javascript - How to make an AJAX call to a locally defined variable -
I am trying to create a list after a received JSON, I have received docs from the Dintable Library so that they are AJAX receives a JSON in a way that can populate the table. However, if I already have a json stored in a variable I have tried it yet: var json = {"record": [[" Some features ":" I have a record "," some other properties ":" received by ajax "}, {" SomeAttribute ":" I have two records "," some other properties ":" this is great " }, "Total record card": 3} var table = $ ('' some feature '': "I have three records", "some other properties": "yes, still AJAX"}], "querycardcount" #Content Das'). DINATABLE (Dataset: {AJAX: True, AJAX URL: JSON, AJAXDOWNLOAD: true, REC: []}}) So I'm getting a 404 code, I think it Not the actual route. But what can I do to request that file to the library Is not AJAX also ...