android - CheckBox is checked send item to defferent activity -
In my application, when the checkbox is checked, then in the list list, Want to go Please help me or give me some hints on how to do this. I appreciate any help.
Enhances the investigation of the public class {checkbox check; Textview TVITIM; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); Check = (Checkbox) FindById (; TvItem = (TextView) findViewById (; Check.setOnCheckedChangeListener (New Compound Button On Checked Change Listener) {@Override Changed checked at Public Zero (compound button button view, boolean is checked) {If (checked) {} else {}}}); }}
What more code do I put in?
Actually, you need to set an onClickedListener for the checkbox, and a list view list Start the activity that passes enough information to start new activity. You may need to toggle the status of the checkbox, just for this, I have included the code for it, if something looks wrong then delete it.
checkbox.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener () {@Override Click Zero (see V) {checkbox.toggle (); // If the check box is correctly toggled, Then remove Intent intent = new Intent (MainActivity.This, OtherActivity.class); intent.putExtra ("data", someData); startActivity intent);}}
examine any other purpose , Like this:
@Override Create a public void form (bundle saved instenstate) {super.onCreate (INTENT intent = getIntent;); String Message = intent.getStringExtra (MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE) ; // magic is here.}
more Receive messages for more In detail, read this article very carefully.
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