java - How do I sign my Applet correctly to access the computer's COM Port? -

I am signing the applet on my own which reads the data of a COM port device that uses the library JSSC Although this is not enough to access the resource applet and when I try to make COM ports available, I am testing it on my https url.

At first I could find "running this application can be a security risk," So it asks me if I want to block insecure content (mixed security), I click not, but still the JSSC library will not work.

I do not know what else to try, any advice is very much appreciated.

What do you mean by that?

What is the Java version using?

Do you use a jnlp file (like a)?

The newest Java update 7u51 (1.7.0_51) defaults to self-signed applet now and more. So what can you do?

  1. Use an official certificate
  2. Secure the level of security in your system properties \ Java \ security or
  3. Exceptional site listing your page Add

Here's an overview of what's in the latest Java version. Specially important permissions for you are the manifest attributes (because it is not set in jssc.jar nor in jSSC-terminal.jar file)

There may be a message with mixed security about that You only signed your applet.jar and third-party lbs (like jssc.jar)?


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