Generate images from within the code in an array -

Then I am writing this program where I need to translate the reply to a key in a play. The problem I am facing is setting notes on the screen. Because I will need a lot of notes, I have to use an array, and the code will need to overlay these images. I have that which appears on the screen to create the correct note so far:

  Process TForm1.SpeedButton1Click (Sender: Toubys); Start for Taylor 3: = 0 Taylor 2 - 1 If the mall [teller 3] = 1 then start the image 1.picture.loadFromFile ('E: \ Informatica \ Eindopdracht \ Afbeeldingen \ nootachtste.jpg'); If the mall [teller 3] = 2 then image 1.picture.loadFromFile ('E: \ Informatica \ Indoproduct \ aflingington \ NoOutKivart.JPG'); If the mall [teller 3] = 4 then image 1.picture.loadFromFile ('E: \ Informatica \ Eindopdracht \ Afbeeldingen \ noothalf.jpg'); If the mall [teller 3] = 8 then image 1 picture. LoadFramefile ('E: \ InfoCompany \ Eindoproduct \ aflingning \ Notheil.jpg'); End; End;  

Here is the amount of 'maula' that occurs in the shortest time of the array applied at any particular time. But in this way I can only put a note on the screen. So how do I put the correct note on the screen in the array every time?


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