Travis-CI + Sauce Connect + Behat: Unable to get Internet Explorer to run tests -

I have a Travis-CI running Sauce Connect Beat Test Everything is fine to run if I use Sausage on Windows 7 I ask to use Firefox 26. But if I change the browser to Internet Explorer (Sausage Labs which is available on Windows 7 - which is available on IE8, IE9 and IE10), then it does not work

On, it shows a long video, which does not display anything except is the initial start page for the WebDriver server. indicates that the error message shown at the top of the page is a screenshot of that browser: test was not seeing a new order for 90 seconds The time has expired. However, the screencast is longer than 13 minutes, so at least some commands were received, even if it could not work on them.

Meanwhile, on behalf of Travis, I see this:

  2014-02-18 04: 34: 13,124 - Request started: receive http: // ctldl / msdownload / update / v3 / static / trustedr / en / 2014-02-18 04: 34: 13,211 - Received Static / trustedr / en / F20efc77fc170e42 - & gt; 200 (88ms, 6356 bytes) 2014-02-18 04: 34: 13,417 - Request started: 2014-02-18 04: 34: 13,503 - Get - & gt; 200 (87 ms, 18176 bytes) No output has been received in the last 10 minutes, this potentially indicates something wrong with a suspended build or its construction. Build has been terminated  

I get the signal that this may be due to unconventional ports, but I am running my app on HTTPS at port 443, so it will not seem to be the issue

here through the sauce To run Internet Explorer 9 My Behat YAML configuration file is for:.

  # Use this profile to run a test on the sauce against the Travis-CI example: Reference: Category: "FeatureContext" extension: Behat \ MinkExtension \ extension: base_url: https: // local Host default_session: saucelabs javascript_session: saucelabs saucelabs: Browser: "Internet Explorer" capabilities: platform: "Windows 7" version: 9  

I'm running Beat 2.5.2, though I have 2.4 There was only one issue with .x.

I'm not sure where to go here or what to do from here. What should my next step be?

I was able to solve this problem by changing:

  Base_url: https: // localhost  
  base_url: https: // realhostname  

Behat \ MinkExtension \ Extensions in:. Section of Behat config

This hostname is set in the .travis.yml file by using the host add-on

  addon: host: - real hostname  

I believe that this has been done with some local problem which is related to the local host, which is mentioned about the samples given below: I do not know that Why does it affect IE only, but this solution seems to work.


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