dll - Find a reference for a string data reference in Ida Pro -
I would like to hack a DLL.
My DLL has an error message (a refund, and no message box) I opened my DLL in IDA Pro.
I've got my string data reference but I did not get it from xref when I tried to search by xref, so I could not find "any x-graphic".
Can anyone help me? How do I find a reference? I would like to find the test that returns this string to patch this DLL. This is an ODBC driver.
This is for a hack, not a crack;) I have a license but I would like to change the restriction in the odbc driver (DLL).
Thanks a lot, strings are referred to by strings (third screenshot probably this array).
This will translate something like this into the assembly:
LiX, String arrary; String ARAE wax ecx, string index load load; Get string index in array mov ex, [xx + ECX * 4]; Eax (dest) = The pointer in the string
You need to start the string array to find references (the first string on the array is the reference, hence the referee array).
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