
Showing posts from July, 2011

What is the difference between Collection and Set interfaces in Java? -

If the declared method signatures begin to be the same, then what is the purpose of setting up the set interface, rather than applying the collection directly? Or is it just a marker interface? set guarantees that the unique element in the collection (no duplicates) A archive will not guarantee it. The only methods inherited from the set interface collection are included and the copy adds that duplicate elements are prohibited. The set also adds a strong contract to the behavior of equal and hashode functions, even if the set allows examples to compare meaningfully, even if Their implementation type is different. Two set examples are the same if they are the same elements. Note, set does not preserve the order in which the elements were inserted. You LinkedHashSet if you need to preserve the entry order of elements

jquery - Draggable elements sometimes jump back to their original position after appearing in the droppable element for a split second -

So I do not want to be a clone - I just want to drag the element into the element and drag the element to the original position when I pull it I was trying to hide the original element (the thing you are pulling with your mouse is a clone, not original). So when I suppress the mouse, I hide the original. It worked properly, now when I pull several elements from the dropable element back to the original draggable position (which is also droppob), then some time it does not let me do this - if I Trying to pull it back, it shows the split in the original element for the second, but then disappears and appears in the droppable element. It's mine. Drug Glow Code - $ ("li", $ Gallery) Druggate ({back: "invalid", prevention: "document", helper: "clone", cursor: "indicator", start: function () {$ (this). Solve ();}, stop: function () { $ (This) .show ();}}); It is within each function - the function goes through the elements o...

objective c - UITableView is not showing the content of NSArray -

I am creating an app that contains UIPLView. I've added the view view to ViewViewController. This is my ViewController.h #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Interface view controller: UIViewController & lt; UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate & gt; @ Property (weak, non-monomitive) IBotlet UITWview * Tableview; @end and the following is My ViewController.m #import "ViewController.h" @interface ViewController () @end @implementation ViewController {NSArray * Tabledata; } @ Synthesis table view; - (zero) viewDidoadload [[Super Viewedload]; Tabledata = [Object with NSArray array: @ "Egg Benedict", @ "Mushroom Risotto", @ "full breakfast", @ "hamburger", @ "ham and egg sandwich", zero]; Tableview.delegate = self; // Setup an additional after loading the view, usually from a nib } - (NSInteger) Table view: (UITableView *) table view numberoffloss insaction: (NSInteger) section {return [tabl...

opengl - Qt QOpenGLFunctions not declared in this scope -

I am creating a drable object class for mesh data and I am getting this linker error. At the top of the square is also organized which arranges the picture of the mess used in one of the Q Tutorials. I am also using QGLWidget on whose surface I am portrayed. Header file appears for first class. #ifndef GLOBJECT_H #define GLOBJECT_H #include & lt; QOpenGLFunctions & gt; # Include & lt; QOpenGLShaderProgram & gt; # Include & lt; QVector3D & gt; # Include & lt; QVector2D & gt; # Include & lt; QDebug & gt; # Include & lt; QFile & gt; Structure vertex data {QVector3D status; QVector2D Texas; QVector3D normal; }; Class globs {public: globs (); VertexData * data; Gluishore * index; Glutton vboIds [2]; Int faceCount, vertCount; Bowl Generally (Custustring Filename); }; #endif // GLOBJECT_H Here's the header for the other category. #ifndef GEOMETRYENGINE_H #defineGEOMETRYENGINE_H #include & lt; QObject & gt; # Include ...

validation - Django - check if user has been redirected to current page -

I am using Django 1.5 and I want to know that the user has been redirected to my login page Because he tried to reach the other, the page requires login without logging in. Let's assume that this view is called 'Security Page' and assumes that when I enter / securityInfo / Assume this is a security page: @login_required def security page (request): #sm code Now that I go to that URL, So it redirects me to Login.html page, which is correct (since the user - I - do not have - logged in to any account). This is my login.html: {% if 'Next' is request.GET%} & lt; P & gt; You need to log in to your account before you reach that page that you were trying. View & lt; / P & gt; {% Endif%} for some reason, I'm still being redirected and the URL of the login page is redirecting me Http: // , line {% if 'next' request.GET Is in)%} is the 'next' in the URL, even if it ev...

php - Wrong quote style with pdo_informix -

If I use the quotation order, then the defense of a single quote is wrong (yes, I know I should use the statement made) PDO :: quote avoids a single quote backlash such as 'this', whereas it is a single quote Should save with an additional bid like a '' it ''. Can I ask the driver to use the appropriate quote style?

c# - GetField const in type's base class -

After I can use the reflection in Net 4 to get the field information from a derived class to a base class Are you For example, class guardian {public const bool ParentField = true; } Category: Children: Parents {Public Controlled Bull Childfield = true; } Using those sections: Console.WriteLine (.P.GetType () GetField ("ParentField")); Console.WriteLine (.GetType () GetField ("ChildField")); Console.WriteLine (.GetType () GetField ("ParentField")); The way I expect the third line, it does not work. GetField provides zero when obtaining a region from the base type. I have tried to overload GetField with all the different BindingsFlags values ​​I can think of, but it always gives nullity. Edit I should have been clear that this c.GetType () GetField ("ParentField", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy) also gives nullity. "itemprop =" text "> inherited constants you get to be a little more specifi...

ios - Change Table View Cell's UIImage on Tap -

शायद एक साधारण तय। मेरे तालिका दृश्य नियंत्रक के प्रत्येक कक्ष के अंदर मुझे एक छवि मिली और उस पर एक टैप इशारे पहचानकर्ता यह ठीक काम कर रहा है और उचित रूप से लॉगिंग कर रहा है। मुझे इसकी आवश्यकता है कि छवि को उसकी डिफ़ॉल्ट स्थिति से बदलने के लिए और फिर "चयनित" राज्य (हरा) और "अचयनित" स्थिति (लाल) के बीच टॉगल करें। दूसरे शब्दों में, यह एक चेकलिस्ट है जो पहले में ग्रे है, फिर आप छवि को टैप कर सकते हैं, छवि एक हरे रंग की निशान-चिह्न में बदल जाती है, फिर से टैप करें, यह लाल एक्स में बदल जाती है। यहाँ कैच है: क्या यह काम कर रहा था जब यह केवल वही सशर्त वक्तव्य की बात थी, जिसे सेक्टरोवअटइंडपैथ विधि में किया गया था, लेकिन जब से मैंने इशारे पहचानकर्ता को जोड़ा और imageTapped पद्धति को बनाया, तो मुझे इसका अनुवाद नहीं करना पड़ सकता है इसलिए, अन्यथा उपयोगी धागे जैसे मेरे लिए काम नहीं करते। हमेशा की तरह धन्यवाद आप लोग सबसे अच्छे हैं। यहां कोड है: - (UITableViewCell *) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) तालिका दृश्य सेलफोररौअटइंडएपपथ: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {स्थिर N...

ajax - Why my global variable isnt modified inside a JavaScript callback function -

I want to modify the json object in a function and then the value received on another function I want to use. This is in the form of a glimpse that I have coded: $ (document) .ready (function () {var json $ ("# ok"). Click (function () {Function plotReglaFalsa (Respuesta) {json = respuesta} .... .... plot Rigla Fossa (anyJSON) function populateTable () {console.log (json)} populateTable ()}) Although Jason is not being modified, I have modified JSN to call the necessary function call and console.log statement prints are undefined. I also know That re Spuesta is a valid object. However, plotReglaFalsa is actually a callback argument in an AJAX request, this is my complete code: $ (Document) .ready (function () {var json $. Plot ($ ("# placeholder"), [[]], {yaxis: {show: true, max: 100, min: -100}, exxis: {Show: true, maximum: 100, min: -100}}); $ ("# ok"). Click (function () {var args = {algorithm: 'regla "$" ("#A...

java - How Do I keep an AlertDialog box open if a user types invalid data in Edittext? -

I have an alert dialog box that asks the user to enter their full name and email, to validate the data And if the data is invalid, then I would like to show the dialog box again with an error message (like you do with the edited field in Android). How do I do this right under the button? Here is my code: the ultimate alert DLOgh. Builder ZoomDialog = New AlertDialog Builder (new referenceThe theme (activity,; LayoutInflator Factory = LayoutInflator. (Activity); Last scene f = factory. In flat (R.List.name_name_amam, empty); ZoomDialog.setTitle ("Please enter your name and email"); ZoomDialog.setView (f); zoomDialog.setPositiveButton ( "SUBMIT", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener () {public void onClick (DialogInterface dlg, which integer) {((onFollowedListener) activity) .onFollowed (); EditText FULL_NAME = (EditText) f.findViewById ( .follower_name); EditText EMAIL_ADDRESS = (EditText) f.findViewById (R...

c++ - Why does DeleteIPAddress fails when deleting the adapter's default IP? -

I am trying to write a program that will replace the IP of the selected adapter at the command. That is, I am using the GetAdaptersInfo () function to get the index of the adapter and it is the IP reference, and then to delete the existing IP (DeleteIPAddress (through reference)) I am using. After that, the new IP will be inserted through AddIPAddress (). The problem is, when trying to delete the "default" IP, the call to the DeleteIPAddress function fails to be set by ADPRESS ()) and addIPAddress to the old IP Calling the adapter together with two different simultaneous IPS. Removed Dependency Function fails with error 31 (the device connected to the system is not working). Is there another way to successfully change the IP address on the adapter? Can DeleteIPAddress be actually used without getting references from AddIPAddress? They say, DeleteIPAddress deletes the address added in advance by the addIPAddress: -) I have something to interest with. Researched a...

Set Rails Variable to Different Values for Different Capistrano Environments -

I have a rail app, which is set to deploy to Capitolano for one of two different servers (It depends on how the user chooses to deploy) I want to create an environmental variable for the rail app which changes based on the server on which the website has been deployed. In my Captivan deployment (Config / Deploy .rb) file, I have a variable "step" set: steps,% w (output staging) I have tried to use this variable to set the variable if its in the environment (config / environment.rb) file: If if (: stages == "staging") ENV ['GLOBAL_EMAIL'] = "" other ENV ['GLOBAL_EMAIL'] = "" end However, when I test it, rail should be # {ENV} ['GLOBAL_EMAIL']} (as far as I can tell that the variable is not set or unreachable). My question is that someone The reason is that: Do not have access to the steps, and if there is a better way / way to set the variable according to the environm...

delphi - How to uplaod a file in chunks using indy? -

I'm having trouble uploading the file using "OpenDrive API". I can connect other stuff and HPT Analyzer Using I can see operations such as Actupload, Open Upload and Close Upload but I think no packet has been transferred during upload (for example: 5 MB of upload transfer). I cant My codes are: - Process TUploadThread.Execute; Var filename: string; Create FilePreference: Teestring; OpenFileParams: Teestring; Closed fileperms: Teestring; JrSpons: string; FileID: string; Temp Location: String; JFileCreateObject: ISuperObject; JFile OpenObject: ISuparobage; Start the file name: = ExtractFileName (frmMain.OpenDialog.FileName); Try CreateFileParams: = TStringList.Create; CreateFileParams.Add ('session_id =' + frmMain.SessionKey); CreateFileParams.Add ('folder_id =' + frmMain.CurrentFolderID); CreateFileParams.Add ('file_name =' + filename); CreateFileParams.Add ('file_size =' + frmMain.UploadFileSize); CreateFileParams.Add ('access...

r - Grabbing certain results out of multiple t.test outputs to create a table -

I have run 48 T-Tests (hand-coded instead of writing a loop) and would like to get some results from Specifically, I only consolidate p-value >, confidence interval , and mean x and y for each of these 48 tests and then create a table of results Beyond the answer is a fantastic, quick way to do this, in which I would all go for 48 tests and ttest all three desired output with something along the lines of $ p I .Value ? Maybe a loop? Below is a sample of the input coded for a T-test, followed by the output given by R. # t.test Comparison Tool 2005 Change_Unemp for Government Employment (ix) lowgov6 & lt; - met_res [met_res $ Gov_Emp_2005 & lt; = 93310, "Change_Unemp"] Haigose 6 & lt; - met_res [met_res $ Gov_Emp_2005 & gt; 93310, "Change_Unemp"] t.test (lowgov6, highgov6, = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) Welsh two sample test data: lowgov6 and highgov6 t = 1.5896, df = 78.978, p-value = 0.1159 alternative hypothesis : True d...

c# - Search text between different tags using XPath -

I am using HtmlAgilityPack and I need to find the phrase in the HML document. For example, I have a document: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; AAA Heading is Arafrey & lt; / H1> Live & lt; P & gt; My & lt; B & gt; First & lt; / B & gt; . Paragraph & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; My second paragraph & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; My third paragraph & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; I "Dates & Lt; P & gt; My & lt; b & gt; 1st & lt; / b & gt; Paragraph. & Lt; / p & gt; ; " > duration . For this, I need to search all events with just text (no html tags) for example This is my first paragraph. In other words, I want this phrase thats my first paragraph. to match Directs & lt; P & gt; My & lt; B & gt; First & lt; / B & gt; Para...

c# - JsonConvert.DeserializeObject from PubNub message -

When I send this message to MakeAction manually, it works and the message box pops up: But when I Pu Message from bNub does not work: Display static zero Subscribe to Return message (String result) {// Message receives PubNub takes care of action MessageToAction MTA = New MessageToAction (); MTA.MakeAction (results);} PubNub's message is slightly different than one manually created: [[\ "Action \": \ "turncompleted \", \ "MessageId \": \ "123123123 \", \ "playerID \": \ "100000067174580 \", \ "round \": 1, \ "answer \ ": [[\" Longitude \ ": 21.0 9, 375, \" axis ¼ "24.527134822598}, {\" longitude \ ": 1.40625, \" latitude \ ": 23.885837699862}]}, \" 13926740640746402 \ ", \" sugar-jeffcity \ "] I tried to remove the bracket and slashed the text but then the pulses around the "value" values ​​were also changed. I wa...

flash - Is there a compiler for Actionscript 3 on Windows? -

I am working on an app that will be running on desktop and mobile devices. I have Flash Professional CS5, however, I am working on a project that really needs AS3, and it has already taken proper time to tackle the complexity of connecting AS3 with Flash. A link that takes me to a page with a flash builder 4.7 premium for $ 700 when I click on "free, open-source frame. Adobe Flex". I will have some free ... , and include mxmlc All those compilers can be downloaded for free Compile the .as code into these .swf binaries. AIR SDK is the latest compiler from Adobe. is a free IDE (which downloads one of the above to compile, and automatically sets its environment). Similarly, Adobe has paid IDE. Make your selection I want to use individually =)

php - How to optimize a SQL query using multiple tables -

I have this SQL query which captures 5 latest news posts. I want to make it so that it captures total likes and total news comments in the same question. But the query I created was slow in working with a large amount of data, so I am trying to see that I can get a better solution. Here's the following: SELECT *, call `id` as` newcod`, (say select 'from' select number (*), where 'type' = "newspost" And `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ` There is also a SQLfield: `limit of DESC 5 You can write it again by joining it, know mysql Especially when working with large data sets are: SELECT n. *, `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `Id` as` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ` 'NFETY Return' (code by WHERE `type '=" News Post "group by total choice of' choice 'as selection code, COUNT (*))` = N.`id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT post_id, COUNT (*) AS From the total comments, by `news_support ...

java - Building a survey app for Android with a listview -

Say whether I want to create an app for Android that pulls data from a server that contains a list of surveys , In which each survey is a set of questions and a set of options (or answers) of each question Now I am thinking of implementing every survey using a survey, list view Each line (item) in a question And each question will display a set of answers. The first problem is to do with the type of question ... A question can be of binary answer format, so "Are you a male?" Then the two options "yes" and "no" can be an XML layout for that type of question. But then there are other types of questions, such as with an edit text as the "Describe your time in London" option. It works hard when I do not know how many options will appear inside a list item (line), that a question can be "your favorite food" and the list of options can be checkbox, so "pizza", " Bacon "," wedge "This is a 3 option type qu...

sonarqube - How do I alter checkstyle configuration file when using sonar? -

I am trying to suppress specific checklist warnings in my code. By default the code begins to wrap in comments such as: // Checkstyle: Off ... // Checkstyle: On At least I want to give a reason for which I have received the post. I do not know where configuration files will be used when using sonar, can anybody help? An example of how to configure filters: & lt; Module name = "suppression comment filter" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Off Comform Format" value = "CSOFF: ([w |] + /") & Lt; Property Name = "onCommentFormat" value = "CSON: ([w |) + /") & Lt; Property Name = "Check Form" Value = "$ 1" /> & Lt; / Module & gt; You can use the following to close this check required for a block of code: // CSOFF: RequireThis .. Code // SSON: Required This Sonar log on as admin , Then go to "Settings" (link next to your user name, select the "Java" cate...

c# - Winforms: How to Enable Scroll Event Without Scrollbar in DataGridView -

I've looked at StaxHourFlow and I have not seen any solution (but maybe it's missed). I want to scroll the datagrid view content with a swipe. A swipe gesture in Windows 8.1 seems to translate appropriately into a scroll event which causes the desired result. I can see to show the scrap event if I have a scrollbar in the DataGride view control, as a result, to scroll to scroll with a swipe in the control, I scroll events without scrollbars (2) or (2) scrollbar Looking for one way (1) to hide, since the alternate scrollbar, option 1 is better than if a hack looks a bit. I have a custom scrollbar outside the DataGrid witch, so I want to hide the internal datagrid view scrollbar. Thanks for watching and any support you can provide.

javascript - jQuery animation not working (number countdown/count-up) -

I have a script that looks like the following: function powerClick (level) , Cost, user) {click = number (click) - cost; AddBPS (); } Function addBPS () {var = {property: $ ('# current'). Text ()}; Var to = {property: number (click)}; JQuery (from) .from {{period: 1000, step: function} ($ ('# current'). Text ((floor.or;}}};} Runs the first function when a button is clicked, and adjusts the value of click then this function runs addBPS (bottom right). The function addBPS , however, does not count completely the number stored in the variable clicks .many time, the function powerClick sets the variable click to 0. However, B function addBPS is running, not a counter possible problems here Seeing: This can be because the click globally is not defined, so every time this first task is finished running that the value is destroyed. Want to replace this property or Less common variable names like ...

java - Using List, how would I change this code as using List -

So I have this code down, and I have to instantly put my array in a new array. Int [] Copy all data from myArray data. Set numemoves equal to 0. Array with input to values ​​from user So this code is done by using only int and bus = signs and new ones, but now I need to change it to use "list" and I do not know what this list is and how to use it is. So what do I need to help is the list on Java and how I will use it from the list. Thank you, and telling me how it works, thank you! Public class extinction {Private Ent [] myArray; Private int max; Public extinction (int [] data) {myArray = new int [data.length]; {MyArray [n] = data [n] for (int n = 0; n & lt; data lamps; n ++); } NumMoves = 0; First, the original array copy method can be written this way. int [] myArray = new int [data.length]; System.arraycopy (data, 0, myArray, 0, data.length); And then, the solution will be public list & lt; Integer & gt; CopyToList (int [] data) {List & lt; ...

php - Magento Reindexing Product Attributes Error -

On retrieving the product properties in Magento, we receive the following errors: product properties index process unknown error: exception with message 'PDOException' 'SQLSTATE [23,000]: Integrity barrier violation: 1452 can add or update a child line: a foreign key fails (`Xxdbnamexx` .`mage_catalog_product_index_eav`, constrained 'FK_CAT_PRD_IDX_EAV_ENTT_ID_CAT_PRD_ENTT_ENTT_ID' foreign key (` unit_ID`) references /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/lib/Zend/Db/Statement/Pdo.php#28 Stack Trace: In the `mage_catalog_product_entity` (` entity_id) 'in the # stack / home / xxxxxxxxx / public_html / lib / zend / db / Statement / Pdo.php (228): PDOStatement-> Operate (array) # 1 /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/lib/Varien/Db/Statement/Pdo/Mysql.php(110): Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo- & gt; _execute (array) # 2 /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/lib/Zend/Db/Statement.php(300): Varien_Db_Statement_Pdo_Mysql- & gt; _execute (array) # 3 / home / XXXXXXXXX / public_htm l...

node.js - Lots of "npm ERR!"s when running `yo angular` -

I am trying to work in Yemen but it is for one after the wall. Thanks to God Stack Overflow and you are helping all good people. Anyway ... I'm trying to run yo angular but I'm getting a group of npm ERR! with: npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root / administrator. Since I can not use sudo yo, I followed most accepted advice and changed some configurations to fix this problem. Were based on But I'm still getting the same error! This is my yo angular > This is my yo angular it My yo angular How do I fix these errors? Thank you very much in advance. Update: went as root error Ran away, although I still have a new directory in yo angular after these errors are I i cat -n stderr.log | I'm displaying errors with I Grep -ir err (It's strange that npm-debug.log was not generated at this time): 218 npm ERR! Error: ENOENT, lstat '/home/ubuntu/youtube_5/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/task.js' 219 nmp ER...

Getting Garbage Output Java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मैं लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ जावा में एक निर्माता और मैं नहीं जानता कि क्या मैं कुछ गलत कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मैं कचरा आउटपुट प्राप्त करता हूं। यह वैरिएबल है जिसे मैं मानों को असाइन करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: निजी स्थिर कर्मचारी कर्मचारी; इस तरह से मैं उसे आवंटित करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: कर्मचारी = नया कर्मचारी (empType, empFName, empL नाम, empBDate, empGender, empHireDate, empReleaseDate , EmpBaseSalary); और यहां वर्ग और कन्स्ट्रक्टर है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी {निजी स्ट्रिंग टाइप; निजी स्ट्रिंग FName; निजी स्ट्रिंग LName; निजी तिथि बीडीटी; निजी स्ट्रिंग लिंग; निजी तिथि हिराडेट; निजी दिनांक रिलीज़डेट; निजी डबल बेसस्लावरी; सार्वजनिक कर्मचारी (स्ट्रिंग टाइप, स्ट्रिंग फेंडे, स्ट्रिंग लेटा, स्ट्रींग बिट, स्ट्रिंग लैंग, स्ट्रींग भाड़े, स्ट्रिंग रिहाई, डबल वेतन) {this.Type = type; This.FName = fname.toUpperCase (); This.LName = lname.toUpperCase (); This.BDate = नई तिथि (bdate); यह। लिंग = लिंग; यह। हिराडेट = नई तिथ...

git - How to display a message to committer on push to Github? -

Commuters are not running pre-commit tests! Build a lot break! I finally want to install a hook to apply the original test to pre-test, but a lightweight message for today will be sufficient. Is it possible to display a message to the sympatizer whenever it's some Geethub repo? EDIT: I want to make it transparent, without having to install or run any script (which he probably will not do). Since the hooks are not pulling, I think I need to set some on the server side? If you are using the CLI git client, under the root of your project, See the git / hooks directory, there you will find many scripts with file names ending in "Sample". Pre-Push.Command and Pre-commit.Sample . These are just bash scripts that will execute on the north side of various events. If you want to enable them, simply remove "sample." By the name. For example, you can enable Precommit and replace its contents: #! / Bin / sh Echo "run test !!!" You c...

java - What does through intent and programmatically mean? -

I am searching the code for my Android application and I get these two words. It says that I can do this by INTENT or can I do this for the program? What is the difference between the two on the way? Thanks "Programmatic" means that some will be in Java code. Mostly it is used when making attribute or setting on view when XML is created through a view xml, then the XML can not be changed (But the view can be in the Java code in the program code) If it is programmatically created, you do not create it in XML before compiling it, instead it is through Java code is done. Intent > activity access settings and other such things

sas - output standard error for odds ratio in logistic regression -

I am running a logistics regression in SAS. SAS output with point estimate and 95% confidence range is estimated to have an odd ratio. With the point estimate and the 95% confidence limit, how can I get the standard error in output ratio (not in parameter estimates) in the ratio of constraints proc logistic data = data1; Class rank / ultimate = referee; Accept model = GRPPA rank; Run; Odds ratio estimate is this output, how can I add a standard error for the SAS estimation of constraints ratio? Odd ratio estimate 95% wald effect estimate estimate limitations gre 1.002 1.000 1.004 GPA 2.235 1.166 4.282 Rank 1 vs 4 4.718 2.080 10.701 Rank 2 vs 4 2.401 1.170 4.927 Rank 3 vs 4 1.235 0.572 2.668 Thanks in advance for any help

Git branching remotely from Eclipse -

I am doing all my work on the master branch because I created my project and pushed it into my githab reserves, I'm doing the same thing, so I do not need one. I want to work on an experimental facility, so I want to make a new branch when I go to "Team -> Switch - New branch", then I see it: And yet, I am not sure Should any of the Rebase, Merge, screenshots shown in my bridge strategy not be? I was hoping that I can only create a new branch, commit and push it like I do Do with And then switch back to my master branch, when I did not want to work on my experimental facility. It seems that it is more complex than that. I want to be able to do this through eclipse, so how can I learn for the future, but if I do this on the guitar command line? thank you in advanced. It seems that what you want (local) branch is based on a remote / basic master (Use the drop-down list at the top) and then select Merge as your pull strategy. This way when you are wor...

objective c - Parse and semantic issues in TestFlight.h after installing SDK -

I have installed TestFlight SDK after installation instructions and then when I tried to make my app I would have more than 20 pars And semantic issues TestFlight.h and build failed. What's wrong with my establishment? What did I do for this step: In your application representative: Import Testflights: #import "TestFlight .h" I've imported it in the headers instead of the place. Header has solved my problem by moving forward the import. (It is a very small issue but I thought that could save some developers for some time)

loops - Javascript: Print Y, X times -

I think I'm probably making a fundamental mistake here, I hope someone can help me. Function countdown () {x = 5; For (i = x; i> I;) {document.getElementById ('display'). InnerHTML = (i + ""); }} This is a very small, simple replica of the problem. I have a long task that is a variable in that function, in this case: X. I want to insert something into an element (in this case: #desplay) many times of x I thought the best way to do this would be with loop, it would be counted below x 1 and every time I want to insert the string. But when it moves, it only gives 1. (I hope in this case "5 4 3 2 1" to return). Please someone can tell me why this does not work? I am reaching my mind for hours for hours. Because you overwriting the contents of the element in each walk, innerHTML By specifying a new value for You must add instead: document.getElementById ('display'). InnerHTML + = (i + ""); // ^ which is ...

html - Cannot get email from this php form -

I am creating an email form on my website. For some reason, I can not get an email from this form. html & lt; Form method = "POST" action = "processor.php" id = "contactform" onsubmit = "return (validateForm ());" & Gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Label = "fname" & gt; First name: & lt; Br> & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "fname" id = "fname" value = "" class = "required" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Label = "lname" & gt; Last name: & lt; Br> & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "lname" id = "lname" value = "" class = "required" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Label = "organization" & gt; Organization: & lt; Br> & Lt; / Label ...

visual studio 2008 - Flex regex multy line comment -

Can someone tell me the difference, I'm now testing longer than 2 hours ... this regex \ "(| | \ n) * \" everything gets inside "(together" "). This regex "// gets comment comment (C)` `but regex \ / * (. | \ N) * \ * \ / does not get a multi line comment Instead, it gets too much, I could not understand. Can anyone explain the difference to me? Apart from [^ "] leaving everything else" [^ *] it is possible to write or it takes / and Is not that the associated letter? By the way I got them all VS 2008 (Flex and Bison). I found examples that did not work on VS2008 So, if a person has a good site that tells that the Reggae has been shared with me, then I think I have lost in the labyrinth. Thanks for your time! Try to use regEx at the bottom to get the comment with the start and end block Commented: / P> b = /\/\*(.)* (?)? (?) *************************************************************************** ********************* N...

Java Regex - Match Any Part of Regular Expression -

Consider a vague regex such as [az] {0}} [az] {0} . It will match the strings like abcdefgh . I am adding additional elements to this regedx and I want to be able to test it for several different parts of regex. For [az] {0} f [az] {2} e [AG] {0,5} it will match the face But I also test string to match [az] {0}} or f [az] {2} e or [az] Want to {0,3} f [az] {2} e or f [az] {2} e [az] {0,5} , but such order does not mess up Is doing e [az] {0,5} f . To keep it more easily: I have a master reggae that I want to try to test against different strings. But not only do I want to test the whole regex, but I also want to test the part of each person to see that the string can fit somewhere inside. I can not input manually only different regex possibilities because they are produced in other ways that are executed and are separated each time, but will always follow the same normal format: 0 Some finite numbers, one or more letters, a specific number sheet, can fill the ...

java - JSP: Foreach custom object -

I am using datestacks Java driver and JSP. In Java, I can use this code. ResultSet and Row are both Datastax Java drivers. ResultSet result = a.selectAccumulationByDate (); (Row row: result) {System.out.println (for line .getString ("event")); } When I use JSP with this code & lt; C: forEach var = "apps" items = "$ {list}" & gt; I get this error javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: do not know about it being repeated on the supplied items So far the solution is sending them as a list. But it will read the entire list twice. Anyway, can I send this ResultSet and process it in JSP?

html - Prevent ligatures in Safari (Mavericks/iOS7) via CSS -

Is there a possibility to stop Safari / Mobile Safari on Mavericks / iOS 7 by rendering the lipature in a webfone? We are facing issues not appearing in white beings in flight beings. We are already trying to use it in CSS: -webkit-font-feature -Settings: "Liga" 0; Font-feature-settings: "liga" 0; Text-Rendering: Optimize Speed; But it is not working, ligatures are still spaces. We call it -webkit-font-variant-ligatures: No-common-ligatures have been solved by adding; For CSS styles This prevents the ligature from appearing and thus prevents broken symbols in the font.

php - Permalinks Not Working with MySQL Database -

I have a simple MySQL database with 3 fields (ref_id, slug, content). I have populated the following data (1, about, example content; 2, portfolio, example content; 3, contact, example content). I have created an original PHP page with the following code: $ slug & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; p & gt; $ content & lt; / p & gt;"; ? & Gt; When you go to you will see the portfolio page, etc. Everything works even here . Instead of using I want to use , which I have found and which tutorials I have I created an .htaccess file and the following code was added: This does not work - I did not find the requested URL / $ sslug / myWebsite.php on this server when I go to What am I missing here? I think you've copied the following verbatim from the following tutorials: Delete the sub-line and restart the se...

opengl - moving object in the world towards a stationary camera -

I want to extend the camera, which is equivalent to taking the world back to the camera, I use Glut and glTranslate I'm working, but my question is how should I use it? Let's assume that initially I'm starting with glLoadIdentity (), then I look at the point using gluLookAt, and then I did some translation / rotation in the model. In this case how should I use glTranslate to translate objects in the world so that they can proceed with the camera instead of their original / coordinates? I thought that I can save the current matrix using glugget, load the identity matrix, then I want to translate it and then multiply the previous matrix using global matrix. But it was not working for me. And if I want to enable yoke / pitch to use glare, then how should I do it? (This also means that to make the world rotate around the camera) Sorry for my bad words or conceptual mistake, if any, I am quite normal for openness and graphic programming. And I'm still trying to u...

java - is it possible to Send e-mail without e-mail server? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर जावामेल का इस्तेमाल करके ई-मेल भेजता है एक ई-मेल सर्वर, आमतौर पर एक ई-मेल प्रदाता के SMTP इंटरफ़ेस के माध्यम से। ई-मेल को भेजने के लिए क्या ई-मेल सर्वर का उपयोग करना आवश्यक है? मेरे पास एक वेब साइट है जो ई-मेल भेज देगी और यदि संभव हो तो मैं ई-मेल सीधे से भेजना चाहता हूं ई-मेल सर्वर का उपयोग किए बिना वेब साइट कोड JavaMail अकसर किये गए सवाल कहते हैं कि ई-मेल सर्वर की आवश्यकता है। क्या ई-मेल को ई-मेल सर्वर का उपयोग किए बिना ई-मेल भेजने का एक तरीका है, या तो जावामेल या किसी अन्य API ? आप सीधे SMTP में से एक में से एक ईमेल वितरित कर सकते हैं पते के डोमेन के एमएक्स रिकॉर्ड में आमतौर पर यह एक बुरा विचार है, यद्यपि: मेल को स्थानीय सर्वर पर पहुंचाना तेज़ है - आप लगभग तुरंत जारी रख सकते हैं और कुछ और कर सकते हैं और सर्वर को डिलीवरी को संभालने दें। वास्तविक वितरण कुछ समय ले सकता है, उदाहरण के लिए दूरस्थ मेल सर्वर धीमा हो सकता है या यह पहले मेल को अस्वीकार कर सकता है - यह प्रेषक को दूसरी बार मेल भेजने का प्रयास करने के ल...

sql - Compare Actual table with @TypeTable_TVP IF Duplicate Row Exist -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 21 जवाब मैं वास्तविक तालिका की तुलना करना चाहता हूं @TableType_TVP के साथ यदि डुप्लिकेट पंक्ति मौजूद है प्रक्रिया बनाएं sp_InsertintoTable @TableType_TVP TableType_TVP के रूप में अगर (डुप्लिकेट पंक्ति तब मौजूद नहीं है) प्रारंभ में प्रारंभ करें ActualTable में चुनें @TableType_TVP से * चुनें पंक्ति पंक्ति गिनती भी चुनें END और शुरू करें डुप्लिकेट पंक्ति समाप्ति की गणना करें इसे आज़माएं नोट : मैंने SSMS में क्वेरी नीचे परीक्षण नहीं किया है। इतना plz का कहना है यदि कोई सिंटैक्स त्रुटि है बनाएं प्रक्रिया proc_InsertintoTable @TableType_TVP टेबल READONLY के रूप में शुरुआत घोषणा @insertedCnt INT, @dupCnt INT -। FETCH डुप्लीकेट पंक्ति का चयन @dupCnt = COUNT (* ) ActualTable से atbl कहां मौजूद है (@TableType_TVP टीवी से 1 का चयन करें जहां atbl.ID = tv.ID) - सम्मिलित करें नई पंक्ति सम्मिलित जांच ActualTable चुनें * @TableType_TVP टीवी से कहां नहीं (से ActualTable atbl कहां atbl.ID = चयन मौजूद है 1 tv.ID) का चयन @insertedCnt = @@ rOWC...

How to get the context of the running tests in scala-test ? Is there anything like ITestContext as in TestNG to get those information? -

I want to know the list of ongoing trial cases and want to manipulate those information in TestMag, Onfinish, Onstart, Etc., by providing itest contact information to retrieve those information from the methods of iTest Listener. Is there something similar in Skal-Test? Suggestions are highly appreciated Thanks in advance. In fact, looking at the right direction, you can add some of the relevant information about the suit in the properties of ScalaTest The name of the suite Number of trials in the suite The name of the trials in the suite Tag information for the suit The amount of information you can get, the more it is not rich, which you meet with TestGG (for example, this is typically You will not be able to tell which since the test pass / have failed in all ). This information may well give you great value for your purposes: class MyTest extends FunSuite before and overtime (override def beforeAll) (// suiteName suits you information Name will give you the na...

forms - change data before saving and change it after selecting to origin value in Django -

मेरे पास Django में एक वर्ग है: वर्ग admin_new (CreateView): form_class = UserForm उदाहरण के लिए जब उपयोगकर्ता पोस्ट डेटा: " 2009-10 परीक्षण ", मैं टेम्पलेट_नाम = 'उपयोगकर्ता / नया.html' success_url = reverse_lazy ('users_index') इसे बदलना और इसे डीबी में सहेजना चाहते हैं: " 10-2009 परीक्षण "। और जब उपयोगकर्ता इसे संपादित करना चाहता है, तो मुझे सहेजे गए डेटा को फिर से बदलने की आवश्यकता है, इसका मतलब है कि उसे परिवर्तित करना चाहिए उदाहरण: उपयोगकर्ता प्रविष्टि: 2009-10 परीक्षण में सहेजें डीबी: 10-2009 परीक्षण दृश्य संपादित करें: 2009-10 परीक्षण डीबी में सहेजें: 10-2009 परीक्षण आपकी सलाह के लिए धन्यवाद। डेटा सहेजने के लिए आप अपने प्रपत्र में एक कस्टम को परिभाषित कर सकते हैं, जैसे: वर्ग UserForm (ModelForm): कक्षा मेटा: मॉडल = यूआरएफ़ def_name (स्वयं): import re return re.sub ( R '^ (\ d {4}) - (\ d {2}) (। *) $', R '\ 2- \ 1 \ 3', self.cleaned_data ['name']) अपने अपडेट वीव में आपके फ़ॉर्म के मू...

json - How do I get subtasks using opt_fields using the Asana API? -

I can get many notifications via a single query using the Asana Restible API: But I can not seem to get subtasks using this query. Is this possible? If possible, I am looking for the date of subtask name, completion and completion date. Thank you! Currently it is not possible, but there is something that we want to make possible in the future. It is not straight on the roadmap yet, so I can not predict when it will be available, I'm scared. During this time, you will have to make an additional request.

ruby - Install RubyGems on GoDaddy shared hosting? -

I have conveyed my domain to GoDaddy without knowing it that they have pulled Ruby support late last month and I need the need for Ruby which I was planning on building. I have seen guides like that extension how to set up Ruby via shared hosting. I made it through the guide but still was not able to load the gem in my home directory. Do anyone have any experience with this or any guidance? I think that via Ruby Games, the home directory is not the same as installation on a server, so bypassing shared server restrictions. I can not get any "gem" order to run, I probably wanted to screw the editing of bash_profile, though. I was the head of the product hosting on GoDaddy and wanted to jump inside. We supported EOL for Ruby on our heritage shared platform (literally some people were used), but the plan is that once we have a CPNL-based share The Linux platform where we want us to start Ruby again and also support for the rail. ; -) We are not there right now but ... - Dynamics CRM Entity Data update from a custom Aspx Page -

I have found several samples to create data in a mobility CRM from a custom ASPX page, but I want to update the unit data Any sample required would be useful. Thanks It is very easy, when you create a record as normal You use the following code: unit new resource = new unit ("contact"); ["First name"] = "John"; ["Last name"] = "Smith"; Service.Create (newContact); If you need to update a record, you need to recover it first (if you have a Guid, or RetrieveMultiple Using recover code> if you need to use it on a query), just after updating the field. unit recovered contact = service. Recover ("Contact" GuidOfTheRecord, Column YouWantToRetrieve); Recovered contact ["first name"] = "my new first name"; Recover Contacts ["Last Name"] = "My New Last Name"; Service.Update (retrievedContact);

regex - Python- Generic/Inbuilt function to Decode a string -

मैं एक स्ट्रिंग को डीकोड करना चाहता हूं abc, 1236, hg898,111112222, XXXX प्रारूप का पालन करें जैसा है प्रारूप: पिनकोड, sid, xyz, डीएसपी, 4-अक्षर कोड। अन्य नमूना इस तरह से हो सकते हैं abc1236hg898111112222XXXX ` प्रारूप: पिनकोड = पहला 3 अक्षर, sid = पहले अगले 4 अक्षर, xyz = अगले 5 अक्षर, डीएसपी = अगले 9 अक्षर, 4-अक्षर कोड = अंतिम 4 अक्षर। यानी पिनकोड =% 3s sid =% 4s xyz =% 5s डीएसपी =% 9 एस 4-चार्चोड =% 4s ` तो मूल रूप से मुझे एक जेनेरिक फ़ंक्शन बनाना है जो प्रारूप के लिए मेरे लिए स्ट्रिंग को डीकोड कर सकता है। तो, फ़ंक्शन def string_decoder (स्ट्रिंग, प्रारूप) होना चाहिए: मैं इसे कैसे कर सकता हूं? क्या कुछ ऐसा है जो कुछ इनबिल्ट फ़ंक्शन जैसे कि पायथन में? आयात फिर से मैच = पुनः। मीच (r '' ' (। {3}),? (। {4}),? (। {5}),? (। {9}), (। {4}) '' ', स्ट्रिंग, झंडे = पुनः। यदि मैच: पिन, एसआईडी, एक्सवायज़, डीएसपी, चारचियरोड = match.groups () अन्य: handle_error () । {3} अर्थ 3 मनमाना अक्षर ,? एक वैकल्पिक अल्पविराम का मत...

ExtJs bubble menu event -

My Extras menu is defined as I have two custom methods in my menu item 'hook modes' and 'handler meth'. I 'HookMethod' has been added based on some condition. I bubble click events for individual menu items on the root menu. Then checks that the hook is defined, then call 'hookMethod' and then call 'handler system' directly. The problem I am experiencing is that the click listener is twice, once for menutem, and the menu Is called once for. Apart from this, what is the e-logic I was thinking that it will be asked only once for the menu and I have a way to recover the actual menu items that have been clicked. {xtype: "menu", listeners: {click: function (item, e, appetts) {if (madhacmind) {item.hookMethod (item. HandlerMethod); } Else {item.handler} method (this); }}}, Item: [{xtype: "menuitem", text: "process record", bubble events: ['click'], hook method: function (actual method) {// do some pre-proces...

php - What is right method to repopulate field values after submit.? -

I'm using sessions to recoup values ​​in forms, something looks like my form is a few fields And I want to populate the user values ​​have been entered after separating side validation. The form below is: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Form & gt; Name: & lt; Input type = "text" id = "name" name = "name" value = "& lt; php if (isset ($ _ session ['NAME'])) $ _SESSION ['NAME'] ;; & gt; "& Gt; Address: & lt; Input type = "text" id = "address" name = "address" value = & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ session ['ADDRESS'])) $ _SESSION ['ADDRESS'] echo; ? & Gt; & Gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; I am storing values ​​in the action page like this: Want to know if this is the right way to do this, to populate the values ​​entered by the user after the server side verification? However it works fine. There is no ...

java - Strange Behaviour of Garbage Collector on Tomcat -

We have a really weird behavior with one of our apps running a Tomcat 7 (with Java 1.6) The app performs really well for a few days, so we see a peak in the garbage collector time, CPU usage is more than 10 times the normal load and memory is no longer free: The last drop was the restart of an app It may improve your performance as you can see in the graph, free space by GC which is less and less in each run and in the end it is not emptying any memory, so the display of the app is actually low. How can this behavior be corrected? It looks like a memory leak - If GC memory can not be further free, It is possible that some codes should be maintained in the context of unused objects. You should try to track the remaining items in memory (your graphic tool should have some way to peek in pile memory areas and give information about the built-in items) and make sure that you have any reference to the unused items Erase so that GC is free to them.

android - How can I release the camera when another application requests it? -

I have two applications that use both cameras: I developed a flashlight App Camera app The Torchlight app opens the camera, turns on the flash, and runs in the background. However, if you start the camera app when turning on the flashlight, there is an error in the camera app because the camera is already in use by the flashlight app: Can not retrieve the device In the Torch app, what do I request for an app when I release the camera? This is called the release every time onPause . To call it, call Camera.release () . For this, you should give it to onResume () . will request again.

android - How do we send push notifications to thousands of devices (registration IDs) from PHP server -

We have installed GCM client and the functionality of sending push notifications by using PHP scripts works fine too. Now the next task is the Thousands registered devices in the Android app What is the proper way to send push notifications to all these devices? I am using PHP Web Server (HTTP). I hope my question is quite clear. Work scripts in use to send push notifications & lt ;? Php // Please enter api_key you get $ api_key = "fair-api-key" from Google console; $ Name = $ _POST ['name']; $ Deal = $ _POST ['deal']; $ Valid = $ _POST ['valid']; $ Address = $ _POST ['address']; // Please enter the registration ID of the device on which you want to send the message $ registration id = array ("some registration ID"); $ Message = array ("name" = & gt; $ name, "deal" => $ deal, "valid" = & gt; $ valid, "address" = & gt; $ address); $ Url = 'https://android.g...

ruby - Several optional parameters in sinatra route -

I need Sinatra route to behave in the following ways: received / Get 20 items with list / 20/10 offset 10 / list / 20 # get 20 items with default offset GET / list # Get default number of items with default offset I understand, I might pass values ​​as queries: get / list? Limit = 20 & offset = 10 But I want to pass them as mentioned above, I am pretty sure what I want to do to Sinatra / Pastoron is a way to explain it, But I am currently completely trapped. I have tried: get : list, map = & gt; '/ List' ,: with = & gt; [: Border, offset] {} Get / list at # 404: list, map = & gt; '/ List / *' {} Parameters [: Splattie]} # 404 at / Get List: List, Map = & gt; '/ List /?': Border? /?: Offset? ' {} Get / List at # 404: List, Map = & gt; accidentally , get% r {/ list (/ [^ /] +) *} two # parse parameter [: captures] end works It looks silly, but it looks silly. This is the least example: #! / USR ...

php - Enumerate Iterator to array -

So I have these generators objects - you know who make lazy calculations easy. Sometimes, though, I do not want lazy calculations: I want to take that data which I usually repeat and put it in the array - but for PHP. Most of the time I want a generator, but I have some time now where I need an array, for example, if there is a possibility of enumerating the data several times, and all the items being repeated There is less chance of preventing the counting process before. Is there some internal PHP function that outputs iterator or traversal and an array? I do not really want to write my own function / method Yes, I know, this will be a small, simple process, but I would like to avoid having a screwed work about it. Just to avoid "indefensible use of an advanced loop" inevitable, here's the approach: & lt ;? Php Function Enumerate (\ TRUSTABLE $ ETHERTER) {$ array = []; Forex Currency ($ $ $ as $ $ => $ v) {$ array [$ k] = $ v; } $ Array returne...