Filtering the data using For..Next and left function using excel vba -

I want to list all files only with specific keywords So I'm using the left function. The left work will match the search text box Please help Compilation error box for filtering unused file pop-out "Next to Without" Please help, thank you.

NextRow = Sheets ("Sheet1"). Room (rows.kount, "A"). Finally (XLEEP). For every objFile in Robbs + 1 objFolder.files (search for (objFolder.Name, lane (search. Text)) =). Sheets ("Sheet 1"). Room (NextRow, 1). Value = objFile.Name sheet ("Sheet1"). Room (NextRow), 2) .Value = objFile.Path Sheets ("Sheet1"). Room (NextRow, 3). Value = Format (objFile.DateLastModified, "mm / dd / yyyy") NextRow = NextRow + 1 Next objFile Else msgbox "Error" end if


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