emulation - Taking input and redirecting it to an emulated rom (Twitch Plays Pokemon) -
So if any Twitch Plexes is following Pokémon for the last week or any other, then you will know what I About what I am saying They are streaming an emulated version of Pokeman Red and allows members to type control in chat. Those controls that are analogous to that genre on a real gameboy and in some way emulator 'sent' as a control, for example, if a person 'starts' then it pops up the start menu in the game.
Is there any online document that can show me how to do something (although on small scale)?
Thank you!
Once you have copied keystroke,
you have keyboards on windows WinAPI can be used to simulate, here are some examples c ++ code that holds a key for 150 milliseconds:
keybd_event (0x41, 0, 0, 0) ; // key 0x41 (A) sleep (150); Keybd_event (0x41, 0, keyIvanti_kEUUUP, 0); // release key 0x41 (a)
(you can get values for other keys)
Once you have keystroke emulation work, you can Connect your software to your Twitter chat IRC channel or run HEXCHET or any other IRC client, connect it to chat below, just read the file line from the line and wait for the new logging log and logging on your software Be able to parse This user has become a time when you're done.
In the matter of minutes I wrote my own twitch place ... in the windows on C # and then released a polished, configuration version that should work on any game.
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