android - Not enough space to show ad (AdMob) -

I am trying to show ads in my activity, but it is always giving an error that "enough to show ads" No Location "

My XML file is:

   Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" ad: adSize = "BANNER" Advertising: adUnitId = "@ string / adobebed android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: ID = "@ + ID / AdMyWid" "Android: Layout_linePrineBottom =" True "Android: Gravity =" Down |  

  AdView = (AdView) FindViewById (; AdRequest again = new AdRequest (); re.setTesting (correct); re.setGender (AdRequest.Gender.FEMALE); ad.loadAd (again);  


  02-18 14: 16: 17.869: W / WebCor (813): Can not get view after first layout 02- 18 14: 16: 17.979: come / Advertising (813): Honorsive () 02-18 14: 16: 17.979: W / Advertising (813): There is not enough room to show ads! : <320, 50>, is: <288, 430 & gt;  

The left and right padding of your relative layout is the essential space for your AdView.

Change the RelativeLayout config to:

  & lt; Relative layout xmlns : Android = "" ... Android: PaddingLeft = "0dp" Android: paddingRight = "0dp" ... & gt;  

You may also want to change your AdView configuration to:

  & lt; android: id = "@ + id / AdMobadView" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" ... />  

Because you do not really want to consume your full screen screen.


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