c++ - Rental car mileage overage calculation function -

I'm writing to try to create a mileage overage calculation function for a C ++ program I'm going to switch this function There is a problem in working properly within the statement. What I am trying to achieve (or calculate) amount of profit on the limit of carSize mileage * On rent day

  Double Calmiles (intimate, day, four carousges) (dual)   

So far my code is: MilesFee = 0; Double Compact Overage Charge = .05; Double midSizeOverageCharge = .07; Double Full Size Overage Charge = .09; Int compact delimilarity = 20; Int midSizeDailyMilesLimit = 25; Int fullSizeDailyMilesLimit = 30; Switch (carcases) {case 'C': case 'C': {while (mi and GT; compact delimited limit * days) {milesFee = (miles * day) / compact daily Mile limit; } If (milesoff> compact delimited limit) {milesFee = milesFee * Compact overage charge; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Overlays fees" and lieutenant; & Lt; Milfie & lt; & Lt; Endl; break; }} Case 'M': Case 'M': {While (Miles> Midishee Daily Mile Lilit * Day) {milesFee = (Mile * Day) / Midas Daily Mile Limit; } If (milesoffi> Media's Delimiters limit) {milesFee = milesFee * midSizeOverageCharge; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Overlays fees" and lieutenant; & Lt; Milfie & lt; & Lt; Endl; break; }} Case 'F': case 'F': {while (miles> gt; full size daily mile lilit * day) {milesFee = (mile * day) / full size daily mill limit; } If (milesoffy> Full size delimits limit) {milesFee = milesFee * Full size overage charge; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Overlays fees" and lieutenant; & Lt; Milfie & lt; & Lt; Endl; break; }}} Return goods FAI;


Your problems include:

  1. You never break with the two-switch case labels, if-except the conditions.
  2. Your time limit never ends. There is nothing in parts of that time that ever change conditionally.

He said, this problem is quite simple that you are excluding it:

  #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Semith & gt; Double calmilesfi (int mill, int day, four carcasses) {cost double compact overage charge = .05; Const Double Midisivative Charge = .07; Const. Double full size overage charge = .09; Const int compact delimiteslimit = 20; Const int midSizeDailyMilesLimit = 25; Const int fullSizeDailyMilesLimit = 30; Double Overlage Charge = 0.0; Int dailyMilesLimit = 0; Double Mile = 0; Switches (carousges) {case 'C': Case 'C': Daily mileage = Compact Delimited Limit; Overage charge = Compact overage charge; break; Case 'M': Case 'M': Daily mileage = Medium size daily mail limit; OverageCharge = midSizeOverageCharge; break; Case 'F': Case 'F': DailyMaillimit = Full Size Daily Mile Limit; Overhaase Charge = Full Size Overage Charge; break; } MilesFee = std :: max (0, mi - (day * daily monthly limit)) * Charging more quantity; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Overlays fees" and lieutenant; & Lt; Milfie & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Return miles; }  

As I mentioned in the comment, I recommend not using floating point for currency calculation unless it is mandatory for your assignment. You can do the final result as a floating point value, but was I writing that I use the integer precision to some hard range (such as 10th of pani) and floating point conversion once , and the last .


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