Can't join into a cluster on marklogic -

I am working with the marklogic database and I tried to create a cluster. I have a development key that OS is similar to all nodes (7 x 64 wins.)

When you try to add a node to the cluster, you must type the host name or IP address for some reason For when I type the host name, MarkLogic sometimes finds the node, but it does not make any difference, because with the IP, the connection is successful.

The main problem occurs when the trick releases process. In the end when the mechanical cluster tries to transfer configuration information to a new host, the process never ends and the message "No data received" appears in the web browser.

I know that this message does not mean that the process fails, because when I change the host name for example, only one message is displayed.

Therefore, when I check the summary in the first node, the second node appears, so the node is added to the "cluster, but I am not able to start the admin interface and always use the other node Is disconnected, even if I restart the service.

For advertising, I am able to ping from anybody in the computer I tried to create another network, A Since some ports are not allowed in my school, apart from this, I tried to use different development keys and the same key in my nodes, and in the end I have all the services already enabled, but the problem persists. / P>

Any help or comment will be appreciated.

Ensure Port 7998 - 8003 are both for both inbound and outbound traffic Open on the computer and you do not have a firewall (Windows Firewall, or IPTable).

You can also start appearing in the log / error log file and

paste it to the IP address now Because it seems that your DNS is not working perfectly.

Your type of hosting network looks like a kind of connectivity problem.

In addition you can get more detailed, or at least individual answers from the MarkLogic Developer mailing list.

- David Lee


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