "पृष्ठभूमि" मान = "लाइटग्रे" / & gt; & LT; /Style.Setters> & Lt; / शैली & gt;

Change adobe air installer -

I created an installation file with Aaiarsdike) via Adobe AIR (javascript, html, but it sends an error message "This application can not install, because this installer is configured incorrectly. Please contact the application author for assistance." I do an Air Installer, change the Meta-INF and the mouse in the folder / icon Icons, pack and v Dodge would install 7.

How do i find all files starting with specific string or name in a directory in vbscript? -

Hello, I am looking for a solution that will look at some files in a directory. Say my directory is: "C: \ temp \ result" . Results folder contains 6 or more files: File 1: "aaa.eee.txt" file 2: "aaa.bbb.txt" file3: "aaa.ccc.txt" file 4: "kkk.text" file 5: "hhhh.xml" file 6: "jjj.dll" Now I need the files whose name is started with "Aaa." . Please help me Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. for each file with CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"). GetFolder ("c: \ temp \ result"). If you want the file with StrComp (left (File.Name, 3), "AAA", vbTextCompare) = 0 then 'end with the file if you want end with this file

object - Specific NullPointerException Java -

I have less questions, tell me why the first example does not work and the other works as the first code of the example: Tiles [] myTiles = new tile [23]; Number = 1; The first example: for (tile tile: this.myTiles) {if (number! = This.myTiles.length) {tile = new Tile (number, getResources (). GetColor (R.color.puzzle_default)); Number ++; }} The second example: for (tile tile: this.myTiles) {if (number! = This.myTiles.length) {this MyTiles [number -1] = new tile (number, received resource). GetColor (R.color.puzzle_default)); Number ++; }} If I use the code in the other method in the square below this.myTiles [0] .getNumber (); This is NullPointerException. But with the second example it works well. I do not really know why thanks for any feedback first loop Creates a copy of each object and for (int i = 0; i are the elements of an object array by default as null , they will be assigned outside the loop range The basic elements of> myTile...

sql - Preventing duplicate jobs in Oracle -

One of our small customers has their own database in which they maintain a small IT team. Occasionally, this small team of IT has to make amendments in their database, but occasionally, they do not verify our script which our company provides for them - and they want to re-create their wish : Use this sometimes leads to a job duplicate, where a member of this team executes the same script as another member. In my view, even this is due to our client's professionals, it is our responsibility to provide this solution, how can we stop such indignation for our customer? I have not experienced at all in Oracle I am a JavaScript and a net developer, so you can guess that I have largely lost the problem. But I wanted to do something out of my area, because most people are not really concerned about it here. We lose a good time to fix this database every month; Manually extracting duplicates Thank you! A simple log table and a standard script header and footer can help to co...

cocoa touch - Why do we have [NSString string] when we can write [NSString new]? -

जाहिर है मैं सिर्फ NSString की चर्चा नहीं कर रहा हूँ; [NSDictionary शब्दकोश] , [NSArray array] है, और इसी तरह। लेकिन इन सभी तरीकों से जब हम केवल [NSDictionary new] , [NSArray new] , आदि भेज सकते हैं? कारण मुख्य रूप से ऐतिहासिक है, क्योंकि दोनों के बीच भेद निर्मित वस्तु की संदर्भ गणना है; संदर्भ संख्या के बारे में ध्यान से स्वचालित संदर्भ गणना द्वारा लगभग पूरी तरह से अपवर्जित किया गया है। + string वापसी वाले ऑब्जेक्ट्स जिनके पास कॉलर के स्वामित्व नहीं हैं (वे एक ऑटोरेक्लो पूल में हैं) + नया , दूसरी तरफ, इनमें से एक है, और यह करता है स्वयं के संदर्भ बनाने के लिए। पिछला एआरसी, आप एक का चयन करेंगे उस मेमोरी प्रबंधन के प्रभाव जो आपको विशेष स्थिति में आवश्यक थे। अब, आप जो चाहें उपयोग कर सकते हैं आपके कोड के स्तर पर कोई अंतर नहीं है कुछ पाशन वाले मामलों में आप + new का उपयोग करने के लिए इसे बेहतर लग सकते हैं क्योंकि यह + string की तुलना में वस्तु के जीवनकाल को छोटा करता है।

php - Adding thumbnail attribute in Wordpress? -

I am trying to implement the jQuery plugin called adaptive background on my WordPress site. I want to use it for my post thumbnail readme documentation: script data-adaptive-background with images in the attribute Appears to: html & lt; Img src = "/ image.jpg" data-adaptive-background = '1' & gt; My question is: How do I add this feature to my post thumbnails, and my post thumbnails only? This should do the trick, whatever your big thumb is said to just "big" should be changed . the_post_thumbnail ('large', array ('data-adaptive-background' = & gt; 1));

c# - Access in IFrame and SetAttribute value -

Generally I can access HTML tags and I can set my value via code; HtmlElementCollection coll = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName ("Input"); ("Value", "123456789");}} / Pre> But if the HTML input field is present in an iframe tag, then this code does not work, and I've changed the line: Coll = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName ("Input"); to var coll = webBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames [0]. Document GETElementsByTagName ("iframe") but it still does not work Please help please. I can not go to this problem from last week. Your code looks like this should work: collant = webBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames [0] document.GETElementsByTagName ("iframe") to coll = webBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames [0] .documents. GetElementsByTagName ("Input"); Here is a work example ... HTMLWindow iframe = webBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames [0]; HtmlElement input = iframe.Docum...

Need help fixing in Unhandled Exception in C++ -

I wrote this simple program according to the UML guidelines which I was given but it is difficult to find out that it Why throwing is an exception when I run it when the code itself compiles while code is run and if I continue for a long time, then it is successfully run to complete the code, but I'm guessing that It should not do this A who does this. Unwanted exceptions to [Memory address] in [Show.exe]: Microsoft C ++ Exception: Four [separate memory address] at the memory location " This uses it twice if I continue the hit But until the tester does not specifically display it, I'm in the form of a way to fix it (I do not really know what an exception is either); #include & lt; string & gt; # include & lt; iostream & gt; Using the namespace STD; class day type {Private: string day; public: day type;} string adidas (int_num); day type (string_days); string getDay (); zero setday (string_de); string Next Day (); String Prechata (); Zero Print ();}...

glm - Loop in R to select lowest AIC for a statistical model -

I want to change the degree of independence and write a loop to get the AIC value for the following model for the following model , Such as DF = 2 in the definition of varknots1 . I use random data here only because I do not know how to upload my data. I am trying to learn to write my own loop, however, I have not been successful in creating one at this time. Library (DLN) Library (Splene) A = Rernerum (500) B = Rernmore (500) C = Rurnmore (500) d = rnorm (500) varknots1 & lt; - Equalnots (B, Fun = "BS", DF = 5, Degree = 2) lagknots1 & lt; - logknots (24, 3) CBT1 & lt; -crossbasis (b, interval = 24, argvar = list (fun = "bs", knot = varknots1), arglag = list (knots = lagknots1)) varknots2 & lt; - Equalnots (C, Fun = "BS", DF = 5, Degree = 2) lagknots2 & lt; - Lognots (24, 3) CBT2 - Envelope (24, 3) CB2 & lt; - Crossboys (c, lag = 24, asarwar = list (fun = "bs", knot = varknots2), arglog = list (knot = lagnets 2)...

Generate images from within the code in an array -

Then I am writing this program where I need to translate the reply to a key in a play. The problem I am facing is setting notes on the screen. Because I will need a lot of notes, I have to use an array, and the code will need to overlay these images. I have that which appears on the screen to create the correct note so far: Process TForm1.SpeedButton1Click (Sender: Toubys); Start for Taylor 3: = 0 Taylor 2 - 1 If the mall [teller 3] = 1 then start the image 1.picture.loadFromFile ('E: \ Informatica \ Eindopdracht \ Afbeeldingen \ nootachtste.jpg'); If the mall [teller 3] = 2 then image 1.picture.loadFromFile ('E: \ Informatica \ Indoproduct \ aflingington \ NoOutKivart.JPG'); If the mall [teller 3] = 4 then image 1.picture.loadFromFile ('E: \ Informatica \ Eindopdracht \ Afbeeldingen \ noothalf.jpg'); If the mall [teller 3] = 8 then image 1 picture. LoadFramefile ('E: \ InfoCompany \ Eindoproduct \ aflingning \ Notheil.jpg'); End; End; Here is ...

javascript - AngularJS run method doesn't always run -

I am writing simple app in angular and I want to know whether the user is logged in or not. If not - then redirect it. It almost works, but when I am at the # / form site, type [anglesite] # / home in my browser, then I get home page every other time, and the second time I am being redirected Why is not the running mode always running? I was also checking with caution - and this is the thing - the warning shows the second time the factory ('$ login check', function () {return function () {// check that the local storage is incorrect if it is returned ;};}); Var myApp = angular.module ('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'myAppControllers', 'Myelogene check']); MyApp.config (['$ routeProvider', '$ locationProvider', function ($ route provider, $ location provider) {$ routeProvider.} ('/ Form', {templateUrl: 'views / form.html', Controller: 'FormCtrl' Otherwise ({redirectTo: '/ form'});}].) Run (function ($ (...

php - Using PDO and transactions, but I dont get error so rollback wont work. -

I am trying to create a simple class in PHP, Db- & gt; Starting restriction (); } Function query ($ sql) {$ stmt = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Ready ($ sql); $ Stmt- & gt; Executed (); Return $ stmt->; FetchAll (); } Function lastInsertID () {return $ the-> Db- & gt; LastInsertId (); } Command command trance () {$ this-> Db- & gt; Committed (); } Function Rollback () {$ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Rollback (); } Function __destruct () {$ this- & gt; Db = null; }} But when I do the following, I do not get any error, even if I do for the query, which results in the complete rollback function completely useless. Questions are still accumulated, even if queries can be completely messed up ..! & lt ;? Php is required 'db_con.php'; $ Db = new db (); $ Db- & gt; Trans (); $ Nick = "WebbashShip". Include in 'User ID' ('UserID', 'Nick', 'Pass') values ​​(zero, '$ _POST [Nick]', ...

bufferedreader - How to read a text file in a bottom up fashion in java? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर मैं लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ एक ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम असाइनमेंट के रूप में एक लॉग स्ट्रक्चर फाइल सिस्टम। इसमें सबसे हालिया डेटा फ़ाइल के अंत में रखा गया है। यही कारण है कि मैं रिवर्स ऑर्डर में टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल "लाइन-बाय-लाइन" को पढ़ना चाहता हूं क्या यह संभव है? रिवर्सलाइन इनस्टस्ट्रीम देखें: यह एसई प्रश्न को संदर्भित करता है में = नया बफ़्टेड रीडर (नया इन्पुटस्ट्रीमरेडर (नया रिवर्सलाइन इंटरस्ट्रिम स्ट्रीम (फ़ाइल))); जबकि (सच) {स्ट्रिंग रेखा = in.readLine (); अगर (रेखा == शून्य) {ब्रेक; } System.out.println ("X:" + लाइन); } (धन्यवाद, @ मार्क ओ'डोनोह)

CakePHP save associated model data in afterSave -

I have a task model and project model, the work is for a project, which I want to do in the aftersave work Update the model, a field in the project model, but I'm having trouble trying to use $ the-> Task-> Project-> Find (), thank you without any happiness. You are probably looking for saveAll () Side note: How do you find '(') to save your data?

c++ - cin fails to stop while loop -

I was wondering if you can tell me why this loop can not find if I say 'r' value ' Value of Double Values ​​std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Please enter a real number:"; Std :: cin & gt; & Gt; value; While (! Isdigit (value)) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Sorry, but only numbers are valid. \ NPlease enter a real number:"; Std :: cin & gt; & Gt; value; } Thanks a lot. You should not be using isdigit () because it To test whether a single char type is an ASCII digit. If you are expecting a user to enter a real number (and not a string), you can use () to use your code. should do. If cin is expecting a double , then reads a string, then () return true . Another (cleaner) option is to test the status of cin , as @bangfs reported: While ( ( gt; value)) {// bad value was entered!

javascript - Get value of object literal key -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 14 उत्तरों मुझे एक वस्तु मिल गई है एक सरणी के अंदर शाब्दिक और मैं चाबी का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: नाम और मूल्य। यहां मेरा ऑब्जेक्ट है: var ProductList = [{"1": { नाम: "आइटम का नाम", मूल्य: "0.99"}}, {"2": {नाम: "आइटम का नाम", मूल्य: "0.99"}}, {"3": {नाम: "आइटम का नाम", मूल्य : "8.9 9"}}, {"4": {नाम: "आइटम का नाम", मूल्य: "8.9 9"}}}; संख्याएं 1,2,3,4 उत्पाद आइटम आईडी हैं, इसलिए मैं ऐसा करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: console.log (ProductList [1] .नाम); लेकिन यह सिर्फ काम नहीं करता। धन्यवाद, मार्क इसे आज़माएं: चूंकि आप एक सरणी में हैश संचय कर रहे हैं। ऐसा लगता है, मैं गलत हो सकता है, कि आप अपने एल्डर एएम की स्थिति - 1, अपने उत्पाद आईडी के आधार पर पहुंचना चाहते हैं। यदि आपका आईडी भिन्न होता है, अर्थात .. 123, 587, एबीसी 987, तो निम्नलिखित काम नहीं करेंगे। मूल्य: "8.9 9"}}, {"आइटम"...

html5 - Can't get last-child with hover to work on nav sub menu -

My range radius on the last option in my sub menu "Get Ready!" Works, but I can not get it to do it only when you hover over it. I have tried to see the last answer, but for my life I can not get it to work. The code is as follows: HTML: & lt; Nav> & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li id = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "index.html" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "team.html" & gt; Team & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "trips.html" & gt; Trips & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "availability html" & gt; Availability & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Get ready! & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt...

webforms - How to use same header and navigation menus across the whole website with different subfolders in -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: & lt; header id = "mainHeader" & gt; & Lt; div id = "लोगो" & gt; & Lt; img src = "चित्र / लोगो.जेपीजी" alt = "" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "callus" & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & Lt; img src = "चित्र / कॉलस.जेपीजी" alt = "" class = "fl" / & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & LT; एनएवी & gt; & Lt; ul id = "nav" & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लिंक" & gt; & lt; a href = "default.aspx" & gt; होम & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लिंक" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; हमारे बारे में & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "लिंक" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; पोर्टफोलियो & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt...

java - Does my program have a runtime error or does my computer not have the power to run my program? -

So I started the Euler project and the first problem was very simple, although I could not find the answer because the program I created Is not running. It just compiles, but when I run it, it never runs Project Allar says that "problems with efficient implementation will allow a moderately operated computer to get the solution in less than a minute." Which goes to my question, am I stuck in an infinite loop or do not have the power to run my program on my computer? The problem is: If we list all the natural numbers below 10 which are multiples of 3 or 5, then we have 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. public class Euler1 {public static zero main (string [] args) {double X = 1; Int count = 0; Integer = 0; While (x } Your program is incorrect. while (x and lt; 1000) {if ((x / 3 == (int) x)} (x / 5 == (int) x)) {count ++; X ++; Total + = X; }} Keep in mind that if the situation is true...

php - How to separate variables from the comma that joins them and display them? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब एक foreach पाश में मैं अपलोड कुछ फ़ोटो और अपने मूल्यों को एक चर में नीचे एक कॉमा के रूप में विभाजित करते हैं $ photos। = $ File_name। ","; जब फाइल अपलोड हो जाती है, तो डीबी में इसे 01461135_1015205099943781_302247337_n.jpg, 11534328_56640920111689_2120954548_n.jpg, 2160948_470329406422631_1521154943_n.jpg, के रूप में सहेजा जाता है। कृपया अंत में , को ध्यान में रखें। मेरा उद्देश्य उनको बाद में जैसे गूंज करना है & lt; li & gt; & Lt; img src = "चित्र / car1.jpg" / & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि मैं कैसे चित्रों को अलग कर सकता हूं कि अल्पविराम फ़ाइल नाम के अंत में है? मुझे लगता है कि आप अपनी स्ट्रिंग कर सकते हैं और अपने चित्र नामों की एक सरणी बना सकते हैं $ picture_array = विस्फोट (", ", $ string); अब सभी चित्र नाम $ picture_array में उपलब्ध हैं

c++ - Check for input and sleep boost thread -

I am trying to create a thread that checks the user input and if the input is equal to "exit" So it stops all the other threads. The way I use the cin is to stop the thread. Thread should run, check user input, and if there is one and this is equal to "exit", then close run process . This is my code that does not work, is expected that "the new line is closed" is never printed, "Running" is printed only once: void check_for_cin () {while (process runs) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Its going on"; String input; Std :: getline (std :: cin, input); // while (std :: getline (std :: cin, input)) {if (! Input.empty ()) {if (input == "exit") {runProcesses = false; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Out" & lt; & Lt; "Run processes:" & lt; & Lt; RunProcesses; }} Cout & lt; & Lt; "Newline closed"; Promotion :: this_thread :: sleep (boost :: posix_time :: seconds (1)); } Cout & ...

ios - Making a UISlider move back and forth on its own -

In my current project I have created an app that displays the status of the UI slider in relation to a target value. I have got full functionality, but now I am trying to make a little spice. Is it possible to move the UISLider forward and backward (from maximum to maximum) to (at least maximum) when users drag it instead of entering the app? Thoughts: Probably use a looping sequence? I do not see anyone to code this code, I enjoy this part very much. Just looking for guidance. For further answer to NSTimer, I do not recommend using it, but instead of CADisplayLink. Similar process, but instead of using NSTimer, use CADisplayLink. The CADisplayLink screen synchronizes with the refresh rate, so that you can adjust the animation and slider values ​​based on the current frame, so that the animation looks smooth.

vba - Option Infer ON -

क्या विकल्प अनुमानक VBA में काम नहीं करता है? मंद संख्या = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {0}, 5, 6}} यह विकल्प विकल्प के बिना काम नहीं करता है, लेकिन अगर आप इसे जोड़ते हैं तो आप उसे संकलन करते हैं। कुल noob प्रश्न। डायरेक्टिव्ही एक सुविधा है जिसे वीबीएनेट में विजुअल स्टूडियो 2008 में जोड़ा गया है। VBA कंपाइलर एक पूरी तरह से अलग कार्यान्वयन है जिसे कभी भी ऑप्शन इनफर के लिए अद्यतन नहीं किया गया था इसलिए इस काम को बनाने का कोई तरीका नहीं है

java ee 6 - Is it possible to annotate a method with @TransactionAttribute in BMT EJB? -

I came upon a piece of code where the bean implementation class @ TransactionManagement (TransactionManagementType.BEAN) is Annotations in which the methods are annotated with CMT @TransactionAttribute . What is valid? Can EBB use the CMT transaction annotation with EMBT? What will be the behavior on runtime? Although Javadoc says that "It can only be specified that container managed transaction limit is used." Specifying this, it does not throw any compilation error. Does this mean that jvm only ignores it on runtime? @ static (mapped name = "ABC") @ Remot ( "Abisiarmmtikclas") @ Local ( "Abisilokl. Class") @ Transaction Management (TransactionManagementTypekBEAN) public square ABBABEIN ABOLOCOL, ABCRMTECT {@ RESOURCES PRIVATE EDUCATOR, TRANSACTION UTX; Applies; @price unit private entity entertainment factory emf; @ Override @ transaction attribute (transaction Attitusn type. Requier) Public ABC got Alpababets (string name) {Entity ...

php - Loop numbers through Dropdown but getting number instead of letters -

What I am trying to do, puts a letter in the value of each dropdown based on the dropdown. Instead of getting the number and how does the loop end when it reaches the letter Z? Instead of I, instead of A, I am getting 2 instead of 1 and 2. How to get all the characters in addition to the final value and I used the substrings table structure id | Main code Category 1 | BAS-01 | Supplies 2 | Bass-02 | IT equipment 3 | Bas-03 office equipment & lt; Select Name = "Main Code" id = "Main Code" onchange = "GetChangedValue (this.value);" & Gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ mysqli = new mysqli ("localhost", "root", "", "data"); $ Result2 = $ mysqli- & gt; Query ("SELECT * FROM to Category ORDER ID"); While ($ line = $ result 2- & gt; fetch_assoc ()) {if (empty ($ result2)) {$ data = 'A'; } And {$ data ++; } // reso...

zedgraph - c# Original error:object reference not set to an instance of an object error -

I have a code that allows the user to choose the file and specify the data in the array. Private Zero Load_data_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {stream mystream = null; OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog (); OpenFileDialog1.Initial Directory = "C: \\ DataAirere"; OpenFileDialog1.filter = "txt files (* .txt) | * .txt"; OpenFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2; OpenFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True; If (openfileDialog1.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK) {try {if ((mystream = openfileDialog1.OpenFile ()) = = null {{mystream} {string filename = openFileDialog1.FileName; var lineCount = 0; (Var reader = Using file.OpenText (@filename) {while (reader.ReadLine ()! = Null) {lineCount ++;} (Var count = 0; count & lt; lineCount; ++ count) for} {Var data = reader.ReadLine (). Split (','); GlobalDataClass.dDataArray [calculation, 0] = double. Text (data [0]); GlobalDataClass.dDataArray [calculation, 1] = double. [1]);} ShowGraphData (Linecount);}}...

Stack Data Loop - SAS Macro -

I have 51 files (I raise unemployment rate for all 50 states and DC from BLS), and give me them Need to pile up one another I'm working on a macro which will import files and then pile them, but I'm stuck on how I can write a loop to pile them. I'm only storing the first and the last data sets, and nothing in between. I'm not sure what I'm doing, any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance. / * Import imported raw data files * /% macro import; Repeat% = 1% & amp; Files; Data_null_; Set files (where = (file = & regenerative)); Call simt ('infil', left (trim (filename)); Call simpat ('state', left (trim (state)); Run; % Put and Infail; % Put and State; / * Import Raw data files * / proc import datafile = "& amp; raw & amp; infile" = & amp; State dbms = xls; Getnames = yes; Namerow = 11; Datarow = 12; Run; / * Create a new State column / data and state; Set and state; State = "and state"; Run; %...

c - Can typedef structures cause name clashes when linking a static library? -

When I create a static library, can the name of the typeface structure be conflicts? Looking at the example header, the file below, I think myFun () will be an external symbol and any other library with myFun () function Can fight with. To avoid this, the best part is that myFun () give a longer and more specific name. // myFile.h typedef struct {int myVar; } MyStruct; Zero myFun (myStruct * input); Is myStruct an external symbol that can cause naming conflicts while linking to another library? And why is it not listed when I .a to nm myLib.a ? No, names appear outside of the linkage only outside the library (or source file), and C There is no relation between types. C11 §6.2.2 / 2: In the set of translation units and libraries, a complete program is formed, with the external relation, each declaration of a specific identifier is the same object or function Reflects. In C ++, you will cause concern in theory, because class types and typed names are de...

c++ - confused about parameters by value and by reference -

assignment - Create a sample function that takes at least three parameters, at least one parameter Price must be passed, and at least two should be passed by reference. I have made the following but if I am doing the right thing then I am confused, I am confused about the value and from context I have num1 = 30 in int1 Determine the addThree value to add to 7 but? #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; // prototype zero addThree (int num1, int and num2, int and num3); Int main () {int num1 = 30; Int number 2 = 50; Int number 3 = 80; AddThree (7, num2, num3); Return 0; } Zero addThree (int num1, int and num2, int and num3) {int x; Int y; Int z; X = num1 + 3; Y = num2 + 3; Z = num3 + 3; Cout & lt; & Lt; "X is value" & lt; & Lt; X & LT; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Y Value" is & lt; & Lt; Y & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Z is value" & lt; & Lt; J & lt; ...

regex - Ruby regular express. detect wrong email address such as "" -

गलत ईमेल पते जैसे "hi @" का पता लगाने के लिए VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[az\d\-.]+\.[az]+\z/i VALID_EMAIL_REGEX_FULL = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[az.d \ -] + (\। [Az] +) *। [Az] + \ z / i पहले एक विफल रहता है दूसरा रिसेज मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि यह हिस्सा अलग कैसे बना सकता है? (\। [Az] +) * \। [Az] धन्यवाद! पहले एक @ [az \ d \ -] में है । जो सहित किसी भी वर्ण के साथ मेल खाता है। । इसे हटाया जाना चाहिए ताकि डोमेन केवल अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक वर्ण से मेल खाता हो। यह होना चाहिए: / \ [[w + \ -।] + @ [Az \ d \ -] + \। [Az] + \ z / i

php - Uploading multiple images with random file names -

Right now, all the images are uploaded properly with their filenames, but I can change the filenames to random names Avoid names with symbols you want) But when I try to do this, if I upload more than one image, then all of them will be the same image of the last selected file. & lt; Input type = 'file' name = 'file []' & gt; More conditions: $ permission = array ('jpg', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', ' Quarrel ',' gif '); $ Max_file_size = 2048 * 1000; $ Path = "picture / picture /"; // directory $ count = 0 Upload; If ($ $ _FILES ['file'] ['name']! = "") {Foreach ($ _FILES ['file '] [' Name '] as $ F = & gt; $ name) {if ($ _FILES [' file '] [' error '] [$ f] == 4) {continue; } If $ $ _FILES ['file'] ['error'] [$ f] == 0} {if ($ _FILES ['file'] ['size'] [$ f]> $ max_file_size) {$ Errors [] ...

eclipse - how to enable birt logging in spring sts -

I am trying to write a report with SQL parameters using the BIRT Report Designer in Eclipse. I am receiving an error, which has to be done with the preparation of the statement for the value. How can I enable logging in Eclipse so that I can see the error in more detail? I am using Spring STS and I have set ... inside ... c: \ program files \ springsource \ sts-3.1.0.RELEASE \ plugins \ .viewer_3.7.2.v20120213 \ birt \ WEB-INF \ web.xml But I still can not find any logs in the Bert log. Does anyone know what I am doing? BIRT uses Java usage logging, but you can write a simple log handle redirected to log4j Are there. It shows how log4j is used in BIRT

c# - Unable to Implement CalendarContract w/ Xamarin.Android -

I am wrestling with the Android calendar for a few days and I am at the end of my intelligence Follow the instructions given here: I have started a new ICS project and added permissions to read and write the calendar. According to the above instructions, I can now be able to "chat with calendar data" using the calendar calendar class. However, when I input the first line of the example code: var calendarsUri = insert calendar. Claude Content Yuri; I get an error saying that "the name 'calendar conference' is not present in the current context." I have the download code for the calendar demo located here: I can open the project, manipulate the code I can deploy it with modifications placed on my test device and it works perfectly. The problem is that if I prepare a project from scratch then I can not get cancer in the "present in my context" even adding to a new project in CalendarListActivity.cs will not work. It goes that I...

sql server - Multiple Databases Vs Single Database with logically partitioned data -

I am considering a database design issue. Technology Stack / Strong> MVC4, .NET 4.X , Unit Framework 5, SQL Server 2012, ASP.NET Subscription Framework Number of Users We intend to complete approximately 1000 customers, Which will be an average of 20 users. Question Should we design the database and thus in such a way the application tables are divided logically, that is, all clients To separate the data, use the same tables with a partition guide. OR Go to many databases, new features are proven difficult during launch and bug fixing, but potentially scaling can be allowed? Alerts: One of the tables contains binary columns that store files (maximum 5 MB per record) In addition to this we need to consider membership settings tables, Which we will extend to another custom table and log the users logically in a partition guide. You want you to have used different databases: If you ever want to allow yourself to the database in the client or...

Python accessing global variables using globals() -

नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण में देखें .. var1 = 10 var2 = "string" var3 = सच डिक = {} def func1 (): ... ... def मुख्य (): varN = globals ()। ["Var1"] शब्दकोश = ग्लोबल्स ()। ["डिक"]। Var2 ('कुछ अन्य स्ट्रिंग ') इसे कैसे पढ़ें? ग्लोबल्स ()? यह कैसे प्रयोग किया जाता है और व्याख्या की जाती है? कृपया मदद करें धन्यवाद। ग्लोबल्स () एक शब्दकोश देता है। प्रिंट प्रकार (ग्लोबल्स ()) # & lt; टाइप 'डिक्ट' & gt; इसलिए, वैश्विक चर का उपयोग करने के लिए सबस्क्रिप्ट नोटेशन पर्याप्त है। प्रिंट ग्लोबल्स () ["var1"] ग्लोबल्स () ["dic"] [Var2] = 'कुछ अन्य स्ट्रिंग' प्रिंट डिक # {'स्ट्रिंग': 'कुछ अन्य स्ट्रिंग'}

wso2esb - WSO2 ESB custom response -

Setting a custom response to WSO2 ESB and I got a response like this {"response": {"status code": "401", " Status message ":" The authorization grant provided is invalid. "}} But I want to remove feedback node. AFAIK, this is the 'reaction'. The reasons mentioned in the comments are the same because when you " Code ":" 401 "," status message ":" The authorization grant provided is invalid. "} And convert the XML element to the original element so it adds the response as the basic element

ios - Custom UITableView Cell's Y offset not editable -

I inherited the project that uses custom UITableView cells I'm usually OK to deal with them, But in this specific case I have one which is offset of 434px, but that magic number is not available anywhere in the code, it is deeper than seeing the location of the storyboard and I can not move it.

android - why app service restarting, and not able to restart? -

This is a tracking application of 24 * 7 when it stops, I have START_REDELIVER_INTENT of I use it, but it does not start every time. This app shows the following types of feedback in the manager Please suggest. Although START_STICKY restarts the service within seconds of its expiration.

Processing (the Java visualization language): spinning rectangle leaving odd fading trail effect with rectMode(CENTER) but not rectMode(CORNER) -

I am practicing with objects, as if they move. At the moment, I will rotate clockwise in the middle of a rectangular canvas and on the canvas I am depicting a low-viscosity rectangle, which produces a good fading mark. Trouble: Fixed Trail Only when I use the Recode (Corner) is only completely Fade Fade. [I should mention that the recordmod default was not mentioned in the corner.] It is undesirable, as is the rectangle about a corner, instead the center. I would like to use the Ricotode (CNTR), but the speed trail completely fades with this command; Instead, the trails form 3/4 of a circle of solid, completely opaque color. I tried to include a screenshot of strange 3/4 speed trail circle, but I am told that I lack the required reputation. It is very strange that it seems like the bug. Any thoughts? Integer size size = 150; Float q = 0; Zero setup () {size (500, 500); Smooth (); NoStroke (); Background (0); } Zero draw () {noStroke (); Fill (0, 15); // creates low-opa...

mysql - Wordpress: Is it possible to access wp_config.php file directly? -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: 1 उत्तर मैं एक व्यवस्थापक उपयोगकर्ता हूँ Wordpress आवेदन मेरे डेटाबेस विन्यास चर - उपयोगकर्ता नाम, पासवर्ड का उपयोग नहीं है I मुझे केवल होस्टनाम मान पता है इसलिए, इन वैरिएबल के मूल्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए, wp_config.php फ़ाइल तक पहुंच की आवश्यकता है। व्यवस्थापक अनुभाग से, मैं इन कॉन्फ़िगरेशन मानों को ढूँढने में असमर्थ हूं। तो, क्या wp_config.php फ़ाइल को सीधे एक्सेस करने का कोई तरीका है? यह आपकी सहायता करेगा .... आप अपनी स्ट्रिंग में कुछ जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं ... अपने विषय में किसी एक php फाइल से पूछताछ कर सकते हैं।

java.lang.NullPointerException in Struts2 application -

I'm new to Struts 2 I'm working on a web application, I, the exception is the following am java.lang.NullPointerException be added by the action mapping org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke (struts.xml org.apache.catalina.valves Kaksesslogwalvekinvoke (Aksesslogwalvekjawa:927) Orgkapachekkatlinkknectorkkyoteadptrksrvis (Kyoteadptrkjawa:407) Orgkapachekkoyotkhttpll. AbstractHttp11Processor.process ( org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol $ AbstractConnectionHandler.process ( Author $ Socket Processor.Ran (AprilEndPointJava 1812) java Kutilkkkrrentkthredpuleksekyutr $ Vrkrkruntsk (Thredpuleksekyutrkjawa:886) Jawakutilkkkrrentkthredpuleksekyutr $ Vrkrkrn (Thredpuleksekyutrkjawa:908) Jawaklangkthredkrn (Thredkjawa:662) I added the following code to struts.xml The following is my welcome job package com.mmi.action; Import com.opensympho...

javascript - Make holder.js work with Angular -

जब हम & lt; img src = "holder.js / 300x200" & gt; को एक में डालते हैं एनजी-ऐप , यह काम नहीं करता है, लेकिन जब हम इसे बाहर रख देते हैं, तो इसे बाहर करता है। क्या है? यदि हम इस निर्देश को जोड़ते हैं app.directive ('धारकफिक्स', फ़ंक्शन () {रिटर्न {link: फ़ंक्शन (स्कोप, एलिमेंट, एटर्स) {होल्डर.रन ({चित्र: एलिमेंट [0], एनओसीएसएस: सच्चा});}};}); फिर ये दोनों तत्व काम करते हैं & lt; img डेटा-src = "holder.js / 300x200" धारक-फ़िक्स & gt; & Lt; img src = "धारक। जेएस / 300x200" धारक-तय & gt; इसका परीक्षण किया गया क्रोम संस्करण 32.0.1700.107 मीटर यह भी देखें:

How to add a class to a <li> generated by PHP using jQuery? -

मेरे पास & lt; li & gt; PHP द्वारा उत्पन्न है मैं हर पंक्ति को केवल noMarginRight की एक कक्षा के पास करने के लिए उस पंक्ति में केवल 4 & lt; li & gt; और अंतिम & lt; li & gt; प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं? & lt; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना यहां & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना यहां & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; नमूना यहां & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; आशा है कि यह समझ में आता है। आप P> डे...

oauth - redirect_uri not working in soundcloud -

I showed the codeback code in the "show" and saved the callback.html file to my server (""). Callback & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Connect with SoundCloud & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "window.opener (window.opener.SC.connectCallback, 1);" & Gt; & Lt; B style = "width: 100%; text-align: center;" & Gt; This popup should be automatically locked in seconds & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Here is my description client_id: "df20e6893cd18c616f9277adb284f0c8"...

python - Sending multiple lists (list of lists) over a network -

Suppose i have two lists which are coordinate of x and y of the number. Now I want to send 2 lists through sockets to other computers on one network. Because I want to send the lists, I add lists to a list of lists and then send the data. 1.Is there, do I need to pickle them up? 2. From the receiver, how do I delete lists and store values ​​in 2 different lists? Example status is given below: listx = [1,2,3] list = [4,5,6] list_to_send.append ( Listx) list_to_send.append (listy) print list_to_send = & gt; [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] Send list to receiver Receiver at that time: a = socket.recv (1024) How to unlink and unlock lists now? A better option would be some structure like JSON. Pickles are a good option, but from the box, it is not very safe (I will put a link about this soon, soon). I am also convinced that you have more questions about serializing / disassigning compared to TCP socket. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import json & gt; & Gt;...

Calculate the size of data being received in PHP /Javascript -

Using Ajax request, I get the content that is displayed on the web page. The content can only contain string / string + html content / string + image. I need to calculate the total size of the content and if it is more than 200 KB, I do not want to show it on the HTML page. How do I calculate the size of any content in jQuery / Angualarjs / Javascript / PHP? Modify your PHP backend: ob_start (); // All content generated here ... $ output = ob_get_clean (); If (strollon ($ output) & gt; (200 * 1024)) {// return error front end} other {$ echo output}}

c# - Regex to match the second word of a sentence and trim leading white space -

I am trying to write a reggae that matches another word in a sentence. I have yet to be \ s + [^ \ s] + which mail Blockquote> Quick / P> Unfortunately, I can not come up with a solution that removed the major white space. See for example So, is there an easy way to match "Quick" without white space? The weapon of choice is C #, if it makes a difference and it has to be regex, I know that String.Split will be very good in this specific situation. On the one hand, is it possible to match the word N-th in Regex? I know that what an unknown number of regex groups can not group, is this right? Edit : My example had a typo. The underscores I had to highlight was to highlight the white space. The regular expression you are using is correct. To get around your problem, you can use the Capture group , something like this: string str = "Quick brown pendant on a celestial dog Jumps "; Reggae's R = New Reggae (@ ...

javascript - Maps Marker click targets wrong marker -

So I make several Google Maps markers through a loop and add the click listener, to open the related information Window is considered for every marker click always opens the info window of the marker, which was added last time. Private loader (): void {net.Ajax.getJson ("/ places.json", (Response: Location []) = & gt; {for (var i = 0; i & lt; response.length; i ++) {var location: location = response [i]; var marker: google.maps.Marker = this.createMarker (location); Google.maps.event.addListener (marker, "click ', () => {This.onMarkerClicked (Marker);});}}); } Marker-Linked on Private (Marker: google.maps.Marker): Zero {this.infoWindow.close (); This.infoWindow = New google.maps.InfoWindow ({content: marker.getTitle ()}); (, marker); } Any ideas? Thanks! This classic closed conceptual mistake is. Closer does not consider variable marker and whenever the variable has the scope of function , you have only one m...

checkbox - Ui updating twice in listview in android -

I'm developing an Android application. In this I have a list view with checkboxes for each item. By default all items are checked. I've clicked on the checklist for the checklist. Whenever the user clicks on the check box, I am setting the changing price in the current situation. Everything is fine. But U is updated for two alternative items instead of one. For example, if I click on the second check box, the fourth check box is also being updated in the user interface. Click the address for the listener only has a call time down on the listener, click Adapter class. View public view getView (last integer status, see convertView, ViewGroup parent) {layout infographic implant = (layout inflator) mcontext .getSystemService (reference. LAOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); See viewview = Convertview; Listview = inflater.inflate (R.litt.edit_graph_user_item, empty); // Get all the areas of layout; YouTube = (TextView) listview.findViewById (; Checkbox = (checkbox) listview....

python - How to select a span element which is a list box ,when multiple span elements with same class ID are present in the same page? -

I am using robot framework to check a GUI application, I have to select a span element that is a list box Thank you in advance Text "> Can you provide a part of your code that you can use to obtain a span element and a part of your GUI application, from where you get the element of getting the element (Html, or Smth.)?

python lxml.html: returns null list for yahoo finance -

निम्न कोड एक खाली सूची देता है; import lxml.html url = 'http : // + प्रोफ़ाइल 'सामग्री = lxml.html.parse (url) सेक्टर = content.xpath (' // * [@ id = "yfncsumtab"] / टीबीआई / Tr [2] / टीडी [1] / टेबल [2] / टीडीआई / टीआर / टीडी / टेबल / टीडीआई / टीआर [2] / टीडी [2] / ए ') प्रिंट सेक्टर [] मैं क्रोम में कंसोल पर चेक पार कर चुका हूं .. $ x ('// * [@ id = "yfncsumtab"] / टीडीए [2] / टीडी [1] /table [2] / टीबी / प्र / संस्था /table /tbody/tr[2]/td[[]/a')[0].text और मुझे आउटपुट मिलता है 'सेवा' मैं कहाँ गड़बड़ रहा हूं? html कोड में lxml द्वारा हल किया गया है तत्व नहीं हैं, इसलिए आपको उन्हें xpath अभिव्यक्ति में छोड़ना होगा साथ ही, लिंक की सामग्री को निकालने के लिए text () जोड़ें: क्षेत्र = content.xpath ('// * [@ id = "yfncsumtab "] / ट्र [2] / टीडी [1] / टेबल [2] / ट्र / टीडी / टेबल / ट्र [2] / टीडी [2] / ए / टेक्स्ट () ')

php - Unable to refresh div after inserting the data in mysql using ajax -

तीन पृष्ठ मूल्य निर्धारण। Php, disk.php, disk_save.php हैं Pricing.php मेरा मुख्य फॉर्म है इसलिए इसमें एजेक्स का उपयोग करके डेटा पोस्ट करने के लिए स्क्रिप्ट शामिल हैं। pricing.php & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; // बटन #disc_save_amt डिस्क। PHP $ ('# disc_save_amt') में मौजूद है। लाइव ('क्लिक', फ़ंक्शन () {$ .ajax ({url: "disk_save.php", // url प्रकार सबमिट करने के लिए: " वैल (), 'छूट': $ ('# डिस्क_इन')। Val ()}, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (), पोस्ट (), डेटा प्रकार: 'जेसन', डेटा: {'डिस्काउंट_प्रकार': $ ('# discount_type')। {} }); विवरण झूठा है; }); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; डिस्क.एफ़पीपी में बटन शामिल हैं जिसके माध्यम से डेटा को डाटाबेस में क्लिक करने के बाद डाला जा रहा है। & lt; div id = "disc_display" & gt; & Lt; form method = "post" id = "disc_data" एक्शन = "" & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी ...

android - How to hide the softkey bar of NOOK HD device from my application -

By my application, how can I hide the softkey bar of the Nook HD device? My application is running on full screen mode thanks You can not hide in the bottom bar NOOK HD device has been said in the documentation Note HD and NOOK HD + do not support true full screen mode . The system bar below always shows, therefore, the NOOK "n" key is the home button and the key is not the key because there is a back in the system bar that always shows.

iphone - Unable to read text from Pdf in ios -

I am trying to extract the text for a PDF document in my iOS application, I CGPDFScanner I am using I have used the reference from these links: The methods specified in the above two links for some simple type Let's work PDF .. But when I try to remove text from PDFs like "garbage value" in those series, please suggest me some solutions which will work for all kinds of PDFs If you are using PDFKitten, then it contains Imapi parsing should issue I have resolved this issue and found that running well in just about every PDF.

Is a mysql case value of datatype tinyint or varchar? -

Naturally a boolean value is a boolean datatype (or bull, tinent or whatever similar typo current program language likes to call it) when reputation & gt; = '9' then 'correct' 'incorrect' as the end boolean profile WHERE custid = '1' Is it short or varchar? The word boolean is actually a column nickname, not a new data Type which you have not seen before; -) & gt; Selection 'true' as Boolean Output: + --------- + | Boolean + --------- + | True | Whatever expression expression is, type in a case like a CHAR or VARCHAR .

c# - Create child using existing record abstract class -

मेरे पास फ़ील्ड के साथ वर्ग व्यक्ति है: PersonID (पीके) नाम प्रथम नाम और वर्ग सदस्य फ़ील्ड के साथ: पर्सनआईडी (एफके एंड पीके) फ़ंक्शन के बाद से सदस्य सदस्य से व्यक्ति से प्राप्त होता है इसलिए डेटाबेस में इसके पास फ़ील्ड है नाम और प्रथम नाम । जब मैं सीधे सदस्य बनाऊँगा, तो मैं सभी डेटा टेक्स्ट बॉक्स में दूंगा और इसे डेटाबेस में भेजें जब मैं सदस्य बनाता हूं, तो डेटाबेस स्वचालित रूप से एक व्यक्ति बनाता है, जो अच्छा है। लेकिन , जब मेरे पास एक मौजूदा व्यक्ति है, तो मैं उस सदस्य को बनाने के लिए इस डेटा का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, जैसे कि उस व्यक्ति को अपग्रेड करना, लेकिन डेटाबेस के बिना एक नया व्यक्ति रिकॉर्ड बनाना क्योंकि इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है क्योंकि मेरे पास पहले से ही व्यक्ति है रिकॉर्ड। यह कैसे C # और MVC में किया जाता है? पीएस: डीबीएमएस SQL ​​सर्वर 2008 है आप शायद क्लॉज का उपयोग करके डालने / अपडेट क्वेरी को लागू करना चाहते हैं ऐसा लग सकता है: सदस्य के रूप में उपयोग कर रहा है (चयन करें @person_id person_id) एस एस पर t.Person_id =

html - HTTP live Streaming reader -

I have a server that provides live streaming channels via http and upd on a network (http: // ..., upd: // ...), and I'm trying to find a way for users to stream the stream in my browser (at least 7 Windows). I tried to set the video tag with src " http: // IP server - IP of the channel ... but I did not support it in the" video format or mime type ". So I have tried to save this content for 1 minute and then played as normal video, it is played normally so I think that My problem is to display this content on the browser Please, you can help me find the necessary solutions or steps and tools for this problem. Please. Best regards ,

Facebook Developer Console Error "Params must be non empty" while trying to add developer -

I am trying to add a developer to the Facebook Developer Console. When I present the developer e-maiid, then it gives me an error message as "the ultimate blank. Any suggestions to fix this? According to its documentation, according to "management development cycle" in "test" section (), "The user can be added by specifying his name (if he is your friend), email address or facebook user id Users do not have to be friends to be added to a role. "(emphasis my) He said that because of this I have stumbled on it, so I am beginning to suspect that there is only one exact problem that their documents are old ?

vba - Can i copy the exact value instead of refencing another sheet inside a formula for multiple rows in EXCEL? -

I would like reference of another sheet inside the formula to replace with the actual value instead of context. I can not do this with a special copy because it is inside a formula and I want to do it for several rows. Is this possible? Thank you in advance. Year inflation price price inflation 1990 = (E9 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C3122 0.28888 1991 = (E10 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C4 125 0.36 9 2 99 = (E11 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C5 128 0.45078 1993 = (E12 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C6 131 0.53173 = 1994 (E13 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C7 134 0.61268 1995 = (E14 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C8 137 0.69363 1996 = (E15 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C9 140 0.77458 1997 = (E16 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C10 143 0.85553 1998 = (E17 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C 11 146 0.93648 1999 = (E18 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C12 14 9 1.01743 2000 = (E9 * 70%) * Sheet 2! C13 152 1.0 9 838 Yes, you can do this - though this is a bit difficult - given below See the instructions passed. However, quick wording of the warning - using values ​​in any formula is usually not the best p...