which file to render and play in android youtube player -

I am successfully integrated for my application. I'm curious to know which file has been translated into the player. A video file can have several formats like 320 dpi, 720 dpi & amp; e.t.c.

If my users are in low bandwidth; Can I select the file format or the API automatically detects which version will be played in that situation and the sub-poem is my code:

  Public class YoutubeVideoActivity applies YouTubeBaseActivity YouTubePlayer's implementation applies. Startup, YouTubePlayer.OnFullscreenListener {Activity Activity = YoutubeVideoActivity.This; Public static final string API_KEY = "Aja SDN 6Q9Pv4seQZqIcjB ********* Po5k"; // public static final string VIDEO_ID = "psY0botpi84"; Public string new_id; Private bullion fullscreen; Watch the private YouTube player game; @ Override Protected Zero (Creating Bundle Arg 0) {Super. Content (arg0); // Remove Title Bar This Request WindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_youtube_video); SetRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); Intent = getIntent (); String video_link = intent.getExtras (). GetString ("video_link"); Try {new_id = video_link.substring ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" .length ()); If (new_id.equals ("")) {IndepententTVUtils.showCustomAlert (Activity, "Data is not available. Back to Press Key", R.drawable.ic_new_launcher); } {PlayerView = (YouTubePlayerView) findViewById (R.id.youtubeplayerview); PlayerView.initialize (API_KEY, this); }} Hold (exception e) {IndepententTVUtils.showCustomAlert (activity, "data is not available", R.drawable.ic_new_launcher); }} Public Zero Startup Failure (provider arg0, youtube initialization arg1) {toast on @override. MakeApplicationContext (), "To view this video, install the latest YouTube application", Toast.LnnHH_LOG). Show (); } @ Override public Whaid on Inishiylaijheshnsvises (provider Arjeiti, Utubpleyr player, Boolean had been revived) {player.setOnFullscreenListener (this); If (! Richard and new_id! = Tap) {player.cueVideo (new_id); }} @ Overlays the public zero on fullscreen (boolean is fullscreen) {fullscreen = ifscreen; Player automatically sets the quality of video according to bandwidth or Internet speed;}}  

There are only limited options for changing player settings


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