javascript - ffmpeg not returning duration, cant play video until complete. Stream images 2 video via PHP -
I am struggling with actual ffmpeg I am trying to convert images to video, I have an IP The camera is what I'm recording. In the recording per picture mjpegs are 1 frame
I am trying to create a script in PHP so that I can change a video by date, in which the images will have to input through input and then make video Will happen.
The trouble is that, the FFPAG returns the period and starts the data, so I have no way of doing video work or what percentage is done. The video will not run until the end, and it will not be a good UI.
How can I solve it, any ideas, video formats can be anything which I am open to suggestions.
// shell command exec ('cat /image/dir/*.jpg | ffmpeg -y -c: v mjpeg -f image2pipe -r 10 -i - - C: v-libx264-pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags + faststart myvids / vidname.mp4 1> vidname.txt 2 & gt; & amp; 1)) This video is loaded via JavaScript when the video loads Video_play = "& lt; width of the video = \" 320 \ "height = \" 240 \ "src = \" myvids / vidname.mp4 \ "type = \ "Video / mp3 \" \ id = \ "player1 \" control = \ "control \" preload = \ "none \" & gt; & lt; / video & gt; ";
// Javascript To make a video, the video loads to the loop
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