How to get the context of the running tests in scala-test ? Is there anything like ITestContext as in TestNG to get those information? -
I want to know the list of ongoing trial cases and want to manipulate those information in TestMag, Onfinish, Onstart, Etc., by providing itest contact information to retrieve those information from the methods of iTest Listener. Is there something similar in Skal-Test? Suggestions are highly appreciated Thanks in advance.
In fact, looking at the right direction, you can add some of the relevant information about the suit in the properties of ScalaTest The name of the suite
The amount of information you can get, the more it is not rich, which you meet with TestGG (for example, this is typically You will not be able to tell which since the test pass / have failed in all
). This information may well give you great value for your purposes:
class MyTest extends FunSuite before and overtime (override def beforeAll) (// suiteName suits you information Name will give you the name of your tests (SuiteName) // testNames for each information (_) // tag you will tag the name of the test names for the tag tags tag .keys.forEach (t = & gt; info The tag with the tag "+ tag (t) .mkString (", ")))} ...}}
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