java - MediaCodec AAC -> PCM Decoder Configuration on Android -

I'm trying to implement AAC ->; PCM Decoder by MediaCode .

First of all, I have successfully updated the PCM - & gt; AAC encoder is intended as MediaCodec as below

  Private Boolean set encoder (enc rate) {encoder = MediaCodec.createEncoderByType (" Audio / mp4a-latm "); Media format format = new media format (); Format.setString (MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, "audio / mp4a-latm"); Format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, 1); Format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, 44100); Format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, 64 * 1024); // AAC-HE 64kbps format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_AAC_PROFILE, MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.AACObjectHE); Encoder Configure (format, empty, empty, mediacode. CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE); Back true; }  

INPUT: PCM bitrate = 44100 (hj) x 16 (beat) x 1 (monial) = 705600 bit / s

Output: AAC-O bitrate = 64 x 1024 (bit) = 65536 bit / s

So, the size of the data is almost compressed x11

  • Audio encoder: 36 9 bytes encoded

    The size of the data is approximately x11 < / Code> is compressed, so far is good.

    Now, I have an UDP server to get encoded data, then decode it.

    The decoder profile is set as follows:

      Private boolean set decoder (int rate) {decoder = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType ("audio / mp4a-latm"); Media format format = new media format (); Format.setString (MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, "audio / mp4a-latm"); Format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, 1); Format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, 44100); Format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, 64 * 1024); // AAC-HE 64kbps format.setInteger (MediaFormat.KEY_AAC_PROFILE, MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.AACObjectHE); Decoder.configure (format, empty, zero, 0); Back true; UDPserver packet buffer size  1024  

    • UDPserver: 1024 bytes received

    P> and since It is compressed AAC data, I expect the decoding size

    would be approximately 1024 x11 , though the actual result

    • AudioDecoder: 8192 bytes decode

    It's almost x8 , and I find something wrong.

    Can anyone give me an idea on this issue? Thank you.


    The decoder code is as follows:

      byte [] buffer 2 = new byte [1024]; Datagram packet packet = new datagram packet (buffer 2, buffer 2. lamp); // .............. // Get the UDP packet here .............. ds.receive (packet); SockAddress = packet.getSocketAddress (); Address = sockAddress.toString (); // now inputbuffer encoding = decoder.get inputbuffers (); Output buffers = decoder.get overput buffers (); Inputbufferindexx = decoder.dequinput buffer (-1); If (inputbufferedx> = 0) {inputbuffer = inputbufers [inputfounderx]; InputBuffer.clear (); InputBuffer.put (buffer2); Decoder.queueInputBuffer (inputfoundX, 0, buffer 2. line, 0, 0); } Buffer Info = New MediaCodec.BufferInfo (); OutputBufferIndex = Decoder DequeueOutputBuffer (BufferInfo, 0); While (OutputBufferX> = 0) {outputbuffer = OutputBuffers [OutputBuffer Index]; Outdata = new byte [buffer infosys]; OutputBuffer.get (outData); Log D. ("Audiodicoder", outdata lamps + "bytes decode"); Decoder.releaseOutputBuffer (outputBufferIndex, Incorrect); OutputBufferIndex = Decoder DequeueOutputBuffer (BufferInfo, 0); }  

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