Java Intercept HTTP Request -
What's the best way to do this? I tried to use a server socket and changed my proxy settings port to send all traffic to all javascript. Well, it adds, but I can not read the request with the client socket .readLine ().
I do not want to know how to code your code, so why not post it, I want to know what would be the best way to stop the HTTP request to read. I'm guessing that I would like to change the proxy port to change my app like traffic (like Burp Suite and WebSerab).
So in other words, would anyone just be asked to read an example or pseudo code by changing the buffer suit / WebScarab HTTP proxy port?
Try this and never forget to configure your browser.
ServerSet SSC = New ServerSet (8080); While (true) {socket s = ss.accept (); BufferRadder sin = new buffed reader (new input striker reader (szet inputstream ())); String l = sin.readLine (); Println (L); URL url = New URL ("http: // your_URL"); URL Connection URL = url.openConnection (); BufferedReader src = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (urlCon.getInputStream ())); String srst; While ((srst = src.readLine ()) = = null system.out.println (srst); }
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