I have some pages that contain hidden content, when a checkbox 'Check' is done and is hidden again when 'unobtrusive' everything works perfectly in Chrome and FF, but I do not always show or hide content, but the checkbox does not work in IE. I am using I8 but have tried in 9 and it is how it works as any suggestion to work? I want to include the following in the HTML head section to make use of the article element.
& lt ;! - [If lt IE 9] & gt; & Lt; Script src = "http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt;
Now it is the PHP code
echo " "Result of recent results
$ Query2 = $ Database-> Query (" Selection Team_Name, Team_core, Oppo_source, result from OPP_name ORDER updated DESC LIMIT 0, 5 "); $ I 0 =; while ($ row2 = $ Query2-> fetch (PDO :: FETCH_NUM)} {echo ($ i% 2 == 0)? "& Lt; Tr class = \ "stripe \" & gt; ":" & lt; Tr class = \ "nostripe \" & gt; "; printf (" & lt; td>% s and css .resultsContainer article {background: white; hidden flame; height: 0 pixel; position: relative ; Z-index: 10} .resultsContainer input: checked ~ article.small {height: 100%; width: 100%}. Results {text-align: center; table-layout: fixed; margin-left: 0; Margin-right: 0; padding-top: 0.7em; width: 65%; color: # 0431B4} Before : Selector is not supported before IE 9 versions. Browser Support Your best bet is to use javascript instead. All you have to do is hit the event listener with a check listener. So when you click it, you can either directly increase the width And change the height or just use toggleclass () . $ ("your checkbox ID or class") .change (function ( ) {$ ("Id or items you want to display") .toggleClass ("active class name");}); Or if you have those elements only display: none; , you can $ ("your checkbox id or category") .change (function () {$ ("wants to display id or item Are ") .toggle ();}); Although these answers look the same, they are very different. Be sure to know the difference.
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