isnull - Crystal Report Null Values -
I'm new to crystal reports and running in a problem. What I want to do, the name of the equipment, the sum of the labor hours and the workday count for a certain period. The time period is determined by a work order closed date. The equipment needs to be shown to show me the problem, even though there were 0 workers for the given time. I think this can be done using 'isnull', but I've lost some sense on syntax and placement. This is my current record formula and SQL query:
not ({mtwodata.WO number} begins with "p") and {mtwodata.Close date} = {? DateRange} Select "DateView", "MTVData", "Wo Number", "MTOData", "Act Labor Horse", "MT Vodata", "AMTOVADATA" "MTO Vodata" where " MTOdata ". "WHo Number" "Amtovadata" ("Closed Date"> "'20140101' and 'MTVData'." Close Date "& lt; = '20140131') Order" MTVData " "Device"
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