apache - htaccess url rewrite issue in removing wordpress year , month , day from url -

I have a client WordPress site: myexamplesite.wordpress.com which myexamplesite.com which hosts an expression engine site Has been redirected.

I am working to redirect all pages from myexamplesite.wordpress.com to myexamplesite.com, but there are problems in rewriting URLs on the site received.

Example URL: The same blog post in the EE site:

Then I want to rewrite the URL which will be: To

I have the following Using the htaccess code:

& lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; On RewriteEngine RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ [0-9] + / [0-9] + / [0-9] + / (. *) $ Blog / $ 1 [NC] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rearrrightium ^ (. *) $ Index.php / $ 1 [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt;

I variable check on index.php page: $ _SERVER [ "PHP_SELF"] and it shows the uri: /index.php/blog/my-blog-post-1/ My-blog-post-1

The post URL fragment is repeated. And I am in a fix I do not have much experience working with .htaccess

My EE installation is hosted on EngineHosting:

Thanks in advance

You want L at the end of [NC] :

 < Code> RewriteRule ^ [0-9] + / [0-9] + / [0- 9] + / (. *) $ Blog / $ 1 [nc, l]  

But if you are working on the redirect, then you might want to: (. *)

  RewriteRule ^ [0-9] + / [0-9] + / [0] -9] + / $ Http://myexamplesite.com/blog/$1 [NC, L, R]  
