mysql - Perl: Breaking out of foreach loop when last array element is encountered -
Pearl Nob here. I have a small script (see below) that I am using to create a MySQL INSERT statement.
Use strict; My @records = qw / record1 record2 / 3 records; My $ insert = "include in table prices"; Enter $ $ before my $ record (@ Records). {$ Insert. = "('". $ Record. "'), \ N"; } Print "$ insert \ n"; Enter
current output
table values ('Record 1'), ('Record 2'), ('Record 3'), < / Code> < I should know how to break the last element of the @records
array and instead of attach
include the desired output
in the table values ('Record 1'), ('Record 2'), ('Record 3');
You can do this map
and < Join / Code> my @records = qw / Record1 Record2 Record3 /; My $ insert = "include in table prices"; $ Insert = Join ',', map {'('. $ Dbh-> quotation ($ _). ')'} @records; $ Insert = ';'; # This line is not required
The stuff of $ dbh
is better than just quoting because it handles bad things for you Map
is not very different from a foreach
loop, and joining
will take care of putting a comma in between the elements, not the previous one.
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