slidingmenu - sliding menu in android stucks while open and close -
I'm using a good library, but when the menu is open and close, So it was stuck after the first time. It works inappropriate.
If any one is the same problem and if you have a solution then please tell me.
@ override public boolean on option items select (menu item) {// action Bar Home / Up Action should open Dowler or Stop / ActionBarDrawerToggle will take care of this / * * if (mDrawerToggle.onOptionsItemSelected (MenuItem) item)) {Return * True; } * / // handles action button switch (itemgate ITMID) {Case Android. RIDHOM: If (MDROVER LAYOUT. ISDRRO Open (MDRARIF)) {LDR on MDR. Close drawer (MDRARLIS); } And {mDrawerLayout.openDrawer (mDrawerList); } Back true; break; Default: Right back; } Return Super.Options item selected (item); } / * Click Lynner * for the listener / private class DrawerItemClickListener applies ListView.OnItemClickListener {@Override public void onItemClick (adapterview & lt ;? & gt; parent, view view, integer status, long ID)} If (position == 1) {mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer (mDrawerList); } And if (position == 2) {mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer (mDrawerList); }}} @Override Secure Zero PostCreative (Bundle Saved Instance) {Super. Postpratate Cut (Saved Instantstate); // RestructuringSthenStateStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusStatusSt MDrawerToggle.syncState (); } @ Override converting configuration to public Zero (Configuration new config) {super.onConfigurationChanged (newConfig); // Turn any configuration change into drawer toggle; mDrawerToggle.onConfigurationChanged (newConfig); }
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