Deleting from Rails Admin list without deleting them from actual blog -
If I have been told already, I'm sorry, but I've seen everything on Stakeoverflow as well as this It has gone too.
I am in the process of creating a Rail App that takes the concept of "simple blog" from most rail tutorials and adds an admin panel that determines that the posts are actually posted on the main site Yes or No. The issue I'm running on is that there are hundreds of posts and all of these appear in the admin panel. Remove all the options from the panel to remove them from the site.
Is it possible to delete a blog post on the admin site, because they are published without removing them from the main site or is it better to keep them better? I imagine that this will cause speed issues once because thousands of them are.
This can help you with your problem:
Note : Add an additional field as "status" in the post table, where you are actually storing the posts.
A post has been created from my blog and we feel that its status is "Pending".
In my admin, I only show posts as "pending".
Now when I " Approval ", then I will change the status of" Post "from" Admin "to" Published "from Admin Panel
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