javascript - How do I know which <li> element was clicked from a <ul>? -

I have & lt; Ul & gt; , and every & lt; Li & gt; The background of is 50px * 50px but I want to know which code is

  • gt; I click on ul, first, second, third.

    Each & lt; Li & gt; has an image, therefore, when I ; Li & gt; another & lt; Div & gt; , but when I want to change the image I wanted to know, click on which was clicked.

      $ ("# ul element"). ("Click", "li", (function () {$ ($ ("# theediv"). $ ("# Thediv") empty (). App ('
  • gt;' + this Inner HTML + '& lt; / li & gt;'); $ ("# thediv") .FadeIn ("slow");}));
  • So when I took one Clicking on the image goes to div, but I want to know which index is taken (1,2,3,4,5, etc.).

  • You can use the following to get the current index in the list

      $ (this). Index (); < / Code> 


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