angularjs - Chrome: Prevent image reload when rebuilding image elements -

Using fingerprints:

I am displaying a list of ng-repeating images. When I reboot and rebuild the model (get new data from the backend), then I'm displaying the previous images.

I understand that these are the new elements created by NG-repeat, but the image is SRCS. Unlike IE or Firefox, Chrome tries to get a 403 for those similar pictures and then presents them.

This causes a flicker Images on IE and Firefox come from the cache. No hits on the server to check image changes. No flicker

How can I stop it? Should pictures be served with some cache headers? I tried to get them to load the images to a dataurl, but then I hit the CORS problem, and the proxies will have to do those images on the backend



Some fixes will relate to preloading images in Javascript and its Will display them later

  function load images (arrayfomos) {var imageNumber = 0; $ (ArrayOfImgs) .Each (function ()) ((new image)) src = this ;. (if arrayOfImgs.length == image NUMBER) $ scope.showImages true =; another image NUMBER ++;}); } // Usage: Load images (['img1.jpg', 'img2.jpg']);  

If you retrieve the pictures from the backend, then its successful promise

I hope it helps you

that Check the example images that retrieve the backend:

  $ scope.loading = true; . GetImages () then (function (response) {var objects = response.results; on listImages = []; angular.forEach (objects, function (item) {listImages.push (item.UrlImage);}); function preload (ArrayOfImages ) {Var numimages = 0; $ (arrayOfImages) .each (function () {var img = (new image); img.src = this; $ (img) .load (function () {numImages ++; if (Numimages == arrayOfImages.length) {$ scope.loading = false;}});});} preload (list images ;;});  


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