Can't open video by OpenCv ErrorUnhandled exception at 0x7695c41f in moving movie.exe: -

I write a very simple program to test openCV to open a video, but I fail.

Here is the code.

  #include "opencv2 / highgui / highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc.hpp" using namespace cv; Zero Main (Zero) {Named Window ("Example 3", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); Video capture cap; ("D: \ AMP4"); Cv :: mat frame; While (1) {caps> & Gt; Frame; //; Break (! Frames data); Cv :: imshow ("Example 3", Frame); WaitKey (33); }}  

It just flash windows, however, if I comment on breaking (! Frame data!); I'll get: Unwanted exceptions to 0x7695c41f in moving movie. Exe: Microsoft C ++ Exception: CV :: Exception at memory space 0x0045f968

Any ideas? ("D: \ a.mp4"); should be: ("D: \\ A.Mp4");  


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