java - How to use modeshape for many users -
Currently I'm thinking how many users in Medatep do I manage my own data? ). An example of the problem that I am currently thinking is Dropbox Model: Everyone has their own Dropbox with private files, not necessarily shared with anyone else.
Will I create a new workspace for every user, or would it be better for a large tree, where there are nodes for all users under the root node?
Is the number of Medeppet Workspaces limited?
Thanks for any indication.
Modeshap has a practical limit for the number of workspaces, because they need to be managed and this Management was not designed to support unlimited number of workplaces Generally, some specific behaviors exist between workstations in JCR, and workspaces were never used by JCR people.
I would recommend to use a single repository and workspace to store all the contents for all users, where the hierarchy of the workspace nodes is used to separate and associate content with particular users is. Just be aware that JCR is specifically a hierarchical database: do not put all users below a node, because this will actually have a flat hierarchy (which does not work well in any JCR implementation). Instead, simply create a small hierarchy based on your username or user ID. (Note that even there is a file system limit: You can not add millions of files to a folder.)
In fact, it is no different if you have a For many users, some architectures will use a relational database to create a new database for each user; Instead, the service will use a single database in which each line is linked to one user, and service security is applicable.
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