c# - Reactive Extensions ControlScheduler -

Well, I'm using Reactive Extension Event Handler to handle my app events, I run the headlines on the Yuri thread. I also use ControlSubular for However, recently I am getting cross thread exception despite using control scheduler and I do not know what the problem is.


  Observable.FromEventPattern & Lt; String & gt; (CC, "UiAlertMessage", New Control Session ()) Subscribe (_ = & gt; {Alert Control. (Show this language, title, _.EventArgs.UppercaseFirst ());});   

The new control scheduler (this) is not to run the code on the UI control thread, so I do not get cross threading exceptions?

you should do

  Observable.FromEventPattern & lt; String & gt; (CC, "UiAlertMessage"). AboveOption (this). Subscribe (_ = & gt; {Alert Control. (Show this language, Titles, _.EventArgs.UppercaseFirst ());});  

This is the standard way of sending a scheduler related to specific controls. Passing control scheduler as you have got subscribed on membership by looking at view Observer See the inspection for the difference between SubscribeOn

and carefully system. Reactive .Windows. Force assembly.

  Public stable IObservable & lt; TSource & gt; ObserveOn & LT; TSource & gt; (This IObservable & lt; TSource & gt; source, control control) {If (source == empty) Repeat new logic ("source"); If (control == empty) throw new logic ("control"); Second Synchronization. Observations & lt; TSource & gt; (Source, (iSCd) new control scheduler (control)); }  


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