How to execute Hadoop Job written in Java on Hadoop Environment -

I have class files loaded on the Hadoop file system. And I have also loaded the input file in HDFF. When I run the class file through the headop command in the terminal then I did not get the class error. Ex: I have HDFS content as WordCount. ClassWordCountMapper Classroom Conductor Reduce Class sample insp. TSS

Can someone correct me where I am doing wrong? Or can it be done in real?

Below we use the command line to run a Java MapraRes job on our 4-node Hadoop-2.2.0 cluster. it works fine. We run it by nomination, but any machine in the cluster should work fine.

  help jar ~ / .. path ../mr_orchestrate / target / mr-orchestrate-1.0.jar com.rr .ap.orchestrator.mROrchestrate /user/hduser/in/Sample_15Feb2014.txt / User / hduser / out / out15Feb2014  

You may need the "-libjars" option to add other library paths.


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