
Showing posts from May, 2015

algorithm - Counting the number of digits in a number - which of these two solutions is faster? -

I was recently told in an interview that how do I count the number of digits in a given number, an algorithm I will write So for example if the result of 500 was given to me then the result would be 3. If I was given 15345, the result would be 5. I came up with 2 possible solutions: Split the result to at least 1, until the result is less than 1 and then I have counted the revision I made. Convert the number to string and then calculate the number of elements in this string. Then I was asked which operation is more efficient and works a great number and I can not give a good answer. So my question is, what is the correct answer - which algorithm is fast and why? Well, to change an integer in a string, the original ita (integer for string) function functions to some extent: result = "" while (number> gt; 0) {number = number% 10 digits number = Add digits for number / 10} Therefore, there is not much difference between your first and second sol...

javascript - Richfaces 4.X: Warn User of navigating away from page -

In Javascript, I have found some solutions to warn a user that they can lose data if they navigate away from one Are the pages Has Richfas made pie so easy to do this? I am currently at 4.3.2. I do not see anything in my documents that describe this situation. What this jquery plugin claims to do is that I need this little buggy, but it It's a good start.

c# - "Can't find PInvoke DLL 'dbnetlib.dll'." error in Smart Device Application -

I'm building a program in Visual Studio Pro 2008, and I'm trying to reach out to SQL databases and programs I am here. The program running is running on Windows CE, and it is a one time code scanner. When I run the code and tries to establish a connection to the database would, so I put a missing Manejapiptsn which says: PInvoke DLL can not get 'dbnetlib.dll' is. Online reseraching, I discovered that you need to install file, though my device is not set up (my problem). Here is the code that I am using to establish a connection with my SQL database. string conString = "Data Source = OS4DPC05 \\ SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog = test; Integrated Security = Sspiai; User ID = **************; "; process. Start ( "\\ Windows \\ wceload.exe", " '\\ Program Files \\ Smartdiwaisprojekt 2 \\'"); (Using SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection (conString)) {con.Open (); } This is just a p...

ios - Modifying an existing 4-inch storyboard to work on a 3.5-inch screen -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं एक प्रोग्राम प्रोग्रामिंग कर रहा हूँ ( मेरी पहली) Xcode 5.0.2 का उपयोग करते हुए आईओएस 7 के लिए, और मुझे लगता है कि मैंने 4 इंच के डिस्प्ले पर कहानी बोर्डों को डिजाइन करने में गलती की हो, क्योंकि मैं चाहता हूं कि मेरा एप्लीकेशन 3.5 और 4 इंच दोनों डिस्प्ले पर काम करे । क्या मुझे 3.5 इंच के लिए एक नया स्टोरी बोर्ड बनाना है, या मैं पहले से ही मेरे पास क्या कॉन्फ़िगर करने के लिए ऑटो लेआउट का उपयोग कर सकता हूं? अगर मैं कर सकता हूं, तो मैं इसे कैसे कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकता हूं? मैंने ऑटो लेआउट का उपयोग पहले किया है, लेकिन अलग-अलग स्क्रीन आकारों का समर्थन नहीं करने के लिए, केवल पोर्ट्रेट से लैंडस्केप में बदलने के लिए। अगर मुझे एक नया स्टोरीबोर्ड बनाना है, तो मुझे उन लोगों के लिए नई कक्षाएं बनाना होगा क्या मैं किसी भी तरह से लिखे गए कोड से लिंक कर सकता हूं? आटोलेयआउट सिर्फ इस प्रकार के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है । यदि आपने इसे पोर्ट्रेट और लैंडस्केप के बीच में बदलने के लिए सेट किया है, तो 3.5 और 4 इंच के बीच में बदलने के दौरान इसे बस का...

java - finding out required fields to fill in pdf file -

I am starting with new functionality in my Android application which will help fill out some PDF forms. I know that the best solution would be to use the eText Library. I can read the file, and read AcroFields from the document, but is there any possibility of detecting that specific fields are marked as necessary? I tried to find this option in the API documentation and on the internet but could not help anything in solving this problem. Please take a look at section 13.3.4 of the heading "Acroorforms Receipt". The list 13.15 shows a code snippet from the example that checks whether a field is a password or multi-line field. With a few minor changes, you can customize that example to examine the required fields: for (map; string, AcroFields.Item & gt; Entry: fields.entrySet ()) {out.write (entry.getKey ()); Item = entry.getValue (); Dict = item.getMerged (0); Flags = dict.getAsNumber (PdfName.FF); If (flags! = Null & amp; (flags.intValue ...

java - Take JTextArea and add entered contents to a label -

Basically I have a program with a card (I'm using the card layout), when the user sends some type of message or type what they do at any time, I would like to add a label to that page when it Press the button named. I'm not sure how I can save the entry area and keep it as a variable in the label. any idea? I can provide my code if needed. 6 "); String theText = descriptionField.getText (); FictionDescallabel. Set Text (Text); Stability Disclosure.Setbones (250, 150, 200, 40); Joint (Stability Disclaimer);}}); It is very straight forward. TextArea: string TheText = myTextArea.getText (); Place in a label: myLabel.setText (theText); One button listener: myButton.addActionListener (New Executioner) {@ Override Public Action Perfid (Action Event Event) {String theText = myTextArea.getText (); MyLabel.setText (theText);}}); By looking at your edit, your problem is that by adding a component to your frame ( JFrame # modify it () ).

php - How to get the right try_files $uri directive working with _GET parameters in nginx -

I have just migrated from apache to nginx, and am very happy now. However, the server does not seem to recognize the $ _GET parameter. I've read that the answer is to change the_files command: location / {try_files $ uri $ uri / /index.php?$query_string; } But this is not working for me I suspect because the query string I am using is something that has something like URL: I still can not try the try_files directive to work in that example , And the documentation looks sparse or obsolete. Any thoughts? If I do not find this solution, then I will have to go back to Apache. I do not know where you got the answer, but do not see relevance in terms of your problem Let's clarify something first: Try_files is a URI match with a physical location on the disk and allows you to control the fallback operation. Default Fallback A 404 $ query_string is not relevant to the matching process. It is used...

Weights to hidden neurons in neural network -

How are the weight given between input-neurons and hidden-neurons and hidden-neurons and output -neurons ? I know that in the beginning weighs randomly. Secondly, I am recognizing the character and say that I have a size of 64 input neurons which is a prototype of 8x8 pixels, it should mean that I should have 64 output right with neurons. the wanted? See my answer for the size of the output layer is the only question. I am sure how "weight is given" means what it is. Do you mean "trained"? If so, usually by backpropegation If you "represent it" means: usually in the form of an array or matrix. If you want to read more about fine-tuning for backspace, then read by LeCun. On another note: The pixels of 1 node are in the form of input that you do never You never call raw data in the network because it contains noise and unnecessary information is. Find a representation, a model, an encoding or something similar before you feed it in the ne...

jenkins - Change JENKINS_HOME on Red Hat Linux? -

I used this process to install Jenkins: After that it is going on and running I have discovered the / var / lib / jenkins partition on my server is too small. I want to transfer it, but I do not want to change the user who runs it down. I'm new to Linux and I'm stumped. How can I move it to my home / public folder for example? The "Jenkins" user does not have a home folder. It's running as a daemon on startup, so I do not know if I can create a home folder for Jenkins user to configure those settings? how? I have read this article: But I do not understand how to use the "Export New Jenkins Home" command, And the service is restarted, but the old route still appears in Manage Jenkins Screen. I have also read 2-3 similar questions on the StakeVerf Flow, but where do I always get a big missing piece for that file where I change the path permanently? This is the easiest way to resolve your problem first, the Jenkins directory is set to ...

curl - Uploading the content of a variable as a file into FTP server using Bash -

Using Bash scripting, I am trying to upload the contents of the variable to an FTP server. M0eSl8NR40wH I need to do the following: The time / date stamped file (i.e. PASSWORD_18_02_2014) in the FTP server The file requires the same content of $ HASHED value (i.e. PASSWORD_18_02_2014 requires M0eSl8NR40wH inside it). I am trying to curl, I could not work by using the following: UPLOAD = "curl-T $ hashhed ftp: / / - username: password "$ UPLOAD Your help is much more appreciated. Something like this can help you (tested on linux minus 13): #! / Bin / bash FILENAME = ENG_DET_DATE +% d_% m_% Y * echo $ HASHED & gt; $ FILENAME FTP-N your_ftp_site & lt; & Lt; EOF user your_user_name_on_the_ftp_server put $ FILENAME EOF rm $ FILENAME Some cache: You have to export, eg when you set it, Set as: export hashhed = M0eSl8NR40wH The above is assumed that you will run it from the terminal and you can ...

parsing - Play Framework - JSON Serialization Cyclic References (e.g. Files->User, User->Files) --> Stackoverflow -

I am playing with game structure for a few days, but come to an issue that I can not solve You have some "user" and "file" classes. Both give context to each other and are maintained in the database with EBN (@ManyToOne, @OneToMany). Now when the user comes back as a JSON, I get a stack overflow error. Is this a bug in the game or am I missing something? @ Entity public class file model {Private constant final long serial VERSIONUID = 1L; @ID @ Generated Values ​​Public Long ID; @ManyToOne (cascade = CascadeType.ALL) public user author; } @Entity Public Class User Model {Private Stable Last Long Serialvarsion UID = 1L; @ID @ Generated Values ​​Public Long ID; @OneToMany (Mapped = "Author", Cascade = Cascade Type. ALL) Public List & lt; File & gt; Files; } import play.libs.Json; Public category user controls {public static results getJSON ()} {list & lt; Users & gt; User = new model.funder & lt; String, user & gt; (S...

mysql - Perl: Breaking out of foreach loop when last array element is encountered -

Pearl Nob here. I have a small script (see below) that I am using to create a MySQL INSERT statement. Use strict; My @records = qw / record1 record2 / 3 records; My $ insert = "include in table prices"; Enter $ $ before my $ record (@ Records). {$ Insert. = "('". $ Record. "'), \ N"; } Print "$ insert \ n"; Enter current output table values ​​('Record 1'), ('Record 2'), ('Record 3'), I should know how to break the last element of the @records array and instead of attach , include the desired output in the table values ​​('Record 1'), ('Record 2'), ('Record 3'); You can do this map and my @records = qw / Record1 Record2 Record3 /; My $ insert = "include in table prices"; $ Insert = Join ',', map {'('. $ Dbh-> quotation ($ _). ')'} @records; $ Insert = ';'; # This line is not required The stuff of $ dbh is...

javascript - ajax upload file after choose file auto submit -

I tried uploading Ajax and I do not want to submit a submit button. If you choose to auto-submit the file, simply give it to the user. I tried to use change () to get the form data change, but after clicking it a second time it will not give warning only once, I do not know why, There is no better idea to do this work! HTML & lt; Div class = "article-create" & gt; & Lt; Table class = "table" & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Form action = "" enctype = "multipart / form-data" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "image" class = "browseimage" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Li class = "Browse-Fake BTN BTn-Success BTN-SM" & gt; Select file & lt; / Li & gt; ('Click', '.browseimage-fake', function () ( js $ ('. {$ (This). ('.td'). ('.browseimage'). Click (); $ (this) .closest...

powershell - How to deploy Power Shell Script into a server? -

पीएस सी: \ wINDOWS \ system32 & gt; पुश-स्थान PS C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & gt; सेट-स्थान सी: \ पीएस सी: \ & gt; सेट-स्थान HKLM: \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ Jet \ 4.0 \ Engines \ Excel PS HKLM: \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ Jet \ 4.0 \ Engines \ Excel & gt; सेट-आइटमप्रापर्टी TypeGuessRows "0" PS HKLM: \ सॉफ्टवेयर \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ jet \ 4.0 \ Engines \ Excel & gt; पॉप-स्थान PS C: \ & gt; मैं अपने स्थानीय मशीन पर पावर शैल कमांड एडिटर में ऊपर दिए गए आदेशों को चलाने में सक्षम हूं। और सर्वर में तैनात करने की तलाश में, कार्यान्वयन की प्रक्रिया को जानने की आवश्यकता है ? (क्या मुझे इसे .cmd / .bat / .ps1 के रूप में सहेजना चाहिए?) सर्वर में कार्यान्वयन के लिए वास्तविक कदम क्या हैं? .ps1 के रूप में सहेजें सर्वर पर .ps1 फ़ाइल की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ पॉवरशेल खोलें और set-executionpolicy को चालू करें रिमोटएसिंनड ps1 फ़ाइल पर राइट क्लिक करें, "PowerShell के साथ चलाएं" पर क्लिक करें

ruby on rails - Split without Removing Delimeter using Regex -

ओवेन्स क्रॉस रोड 530 लाइन्स रोड मुझे उपरोक्त विभाजन की आवश्यकता है लाइन में निम्न: ओवेन्स क्रॉस रोड 530 लाइन्स रोड सीमांकक संख्या यानी 530 है। मुझे पढ़ने की आवश्यकता है 530 तक, फिर से विभाजित: ओवेन्स क्रॉस रोआ 530 लाइन्स रोड मेरा प्रयास: address.text.split (/ ([0-9] +) /) आउटपुट: ओवेन्स क्रॉस ROA 530 लियोनस रोड नहीं उठाया गया है। किसी भी विचार को कैसे हल करें? इस तरह से एक पैटर्न का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करें: / \ s + (? = \ D) / ( ? = ...) यहां एक है यह एक या अधिक श्वेत स्थान के किसी भी क्रम के साथ मेल खाएगा, जो एक अंक के वर्णों के बाद किया जाता है, लेकिन दावा करने के लिए धन्यवाद, अंक मिलान स्ट्रिंग का हिस्सा नहीं होगा। उदाहरण के लिए: "ओवेन्स क्रॉस रोड 530 लाइन्स रोड" .split (/ \ s + (? = \ D) /) = & gt; ["ओवेनस क्रॉस रोआ", "530 लाइन्स रोड"]

css - @font-face not working on Chrome for Android -

I am trying to use the @ font-face in the mobile web application, and it Chrome for Android . This IS is working on: Safari on iOS Default Android Browser Safari on OSX Chrome on Windows Firefox on Windows I am using remote debugging () to debug it, and it does not appear that there is any error. If I go to the Networks tab in the Developer Tools - it does not appear that Chrome attempts to download the font (i.e., not to load the network call font ) Compare what I see in Chrome on Desktop (Windows and OSX) - You can see that the font is full: Apart from this - if I go to the Resources tab - this is none The font does not show. Compare this to the desktop on Chrome: Bottom Line - Chrome on the desktop (and Mobile Safari on iOS) - Web Font is loaded and displayed. However, on Chrome on Android - Web font does not even load, it is displayed alone. Any help or advice is highly appreciated! OK - so I found the answer. Perhaps it will no...

java - Unity android plugin - ads won't go on the bottom of screen -

I'm trying to create a plugin that I'm using the Amazon Mobile Ads Unity, but I for some reason To stick to the bottom of the screen it can not be obtained, it always goes to the top of the screen, the app is in landscape mode. Here is the plugin code. public class Amazon Ads {public Amazon Ads () {} public static void display ads (final boolean test) {UnityPlayerkcurrentActivitykrunOnUiThread (new Runnable () {public void run () { AdRegistration.setAppKey ("APPKEY"); AdRegistration.enableTesting; AdLayout adview = New AdLayout (UnityPlayer.currentActivity); LinearLayout Layout = New LinearLayout (UnityPlayer.currentActivity.getApplicationContext ()) Layout; Setgravity (Gravity.Botem) ; Unityplayer.CrenantActivity.AddContentView (Layout, New LayoutPay Rm (layout Paramakfil_pant, layout perm. Fil_pant)); layout. Adwu (Adwu new layout perm (layout Paramaan. MATCH_PARENT, layout Paramaan. MATCH_PARENT)); AdViewkloadAd (new AdTargetingOptions ());}}); po...

Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss,fff format in PowerShell -

I have a string that represents a time in seconds and milliseconds. I want to convert it to a string in the format "hh: mm: ss, fff" There is still a flaw in my solution that less than 10 hours are shown with a decimal of two: ps> $ Sec = "7000.678 9" ps & gt; $ Ts = [Repeated times]: Secsands ($ s) Ps & gt; $ Res = "$ ($ ts.hours): $ ($ ts.minutes): $ ($ t.Sseconds), $ ($ ts.milliseconds)" PS & gt; $ Res PS & gt; 1: 56: 40,679 What is the correct way to achieve this? I'm sure that -f is a more beautiful way with datetime. in PowerShell 4.0 $ s = "7000.6789" $ ts = [Repeatedly]: ssecond ($ s) ("{0: hH: mm \: ss \, fff}" -f $ ts) Output: PowerShell 2.0 $ s = "7000.6789" $ ts = [recurring times]: Sececonds ($ S) "{0: hh: mm: ss, fff}" -f ([dateimus] $ ts.Ticks) output: 01: 56: 40,679 and return to the other side ... $ text = "01: 56: 40,679" $ text... - center content of linkbutton -

I have a link button in a single device; I have height and amp; Width of div to look like a square using CSS I height & amp; Link width through CSS Apart from this, my linkbutto display has been set to block proprioors. (To get the hyperlink effect in full control) I now want the LinkButton text to be centered vertically and horizontally. I made all possible attributes of div and linkbutton without luck In only one way I could set up this padding (top, left, right), but then it spoils the layout. .divblock {background-color: #EEEEEE; Border: 2px solid; Width: 90px; Height: 80px; } .Linkbutton {text-decoration: none; color black! Important; Display area; Width: 85px; Height: 80px; } aspx: & lt; Div id = "myDiv" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; ASP: Data List ID = "DL1" Runat = "Server" Repeat Direction = "Horizontal" Item Style- CSS Class = "Items" Item-Style-Horizontal Alliance = "Center" ...

ActionScript 3 - 2D array for a chessboard -

I am creating a chess game in ActionScript 3 using Flash Professional CC. I have created a chess using the IDE and have put pieces in my initial conditions. Each tile has its own example and its name is its corresponding coordination eg The top left tile is called A8. The invoices are valid for calculating and thus, I have planned to use two 2D arrays of objects An array should include tile examples A8, B8, C8 , D8 etc. and others to include pieces of the board e.g. BR1, BB1 I have noticed that the action script does not allow anyone to introduce 2D arrays to C ++ (introduces a language); Instead, nested arrays are used. I am a bit confused about how to set up these arrays. What is the most effective method of declaring and starting these arrays (hopefully the duplication code will not be included)? Welcome to the army of AS3 developers. Here are some tips for you: Arrays can be defined as the var array: array = []; and here 2D arrays - var a: Array = [[]]; . Array...

python - error with function missing a positional argument -

I am getting an error in my program that explains that discovery () fails a required positional logic Can not seem to figure out how to properly detect discount function code can someone please help? I'm sure this is a simple error but I'm new to Python and especially functions. Thanks! def finddiscount (discount): if quantity & gt; = 1 more volume & lt; = 9: discount = "0%" elif volume & gt; = 10 more quantity & lt; = 1 9: discount = "20%" alip volume> = 20 and volume and lt; = 49: Discount = "30%" Alif Volume> = 50 and Quantity & lt; = 99: discount = "40%" alif volume> = 100: discount = "50%" print (discount) def main (): volume = int (input ("how many packages have been purchased?")) = Value float Input ("How much is each item?") Finddiscount) Return def findiscount (quantity): If the volume> = 1 more volume & lt; = 9: discount = "0%" elif volume & g...

python - Error where "__str__ returned non-string", but shows output -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे वर्ग में मुझे जब मैं इस वर्ग के एक ऑब्जेक्ट a बना देता हूं, और टाइप करें कोड> प्रिंट करें , यह एबीसी (सही) प्रिंट करता है, लेकिन तब भी आउटपुट देता है ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "& lt ; Pyshell # 23 & gt; ", पंक्ति 1, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; एक टाइप ईर्रंट मुद्रित करें: __स्ट्रेट_ लौटे गैर-स्ट्रिंग (टाइप करें कोई भी टाइप नहीं) मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? मुद्रण एक मान और वापस लौटने के बीच अंतर है मान को प्रिंट करना उपयोगकर्ता को देखने के लिए कंसोल में प्रदर्शित करता है, जबकि लौटने का अर्थ यह है कि वह उस कोड को कॉल करने वाले अन्य कोड के लिए उपलब्ध है। आपका __ str __ विधि होनी चाहिए: def __str __ (स्व): वापसी "एबीसी"

objective c - iOS 7 iAd cocos2d deprecated -

I am trying to apply iOd to ​​iOS 7 game, which I have created with Cocos 2D, I have added the IED framework in the exode and setup i I have set up @implementation ADBannerView * _bannerView; Then (id) init {if ((self = [init init])) // Introduce ADBannerView a new initializer on iOS 6, Use it if available ([ADBannerView instancesRespondToSelector: @selector (initWithAdType :)) {ADBannerView * _adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithAdType: ADAdTypeBanner]; } And {_adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] init]; } _adView.requiredContentSizeIdentifiers = [NSSet Set With Object: ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait]; _adView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait; [[[CCD Citizen Share Director] View] Adsview: _adView]; [_adView setbackgram color: [UIColor clearColor]]; [[[CCD Citizen Share Director] View] Adsview: _adView]; _adView.delegate = self; } [Self Layout Unwanted: Yes]; Self return; } - (zero) layoutAnimated: (BOOL) Animated {// according to iOS ...

c++ - Detect middle mouse click event -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मुझे बीच का पता लगाना है सी ++ में माउस क्लिक ईवेंट क्या किसी को पता है कि मैं ऐसा कैसे कर सकता हूँ? अगर कोई रास्ता है, तो कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? मैं C ++ में माउस ईवेंट से बहुत परिचित नहीं हूँ जावा के विरोध में सी ++ में ऐसा करने के लिए थोड़ा और अधिक जटिल लगता है चूंकि आप विंडोज़ पर काम कर रहे हैं, आपके लिए निम्न काम हो सकता है: यदि आपके एप्लिकेशन में एक विंडो है, तो बस अपने संदेश लूप में देखें यदि आपके पास खिड़की नहीं है, तो आप एक का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। जहां आप WM_MBUTTONDOWN (या WM_BUTTONUP) के लिए wParam जांचते हैं

objective c - How do you connect a set of (UILabels, UIButtons) etc. to an IBOutletCollection in one shot? -

In the storyboard, I selected a dozen UIL Adults and ready for ctrl-drag and ready IBoletlet Selection statement: @ Property (strong, non-creative) IBOutletCollection (UILabel) NSArray * myLabels; It appeared to work - i.e. the property statement magically highlighted and the connection appears to be all 12 items selected in the storyboard. It proved to be a major fake: Inspector noticed that only one of the 12 connections was made, and to complete all the connections, repeat the CPU-drag operation 11 times with each label. Is there a way to create all the connections together for an outlet collection? It seems like there should be (or at least some negative feedback, if you can not).

Expandable database design -

I have a back-end system that needs to unite all games (Game 1, Game2, Game3, Etc.) is my initial design: A centralized user DB (User ID and type of game is here), and each game keeps its own DB (from game type to user ID tagging here) However, due to budget constraints this time DB has been chosen since hosting the server. Should. Can be extended in the future (meaning each game has its own user DB, however, user management will be another issue of duplication). In order to expand the user management module, with any idea of ​​appropriate design, with minimal change?

logical operators - Regarding Order of Precedence (c++) -

I'm reading on C ++ and I'm going to a section on the preceding order. An example that I do not quite understand is this: 11> 5 || 6 & lt; 15 & amp; nbsp; Amp; 7> = 8 "This logical expression produces different results, depending on whether and or & amp; amp; amp; evaluation is done first. If the first is evaluated, the expression, if any one is understood that in any case, why it would be right / wrong, I make it commendable. For your time Thank you. If = is evaluated first: (11> 5 || 6 = 8 (true = false) & amp; amp; amp; false truth & amp; amp; False false If & amp; amp; and are evaluated first: 11> 5 | | (6 = 8) True || (True & amp; false) True || False Truth

java - Add color code support to a Bukkit plugin -

I would like to add color code support in my config.yml . How do I add translateAlternateColorCode to my code correctly? Public boolean on command (CommandSender sender, command CMD, string label, string [] args) {player player = (player) sender; If (cmd.getName () .all ignored cas ("member") {player.sendMessage (getConfig (). GetString ("member text")); } You can simply use translateAltranateColorCodes . Here's an example: string nonColoredText = getConfig (). GetString ("member text"); // "member text" string get colored text = raw string. Translate Altinetic Color Code ('& amp;', nonColoredText); // Edit the colors code Any of the above text which is & amp; starts with the correct color code, for example, if & amp; A was in config, it would convert it to green color or ChatColor.GREEN , which will show the message in green, it also works with other characters such as you color If you want to use...

regex - use of uninitialized value $line in string ne -

I am writing a program of matching in Perl .. but the error is happening .. I saw all the previous posts This is the case, but the solution was not found ... As I am new to perl, I am not getting this error at all .. using the undefined value of the line $ line In line .. and in line ... I am attaching a Perl file here Use strict Ray; Use warnings; My $ line = ""; Open (OUTFILE, "& gt; output.txt") or die ("Can not open file. \ N"); If (open file (1, "match.txt") or die "can not open file. \ N") {$ line = & lt; File1 & gt; While ($ line ne "") {if (defined ($ line)) & amp; Amp; (Line = ~ m / \ sregion \ s / i)) {print OUTFILE ("$ line")}; $ Line = & lt; File1 & gt; # The problem is here (defined ($ line) & amp; ($ line = ~ / \ svth \ s /)) {print OUTFILE ("$ line")}; $ Line = & lt; File1 & gt; My problem is that this type of data contains my match.txt file. ...

mysql - Unable to select rows containing multiple values in mysqli -

create tab 'product' (`product ID ') (10) unsigned not auto_increment,` product name' varchar (100) Null is not default, `hashtag 'varchar (255) .......) I have more than one value in the hashtag column Select Single Cell 11,12,13,14 Select the Hashtag from `Product 'where hashtags (11,14); When I try this query, only that column is selected, which is the first value true with the query for its respective cell, so how do I go ahead? + ------------ + | Hashtag + ------------ + | 11,14,12,13. + ------------ + | 13,14,15 + ------------ + I want to type the query that has the 14 code with the hashtag First of all, it is bad to store multiple values ​​in columns! See. Try using such as operator: select the hashtag from the 'product' where hashtags such as '%, 14,%' Or 'hashtag' such as '14%,' or hashtag such as '14,%' or hash tag such as '14' Although this is not the best way to ...

css - insert image in html menu -

I have one such menu and I want to include it but the social networking button which is on the right side of all, how do I ? I will add social networking buttons which are images, but I can not insert them, because a div feels that class =" menu "> INICIO & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; Character Tarrison & lt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; Li & gt; & lt; a href = "2.php" & gt; Dinosaurius & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "index .php "> Terrario PREGUNTAS & lt; / a & Lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "4.php" & gt; ACERCA de & lt; / A & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "5.php" & gt; CONTACTAR & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & lt; / Div & gt; css #bo...

c# - DataTable Maximum Length and Maximum limit of A Cell? -

मैं .txt फ़ाइल को डेटारबल में पढ़ना चाहता हूं I डेटारबल में अधिकतम पंक्तियों की अधिकतम संख्या क्या है, और सेल की अधिकतम सीमा (अंक या अक्षरों की लंबाई) क्या है, यह जानना चाहते हैं एक स्तंभ में पहला सवाल: - पंक्तियों की अधिकतम संख्या डेटाटायल 16,777,216 स्टोर कर सकता है दूसरा प्रश्न: - प्रत्येक DataColumn में एक डेटाटाइप संपत्ति होती है जो कि डेटाकॉलम में मौजूद डेटा को निर्धारित करता है। उदाहरण के लिए, आप डाटा प्रकार को पूर्णांक, या तार, या दशमलव के लिए प्रतिबंधित कर सकते हैं। चूंकि DataTable द्वारा निहित डेटा को सामान्य रूप से अपने मूल डेटा स्रोत में विलय कर दिया गया है, इसलिए डेटा स्रोत में उन लोगों को डेटा प्रकार से मेल खाना चाहिए।

linux - alloc_pages() is paired by __free_pages() -

I "Linux kernel development read" book, and finds some functions that let me confused, as mentioned is: struct page * alloc_pages (gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order) zero __free_pages (struct page * page, unsigned int order) unsigned long __get_free_pages (gfp_t gfp_mask, unsigned int order) zero Mukt_prisht ( Unsigned long-term, unsigned int order) Education is the function used for the two outlined in name and function how to add. 1. What happens when the Linux kernel draws two under its function name? 2. Why alloc_pages have been linked with __free_pages, but not free_pages? As you may notice are: alloc_pages () / __free_pages ( ) takes as an argument "page *" (page Disiptr) they want to manipulate some general kernel is used internally by the code, such as page fault handler, the page descriptor rather than the memory block content. The Assign Using __ takes get_free_pages () / free_pages () can be used by the access code as the virtual addre...

c# - How can i check what messages have been posted to my group page on facebook? -

I have this mode that sends / posts messages / text to my group page on facebook: Private string PostFacebookWall (string accesspoint, string message) {var responsePost = ""; Try {var objFacebookClient = new FacebookClient (accessToken); Var parameter = new dictionary & lt; String, Object & gt; (); Parameter ["message"] = message; ResponsePost = objFacebookClient.Post ("/" + groupID + "/ feed", parameter) .ostring (); } Hold (Exception Pre) {responsePost = "Facebook Posting Error Message:" Ex. message; } Return the response post; } Then I have a way to check that do not post the same message / text twice: Private Hashtable already Post = new hashtable (); Private Zero Post Message (for (Int I = 0; I & lt; ScrollLabel._lines.Length; i ++) {for (int x = 0; x & lt; WordsList.words.Length; x ++ ) {If (ScrollLabel._lines [I]. (Word list. [X]) and post already.Contain key (scroll label ._line [i])) {lineToPost = S...

knockout.js - Update html element with knockout js binding -

I want to update UI with knockout js binding. I am able to update the list, but the changes are not reflected in the UI. I get the following error: Unwanted error: You can not apply binding multiple times in the same element. The following is my code: When I check the length of the array, the alert show array is up to date, but I want the changes to be visible in the UI. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / beat-3.0.0 js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Var person = [{Name: "qwe qwe", number: 123123123}, {name: "asd asd", no: 999999999}]; Var myVM = function () {this.persons = ko.observableArray (person); } Function init () {warning (person.length); Ko.applyBindings (new myVM ()); } Function AddPerson () {Pushtoira (person, "name", "123"); in this(); } Function PushToArray (array, var1, var2) {array.push ({name: var...

python - Pandas: Use multiple columns of a dataframe as index of another -

I have found a large data frame with my data in it, and the second data frame of the same first dimension in which each Metadata is periodically (for example, what was the trial number, what kind of lawsuit it was). What I have to do is to split large dataframes using the values ​​of "MetadataFrame". I want to put these separately (rather than accumulating metadataaframes as a large one's multi index). Right now, I'm trying to do this: def my_func (container): container.big_df.set_index (['' 1 ',' However, it returns the following error: Code> ValueError: Only Boolean values ​​should have passed the DataFrame Note that this works fine, if I only pass a single column at set_index. Can anyone also understand what is going wrong here? Alternatively, can someone tell me that I am doing this completely and stupidly, and there is a better way to go about this? :) My solution Thanks for the thoughts I played a bit with indexing, an...

node.js - node-inspector --webhost is not local! its a web app -

अगर मैं नोड --debug / home / इंजन / public_html / myapp प्रविष्ट करता हूँ जेएस फिर एक और पोटीटी टैब में नोड-इंस्पेक्टर --webhost मैं अभी भी मुझे ब्राउज़र को खोलने और स्थानीय रूप से देखने के लिए कह रहा हूं ... नोड इंस्पेक्टर v0.7.0-2 जानकारी - सॉकेट.इओ की शुरूआत / डीबग? पोर्ट = 5858 डीबगिंग प्रारंभ करने के लिए जहां के रूप में मेरी साइट ऑनलाइन स्थानीय नहीं है जब मैं इस पते पर जाता हूं तो निरीक्षक मुझे क्रोम कह रहा है यह वेबपेज उपलब्ध नहीं है मैंने पोर्ट 5858 और 8080 खोले हैं I ' टी यह कैसे काम करने के लिए लगता है। जब भी मैं डीबग करने की कोशिश करता हूं तो मुझे स्थानीय होस्ट यूआरएल मिलता है रिमोट साइट नोड-इंस्पेक्टर का उपयोग कर। आप इंस्पेक्टर और ऐप को शुरू करने के बाद url पर जाकर देखें। यहां दिए गए कदम हैं: नोड इंस्पेक्टर सर्वर प्रारंभ करें $ नोड-इंस्पेक्टर - वेब-पोर्ट = 5050 अपने डीबग मोड को सक्षम करें नोड प्रक्रिया $ node --debug = 5050 ऐप। जेएस डीबगर UI लोड करें Chrome ब्राउज़र में खोलें...

php - Zend Framework application displays "Application Error" when I click Register button. My code below -

मेरा ज़ेंड फ्रेमवर्क ऐप: *** my application.ini *** संसाधन .db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL = localhost resources.db.params.username = मेरा उपयोगकर्ता खाता resources.db.params.password = मेरा पासवर्ड resources.db.params.dbname = मेरा डेटाबेस सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन addAction () {// क्रिया बॉडी $ form = new Application_Form_Album (); $ फार्म & gt; submit- & gt; setLabel ( 'रजिस्टर'); $ इस- & gt; दृश्य- & gt; फ़ॉर्म = $ रूप; यदि ($ this- & gt; getRequest () - & gt; isPost ()) {$ formData = $ this- & gt; getRequest () - & gt; getPost (); अगर ($ फॉर्म- & gt; हैअलिड ($ फॉर्मडेटा)) {$ name = $ form- & gt; getValue ('नाम'); $ ईमेल = $ फॉर्म- & gt; getValue ('ईमेल'); $ Username = $ form- & gt; getValue ('usename'); $ पासवर्ड = $ फॉर्म- & gt; getValue ('पासवर्ड'); $ एल्बम = नया Application_Model_DbTable_Users (); $ एल्बम- & gt; एडयूसर ($ नाम, $ ईमेल, $ उपयोगकर्ता नाम, $ पासवर्ड)...

dns - Where can i find the name servers of Google Compute Engine -

I have uploaded a website for example my compute engine and I want to set up the registrar to send visitors to the server Was (compute engine) so where can I find my example / server name server on the calculation engine? After the The Google Compute Engine does not provide a public name server on the Internet (it is a network for internal networks Which is private to your project, allows you to connect with examples through their instance names rather than the IP.) If you want your examples available through the public Get the Internet DNS nameserver, you have your INS TENS will require an external nameserver and one or more static IP addresses On the computing engine you have two options for a static IP address: for a single instance, or a stable for the GCE load balancer Can get the address. See it. Using load balancer is more flexible. See it.

linux - Unix: Searching for a word in files situated at different paths -

To find my instance logs and find specific listings. The log files are located on two different paths. And I want to find both. Normally I log in to the server, by going to path, grep -i word * filename * I want to create a script Users who will accept the input for the word and filename and search for it. Search the way you want to: grep -i "Word" * filename * / some / other / path / * filename *

ios - How to Add more button to UITableViewCell When scrolling it? -

When we are scrolling (slide to the left) UITableViewCell , it displays a deleted button Does, but I want to add another button to it, how should I do it? The style I want is similar to the system mail app in iOS 7, there are two buttons in the UTibalViewewell, one is the delete button, the other is thanks Please You can create more examples using this example approach This link example is useful and You can customize more buttons. - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForouaitindPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {static NSString * cell identifier = @ "cell"; SWTableViewCell * cell = (SWTableViewCell *) [tableview dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: cellIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {NSMutableArray * leftUtilityButtons = [NSMutableArray new]; NSMutableArray * rightUtilityButtons = [NSMutableArray new]; [LeftUtilityButtons addUtilityButtonWithColor: [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.07 green: 0.75f ​​blue: 0.16f alpha: 1.0] Icon: [...

jquery - URL argument passing from ajax to symfony2 controller via rounting.yml -

I'm trying to pass the argument URL to symfony2 controller jquery, but not in the path routing.yml File found .. Please help me with that // $ jQuery code $ every. (SearchResult, function (key, value) {$ ("# course_list") enclosed ('& lt; h4 & gt; & lt; a href = "{{path (" FrontEndBundle_course ", {" id ": '+ +'})}}" & 'gt;' + + & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / h4 & gt; & lt; p & gt; '+ Value.description +' & lt; / p & gt; ')}); routing.yml Course: Pattern / courses defaults: {_controller: FrontEndBundle: Course: Index} requirements: _method: get Controller Public Function Index Action ($ ID) {Return $ this- & gt; Reader ('Frontend Bundle: Course: course.html.twig', array ("id" => ID $)); } Try changing JS: // jQuery code $ .Each (SearchResult, function (key, value) {$ ( "# course_list") att...

javascript - assigning variable to document.getElementById().Innerhtml not working -

नीचे दिए गए कोड देखें: var text = ["yuppie", "kkkoseh" , "वॉचडॉग"]; Var संदेश इंडेक्स = 0; फ़ंक्शन लूपटेक्स्ट () {var MessageElement = document.getElementById ("खुश")। InnerHTML var संदेश = टेक्स्ट [messageIndex]; MessageElement = संदेश; messageIndex ++; अगर (संदेश इंडैक्स & gt; = text.length) {messageIndex = 0; }} Window.onload = function () {setInterval (looptext, 1000); }; यह काम नहीं करता है लेकिन जब मैं .innerhtml को वेरिएबल MessageElement पर निकालता हूं और MessageElement.innerHtml = संदेश को सेट करता हूं, तो यह काम करता है ऐसा क्यों है? क्षमा करें, मैं एक नौसिखिया सीखने वाली जावास्क्रिप्ट हूँ। क्योंकि यह कैसे वैरिएबल और वैल्यूज जावास्क्रिप्ट में काम करता है। कंटेनर की तरह चर की कल्पना करें var msgElement = document.getElementById ("खुश") के साथ कंटेनर MessageElement में स्ट्रिंग । बाद में, संदेशएलेमेंट = संदेश के साथ; आप कंटेनर में पिछले मूल्य / सामग्री को ओवरराइट करते हुए कंटेनर में बस...

c# - Data Table Getting error when i add data rows[] -

डेटाटाले डीटी = नया डेटाटाले (); Dt.Columns.Add (नया DataColumn ("दिनांक", टाइपफ (स्ट्रिंग))); Dt.Columns.Add (नया DataColumn ("टाइम", टाइपफ (स्ट्रिंग))); Dt.Columns.Add (नया DataColumn ("फ़ंक्शन", टाइपफ (स्ट्रिंग)); Dt.Columns.Add (नया DataColumn ("लॉग स्तर", टाइपफ (स्ट्रिंग))); Dt.Columns.Add (नया DataColumn ("संदेश", टाइपफ (स्ट्रिंग))); जब मैं DataTable क्वेरी करता हूं तो DataRows [] DataRow [] परिणाम = dt मिलता है । चयन करें ("फ़ंक्शन = '" + स्ट्रफ़न्क्शन + "' '); अब मैं उस परिणाम को DataTable dt.Rows.Add (परिणाम) में जोड़ना चाहता हूं; लेकिन मुझे त्रुटि मिल रही है इनपुट सारणी इस तालिका में स्तंभों की संख्या से अधिक है। यह कोशिश करें foreach (परिणाम में डेटारॉ पंक्ति) डीटी। Rows.Add (पंक्ति);

eclipse - Extension point to register perspective listener -

I have a plug-in that requires registration for debug events However, it is quite likely that debugging session It will be activated after it starts. So what I'm looking for is some extension point which allows me to listen to changes in perspective (i.e. I can register for debug incidents when debug perspective is opened). The second solution is to use org.eclipse.ui.startup extension point, but it is disappointing. To activate one of the debug ideas, IPartListener Can be used. Debug ideas can be used outside the debug perspective, IPartListener also takes advantage of working in this case.

get meta tags with php don't work -

मुझे एक मेटा लेना चाहिये & lt; meta name = "twitter: खिलाड़ी "वर्ग =" ट्विटर_प्लेयर "मान =" "& gt; पीएचपी में, get_meta_tags (url) के साथ सभी मेटा टैग लेते हैं लेकिन इस तरह के मेटा का मान शून्य है, मैं इस मेटा से कोशिश करना चाहता हूं और $ doc = नया DOMDocument; $ डॉक्टर & gt; loadHTMLFile ($ मूल्यों [ 'ig_create_url']); $ मेटा = $ doc- & gt; getElementsByTagName ('मेटा'); हालांकि यह काम नहीं कर रहा है, 0 ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ ऑब्जेक्ट वापस आओ आप इसका मतलब है? $ doc = new DOMDocument; $ Doc- & gt; लोड एचटीएमएल ('& lt; मेटा नाम =' ट्विटर: खिलाड़ी "वर्ग =" ट्विटर_प्लेयर "मान =" "& gt; '); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ doc- & gt; getElementsByTagName ('मेटा') $ टैग के रूप में) {गूंज $ टैग- & gt; getAttribute ('मान'); } आउटपुट: https:...

check if ssl is enabled with php -

I need to run a module for which ssl should be enabled. How can I find out if SSL is enabled? The module generates a form via a Javascript call. I am using PHP. I have no access to ssl . Thanks a lot! Use the extension loaded probe! if (extension_loaded ('openssl')) (new exception throw ('this app requires open SSL PHP extension.');} Try it;)

OSB timeout before a response is received -

I have an OSB application that communicates with the web service. I am sending the request with the test console. The result is returned to the console is empty How can I increase the time while waiting for the app to respond? If you want to increase business please select that business service - > HTTP Transport -> (Read Timeout or Connection Timeout). Update it to the appropriate value. By default its value is 0 (zero), no timeout.

Multistore in prestashop 1.5 -

मैंने 2 दुकानों को इस प्रकार बनाया: स्थानीयहोस्ट: 81 / पर्सशॉप / (डिफ़ॉल्ट) और स्थानीय मॉड्यूल में लिंक से ऊपर 2 लिंक कैसे प्राप्त करें स्थानीय हास्ट: 81 / पीआरशॉप / क्वानो / मैं बैकएंड ऑफिस में सभी दुकान लिंक को सूचीबद्ध करने के लिए मॉड्यूल लिखता हूं। निम्न कोड सभी जानकारी के साथ एक सरणी वापस करेगा: शॉप :: मिलते-जुलते ();

x++ - How to make sure that a form is only opened once? -

Is it possible to ensure that a user can only open an instance of a specific form, for example CustTable to CustTable? Model form is not an option. Some types of singleton patterns? You can use global cache for this, more information on MSDN. However, long time using global caches is a sign of bad design. You can use global caches to apply a singleton pattern as shown here: Consider alternative solutions to your problem, for example, catalog magazines Used when you open the lines for a journal, it is marked as "in use", so anyone can not open this special magazine Side note: I believe that you Trying to take it is a small part of an anti-pattern. Dynamics uses Dianlinks to add XX form together. If you implement it, all these functionality will be lost.

Node.js JavaScript: Simulate Keypress on Server (Like a Macro) -

I have a keypress, such as a node to simulate the up arrow or button. I am trying to get a JS script. Specifically, I am trying to create a clone basically, whenever a command (top, bottom, left, right, A, B, selection, start) is sent through the IRC, then the server is a keypress So far, I have written it for node.js with IRC module: var config = {channel: ["#trron"], which is the symbol of the gameboy emulator in turn, ], Server: "", botName: "voyote"}; Var IRC = Requirement ("IRC"); Var bot = new irc.Client (config.server, config.botName, {channels: config.channels}); Var command handler = function (from, text) {if (text.toLowerCase () === "up" || text.toLowerCase () === "bottom" || text.toLowerCase () === "left" | Text.toLowerCase () === "Correct" || text.toLowerCase () === "One" || text.toLowerCase () === "B" || text.toLowerCase () === " Select "Text...

gis - Mean aggregation in R (Polygon in Polygon) -

मेरे पास बहुभुजों का एक सेट है जो विश्लेषण इकाई (गदम्पोलिस) का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इसके अलावा मेरे पास बहुभुजों का एक सेट है, जिसमें विभिन्न चर (r3mergepolys) के स्तर हैं। मैं जो पूरा करना चाहता हूं वह बहुभुजों (आर 3 मर्जपोलिस से) के एक या अधिक चर का मतलब, विश्लेषण polygons (gadmpolys) की इकाई। मेरा मानना ​​है कि ओवर और / या कुल समारोह मेरे दोस्त हैं, लेकिन मुझे यह पता नहीं लग सकता कि कोड कैसे लिखना है।

Android KK Accessibility service app example -

I have been searching to integrate an accessibility service into my application to allow back and recent software simulated communications I am I have followed the official Android accessibility docs and have XML, accessibility class and sure permissions and service / intents are correct I can not currently post my code because I I am on the posting road, my phone. This project starts to compile but I do not see my application in the Appibility settings section. Try to use the same problem as you and I have been able to work on it. As soon as I added the Java part to the service, it started appearing in this setting!

php - Get the other column on the same row -

ये मेरी MySQL तालिका है: डीबी नाम: dbname तालिका नाम : tbname स्तंभ 1 | स्तंभ 2 जानकारी 1 | अन्य 1 जानकारी 2 | अन्य 2 मैं क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: PHP में मुझे info 1 जैसा कि $ info है, मैं चाहता हूं एक ही पंक्ति पर अन्य 1 प्राप्त करने के लिए डीबी में खोज करने के लिए और इसे $ other में जोड़ें। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? पहले से धन्यवाद। पहले आपको कनेक्शन बनाना होगा जैसे $ Con = mysqli_connect ($ होस्टनाम, $ उपयोगकर्ता, $ पासवर्ड, $ डेटाबेस); फिर करें $ selectquery = "चुनें स्तंभ 2 से tbname जहां स्तंभ 1 = '$ info'"; $ Query = mysqli_query ($ con, $ selectquery) या मर (mysqli_error ()); $ परिणाम = mysqli_fetch_array ($ क्वेरी);

youtrack issues with shortcuts and reording issues -

I is using youtrack to manage your tasks in the project. The problem is that despite the other users re-ordering problems in the backlog - although they have the permission of the administrator on this project and I hate shocking shotscats - for example IM and Wright- Lite is + C and I would like to use it in the work description, but I only have the Alt + C command window applied: /

How to unpack contents of list in a class method in python? -

I have a python class, and this is one of the methods I want to define the properties inside this method and I I want to assign items to a list, but this will not allow me to: class reader thread (threading thread): def __init__ (self, telex_path, ac_type): threading. Thread .__ init __ (self) self Message = [1,2,3] DEF calculation (self): self. Message_type, self.new_date, self.old_code = self.message This says: attribute error: 'ReaderTrade' object has no attribute Traceback: Thread-1: Traceback (most recent call final): File "C: \ Python27 \ lib \", line 810, The __bootstrap_inner file in the self () file "c: \ Users \ myuser \ workspace \ new \", line 89, in the self.calculate () file "Q: \ users \ myuser \ workspace \ new \ scriptt. Py ", line 93, in the calculation of self.message_type, Self.new_date, self.old_code, AttributeError: 'ReaderThread' in the object E attribute 'message_type' is...

python - Probit regression using PyMC 3 -

I have posted a dragon notebook here: I am trying to create a probe rebress model using PMC3. "post-text" itemprop = "text" The estimation of blocking is correct, using the data generated to recover the known parameters (see notebook), but the slope estimation marks the mark is far. My model looks like this: with pm.model () Model as: #prearse alpha = pm. Normal ('alpha', mu = 0, tow = 0.001) beta = b. B.) #def invlogit (x): # linear predictor theta_p = (alpha + beta * x) # logic conversion (just for comparison - this seems to be working properly): # (normal, 'beta', mu = 0, tau = 0.001) # Import theano.tensor T # Return T. XP (x) / (1 + t.exp (x)) # Theta = invlogit (theta_p) #Changes: This def phi (x) does not work: Import theano.tensor as T Return 0.5 * ( 1 + t.erf (x / t.sqr (2))) theta = phi (Theta_p) with the probability model y = pm.Bernoulli ('y', p = theta, saw = y): #include start = Print Print ("alpha:", ['a...

Convert given String to Json Object Javascript -

itemprop = "text"> I have a string like this: on str = [sa_user {user name = pankaj123, Ughrtaip = Datatreti} Sa_usr {username = data, Ughrtaip = Datatrri} Sa_usr {username = PANKAJ, Ughrtaip = parcel} Sa_usr {username = Devender, Ughrtaip = parcel} Sai_usr {username = Deliharsel, UserType = DataTriter} Sa_user {username = devender, userType = dataentry}, sa_user {username = amit123, userType = dataentry}, sa_user {username = s Anjay, Ussertype = Dataantry} Sa_ugr {username = Mukesh, Ussertype = Dataantry} Sa_ugr {username = test, Ussertype = Dataantry} Sa_ugr {username = Vijayakumar, Ussertype = Dataantry} Sa_ugr {username = Puranl23, Ussertype = Dataantry} , Sa_ugr {username = Snjaykumar, Ussertype = Dataantry} Sa_ugr {username = Nelsonanthony, Ussertype = Dataantry} Sa_ugr {username = draining, Ussertype = Dataantry} Sa_ugr {username = Manoj, Ussertype = parcel} Sa_ugr {username = Ranjit , userType = dataentry}, sa_user {username = DEEPAK, userType = dataentry}, ...

windows - How are the GetObject progids maintained? -

विंडोज शैल स्क्रिप्टिंग (वीबीएस): object.GetObject (strpathname [, strProgID] [StrPrefix]) अब लगता है मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: सेट myval = getObject ("myObjectRef: myObjectArgs") यह एक मशीन पर काम करता है - और दूसरे पर नहीं। मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं निश्चित सूची को खोजता है जहां सभी myObjectRef / progIds को बनाए रखा जाता है। मेरा प्रश्न यह है: GetObject progids कैसे बनाए गए हैं? मान्यताओं: मैं एक उत्तर अधिक परिष्कृत देख रहा हूं "रजिस्ट्री में खोज करता हूं" मैं एक विशेष जगह ढूँढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जहां मैं अपने प्रोजेक्ट की तलाश में जा सकता हूं कि यह मौजूद है या नहीं । मैं एक जवाब अधिक परिष्कृत की तलाश कर रहा हूं "खोज करें रजिस्ट्री में " खैर, यह थोड़ा मुश्किल है क्योंकि यह वास्तव में सभी लेता है आपको वास्तव में "खोज" करना नहीं है, बस इसे देखने के लिए कहां देखें जो regedit.exe में HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT हाइव के नीचे सही है, चाबियाँ वर्णानुक्रम में क्रमबद्ध हैं, इसलिए बस अपने कुंजीपटल पर "मी" कुंजी टाइ...

android - Parsing an xml url to display in form of cards -

I am trying to parse an XML file and display the feed as a separate card. My code looks like so far: package; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; Import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; Import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory; Import; Import; Import; Import Android.os.AsyncTask; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android App Import android.view.View; Import android.view.ViewGroup; Public Classes Extends Secondscreen Activity (ArrayList & lt; Card & gt; Headlines = New Arrelist & lt; Card & gt; (); ArrayList Link = New ArrayList (); @ Override Protected Zero Create (Bundle Saved InstantState ) {Super. NET (set protected); setContentView (R.layout.activity_s...