ios - Connecting IBOutlet results in nsunknownkey exception -
I know that as soon as you read the title, you should think .. well good but I believe that I'm banging my head with this for the last 2 days. I have tried every solution mentioned in the stack overflow and anywhere else I can get on the internet but nothing works. I tried to start my project again (fortunately, I got stuck in a very early stage) but it still throws the same exception.
Here is a description of my problem. I have created a custom cell as a subclass of UITableViewCell (now a very common eh) Now my view controller (which has a UITWV added) registers for my customsell in Wikipedia is.
And on cellForRowAtIndexPath, I just do a dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier. So far, so good. I set this project on fire and everything is going well. I can load my custom cell in the tableview.
The problem starts when I connect any control to an IBotlet from my custom cell. This rebuffs *** Android app 'NSUnknownKeyException' due to the exceptions of the exceptions, reason: '[& lt; NSObject 0xa4b4fe0 & gt; SetValue: forUndefinedKey:]: The key value for this class key vidName is not coding-pro. '
Now I have tried all of these:
Changing the file owner of XIB to my custom cell class, NSObject has my view On the controller, but no luck.
Changing the name of my outlet (if naming conflict may occur), but still the same result.
Change the "main interface" for different view controllers and nothing except this blank.
I have also tried to remove every single control by leaving a label in my cell.
FYI .. My project is a universal project and I am using Xcode 5.
Update: cellForRowAtIndexPath code
NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "CustomCellReuseID"; VideoCustomCell * cell = [Tableview DeWewer Re-Eligible CellWithIdentifier: Cell Identifier for IndexPath: IndexPath]; Cell.vidName.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", indexPath.row]; Return cell;
Whatever I have collected so far, it seems that you have the following setup
- A storyboard with a UITableViewController and related table view controller class
- An Xib for custom cell and you use registerNib based on the register view
- A custom cell class that you use to set vidName label text dynamically.
Am I missing anything?
When you create an Xib file for the table view cell, you set the cell instance in the custom cell class in the interface builder - not the owner of the file. Then, you connect the label outlet in the interface builder in your cell instance. Such as:
Now your rest Code should work:
- (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; [Serial View Register NIB: [UINIB NIBYTHNIBN: @ "Video Custom Cell" Bundle: CellRuientifier for: [NSBindal Main Bundle]]: "Custom" CLURUIDID "]; } #pragma mark - UITableView Rep / Data Source - (NSInteger) TableView: (UITableView *) table view numberofrease insaction: (NSInteger) section {return 10; } - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) TV cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) Index pathway {NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "CustomCellReuseID"; VideoCustomCell * cell = [self.tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellEindified for IndexPath: IndexPath]; Cell.vidName.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", indexPath.row]; Return cell; }
I have posted a sample project here that can help further:
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