SignTool Not Signing ClickOnce App Using SHA256, Only Uses SHA1 -

I'm trying to sign my app clicking. I have an EV code signature certificate that is using SHA256 The problem is that when I sign my app using the Post Build command, it is using SHA1 instead of SHA256 Here's the output window Is a clip:

  Running code analysis ... 1> Code analysis complete - 0 error (error), 0 warning 1 & gt; The following certificate was selected: 1 & gt; Issued to: Certificate subject name here 1 & gt; 1 & gt; Issued by: DigiCert EV Code Signing CA (SHA2) 1 & gt; 1 & gt; Expires: Thursday 14 April 06:00:00 2016 1> 1 & gt; SHA1 hash: hash-1 here & gt; 1 & gt; 1 & gt; Additional Stores 1 & gt; Adding Completed Successfully Signed and Timestamp: C: \ User \ AnyBody \ Document \ Visual Studio 2013 \ Projects \ My Project \ Project Folder \ obj \ x86 \ My Configuration \ MyProgram.exe 1 & gt; 1 & gt; 1 & gt; Number of successfully signed files: 1 1 & gt; 1 & gt; Number of Alerts: 0 1> 1 & gt; Number of errors: 0  

Here I am using the Post Build command:

  "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ V7.1A \ bin \ signtool.exe "sign / fd SHA256 / t" "/ n" certificate topic name here "/ v" $ (ProjectDir) obj \ x86 \ $ (ConfigurationName)) \ $ (TargetFileName) " 

I can see that MyProgram.exe.deploy contains digital signatures when I look at the properties of the file.

Errors are returned when I run sign -all / verification

When I try to launch the app, I get an error "Application validation was not successful. Unable to continue ".

Error message, this is the line:

  + is a different calculation hash compared to the file, MyProgram.exe, appears in.  

When I open and see the manifest, the hash for MyProgram.exe is specified as SHA256

What could be the problem? What is denying using SHA256? What I've read, should be using SHA256 by default.

I have Visual Studio, Window SDK, all installed .NET libraries have been restored / reinstalled to avoid taking any advantage.

I really hope that someone has some ideas ...

Are you having this problem with a WPF application? If so, signing your executable in a compulsive goal should solve your problem. It works for me.

More discussion on this can be found here:

Obviously when Phil has executed using PostBold or before, using Splash Commands, when the user installs it , Then it becomes dangerous "A different compute hash compared to the specified in the manifest in the" XE "error they found that after using the Copernale, the problem got cured.


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