ios - Can't show one view controller on top of another -
I am trying to show a view controller above the UITableView on the other. When the user clicks on a button, so I would like to appear on the scene controller to a view controller, where the user when the button press then say that the user feed view when they click on a button, a view controller a blur With the feed the view will slide on the controller. So basically the old visual controller will act as a blurred background for one. I TabBarController that I am trying to get some kind of Tumblr Here's my code AppDelegate: - (bool) :. (UITabBarController *) TabBarController shouldSelectViewController: (UIViewController *) ViewController {if ([viewController.title isEqualToString: @ "create"] createOptionViewController * createOptionViewController =) {[createOptionViewController alloc] init]; [ViewController addChildViewController: createOptionViewController]; CreateOptionViewController.view.frame = viewController.view.bounds; [ViewController.view addSubview: crea...