I am using Objective-class in my Swift Project through a bridging header. The method signature looks like this: - Some cement (some type) some parameters; I started by getting an example of class, calling method, and storing the value: var myInstance = MyClassWithThatMethod (); Var cfArr = myInstance.someMethod (some value); Then try to get the value in the array: var valueInArrayThatIWant = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (cfArr, 0); However, I get the error unmanaged & lt; Cfarray & gt; Not like 'CFArray' . Unmanaged & lt; Cfarray & gt; also means? I looked, but I do not need to change the array in a fast array (though it would be good). I need to be able to get value from the array. I also tried CFArray method to pass in a function: func doSomeStuffOnArray (myArray: NSArray) {} Although I get the same error when using: doSomeStuffOnArray (cfArr); // unmanaged & lt; CFArray & gt; I am using CFArray because I want to sto...
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