On input of long escaped property value in LESS, how to split it to a newline -
After Suppose I have a long escaped property value In order to lower the input I can get it to produce a new row like @nl for output with new-lines in the final formatted CSS : `` \ n "` ; and use the property values in my saved string output new lines: @nl: `" \ n "`; .test {property: ~ "one, @ {nl} two"; } It will output: .test {property: one, two; } The question is whether input with something new lines, something like this: .test {property: ~ "One, two"; } This throws a parse error: unrecognized input in low A long set of property values may start with someone, starting with new lines, and being able to code it will benefit. Although I posted the answer to my own question which I found was working, if it is present then I am open to a simple one. Good, one solution I found that each row escaped its own Put it in string So it seems to work quite well for both input and output (depending on what tab s...