angularjs - Assemble (static Site generator) With Angular JS -
I want to create a site, using Yeoman, and AngularJS. The plan is to handle the collected materials and handle the dynamic content through the Aangular AGI. Are two compatible, this is a good choice of architecture? My concern is to use the thermal engine engine (handelbers) and whether it is compatible with AngularJS, because they use both {{}}. I have only begun the investigation, but I am struggling to find examples of people who use the same architecture. How do I loft with Yeoman?
I am doing something similar and with the template to handle this issue, the delimiter I angular interpolateProvider To change the delimiter for angular use. I'm sure that you can configure when some of the scaffolds are running Yeoman automatically not to use the new delimiter, but I hope it gathers Separate template from template helps On
App = angular.module ('app', []). Config (function ($ interpolateProvider) {$ interpolateProvider.startSymbol ('{%'); $ InterpolateProvir.Andismbol ('%}';});
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