Android camera intent timestamp is incorrect -

I have a code that wants to take pictures from the Android device to take pictures, after that it is on previous activity The photo taken back works fine, but the problem is made in 1969, when the photo timestamp (when checking photo details from the gallery) is made. I do not know why this happens

  Ury mCapturedImageURI; Public Zero (see V) {ContentValues ​​value = new content value (); MCapturedImageURI = getContentResolver (). Insert (MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, Value); Intent CameraIntent = New Intent (android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); CameraEntent Input Extra (MediaStore.xtra_uaptu, mcaptide imageURI); StartActivityForResult (camera entrant, TAKE_PHOTO); }  

If you are using a real tool for testing, please

If you're using an Android Virtual device , then this will probably be used and date you Make sure that your PC time is correct on PC time.

Hint: Finally try to modify the image after creation by writing an additional character (will not affect the image) and see the last modified date, if 1969 Even after, the problem is upwards


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