How can I make make a border for a clicked imagebutton in Android? -
I am using Imagebuttons to show some icons in my Android project.
& lt; Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_alignParentLeft = "true" Android: layout_alignParentTop = "true" Android: padding = "20dp" Android: contentDescription = "@ String / button_on" Android: background = "@ Android: color / transparent" Android: src = "@drawable / button_on" />
I think, when the button is in a pressed state, there will be a white border with rounded corners. What can I do to do this? Can this just be used on code or will I need an extra background image?
This is a method if you do not want to create separate images with the border
Make Drawable XML with your border style (e.g., border.xml)
& Lt; Padding android: left = "1dp" android: top = "1dp" Android: right = "1dp" Android: Below = "1dp" /> & Lt; Corners Android: bottomRightRadius = "8dip" Android: bottomLeftRadius = "8dip" Android: topRightRadius = "8dip" Android: topLeftRadius = "8dip" /> & Lt; / Size & gt;
Make selector drawable (eg some_selector_name.xml). When pressed basically, it will show your border painting. Otherwise, it would be transparent.
& lt; Selector xmlns: android = "" & gt; & Lt; Item Android: state_pressed = "true" android: drawable = "@ drawable / border" /> & Lt; Item android: drawable = "@ android: color / transparent" /> & Lt; / Selector & gt;
Set your background of your image button to drawable your selector
; ImageButton Android :. Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_alignParentLeft = "true" Android: layout_alignParentTop = "true" Android: padding = "20dp" Android: Content Circles = "@ String / button_one "Android: background =" @ drawable / some_seller_name.exml "Android: src =" @drawable / button_on "/>
Now when you press the button, it should display the white border. This is just an example but you should get this idea.
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