jquery - Submit checkboxes via ajax without a form in Rails -

How can I submit checkbox values ​​to a Rail 3 controller via AJAX (in a post Without wrapping)? In other words, how can I serialize an array's checkbox with no form.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated thanks!

Here I am trying to do specially:


  & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt;% = @ item. Items | & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt;% = checkbox_tag_tag "item_ids []", item.id, false ,: class = & gt; "Item-checkbox"%> & Lt;% = item.name% & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;  


  Class item controller & lt; ApplicationController response_to: html ,: js ,: json. . Parameter [: item_ids]} End End  

javascript: def update_multiple_items item.update_all ({: category_id = & gt; params [: category_id]}, {: id = & Gt;

  $ ("# update-link"). Click (function () {var categoryId = 2; var itemsArray = $ (". -Image-checkbox: checked") SerializeArray (); $ .exax ({type: "put", url: "item / update_multi_tyme", data: {category_id: range id, item_ides: items here}, datatype: "script"})}});  

I get an active record error with the following information:

 ! Rub Y / hash: ActiveSupport :: hashwindindexensenamename: item_ids [] value: '' 303 parameter: {"parent_id" => 7 "," item_ids "=> {/ code>  

here The parameters are:

"0" => {"name" => "item_ids []", "value" =>, "302"}, "1" => ; {"Name" = & gt; "item_ids []", "value" => "303"}}}

I can not say definitely, but it seems that there might be a problem with your $ (".-Item-checkbox: checked "). SerializeArray (); .. This item does not produce a simple array of ID, instead it produces an array of objects representing each checkbox.

Whether the data format looks like you want to submit it:

  {"parent_id" => 7 "," item_ads "= 1 [1, 2,3]}  

What you are submitting:

  {"parent_id" = & gt; "7", "item_ids" = & Gt; {"0" = & gt; {"name" => "item_id []", "value" => gt; "302"}, "1" => {"name" = & gt; In other words,  $ (". Item-checkbox: check"); "item_ids []", "value" => "303"}}  

SerializeArray (); forms an array of palms in the format: [{name: "item_ids []", value: "302"}, {name: "item_ids []", "value" "303"}]

But you can simply [302,303] or ["302", "303"] .

What will I do (using underscore JS example):

  var serializedArray = $ ( "Input: checked"). SerializeArray (); Var MadidesArere = _.map (serialized, function (item) {return item ["value"];}); # item edges should now be ["302", "303"] You can check by console.log console.log (itemIdsArray);  

Then submit this array to your AJAX:

  $ .ajax ({type: "put", url: "item / update_multi_item", Data: {category_ID: range_d, item_id: itemdaysArere}, datatype: "script"}); If you do not use underscores, here's how you can write it. (However, I suggest that you check it, it is very good: it is easy to use many basic functions, people who constantly do their own roles).  
  var serializedArray = $ ("Input: check") serializeArray () ;. Var Madidas Aurerere = []; (Var i = 0, length = a.length; i & lt; length; i ++) {itemIdsArray.push (sorted array [i] ['value']); }  


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