css - Why do I need *, *:after {...} instead of just * {...}? -
Can anyone explain why the universal selector does not apply to it? A relevant part of the standard would be great, but there would be logic behind it too.
Edit : I can see that my question is a bad word; I'm sorry. I mean that * {color: green; }
A document makes all the text in green very much, but does not apply to it, #mypar: after {content: "newly-added content"; }
. I know that this content is not present in the original dome ... but it seems that * {color: green; }
instead of having to type *, *: after {color: green; }
I have also edited the title of my question for clarity.
Edit 2 : This is bad ... OK, I tried to provide a simple example and did not help. After reading my question came note that the author's use
*, *: before, *: after {-moz-box-sizing: border-box; -WebKit-box-size: border-box; Box-size: border-box; }
instead of
* {-moz-box-sizing: border-box; -WebKit-box-size: border-box; Box-size: border-box; }
universal selector *
matches any element , But are not considered as pseudo-element elements, they can be selected only by a selector who uses the pseudo element selector such as : after
In the case given in the question, the pseudo element will still be green when * {color: green; }
is used and no rule overrides it even if no pseudo element matches *
, the actual element associated with it matches, and Color
might have inherited from it but if you tried * {boundary: solid 1 px}
, then you will see that all elements have limitations, but there are no pseudo elements ( border
property is not inherited)
I do not think that There is no official reason for this, but it does not seem that in cases of use where the pseudo elements must match the universal selector.
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