user interface - What's the underlying technology behind MySQL Workbench GUI? -

I would like to know which technology is used to display MySQL Workbench GUI. I suspect that Java fx But I am not sure about this.

MySQL workspace is an application mostly written in C ++ C # (Windows) and Objective-C (MAC) platform.

  • P> Plugins to C ++, Python or Lua Can be made using. A large part of the admin section in MySQL workspace has been written in Python. Platform specific parts are wrapped with a thin layer called, which is used by the application and can be accessed by plugins (written in Python or Lu). The first version was enhanced for Mac OS X and Linux on Windows and later using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.


    6.1 Beginning support with Lua has been removed.

    Update 2:

    From October 2015 the community code is.


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