php - Error in Relationship whit entities in doctrine2 -

There is an error in my relationship between my institutions when I make DB with my institutions, there is no error, but if If I try to find the relation of an element, then the error returns:

Logic \ "MAP \" passed to the default \ QuoteStrategy :: getJoinColumnName () serial: On blank, C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ myproject \ vendor \ doctrine \ orm \ lib \ doctrine \ ORM \ Persisters \ BasicEntityPersister.php on line 1670 and C: \ xampp \ Htdocs should be defined in

My relationships are:

< P> Role.php

  * @ORM \ ManyToMany (targetEntity = "application \ model \ user", inverted = "idRole") * @ORM \ JoinTable (name = "UserRole") * / Protected $ idUser;  


  * @ORM \ ManyToMany (targetEntity = "login \ model \ roles", mapped = "IdUser") * / protected $ idRole;  

I have tried other methods listed in, but I am getting the same error.

How do I correct this problem?


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