mvc - MVC - filterContext.ExceptionHandled -
Is filterContext.ExceptionHandled property always set to true by MVC or is it set to true by user code only? If that's the case then why does this happen?
is set to true when an exception is by an action method By default HandleErrorAttribute
has been added to the FilterConfig
class which is registered in Application_Start ()
. When an exception occurs, the OnException
method is called in the HandleErrorAttribute
class. OnException
method in
, response before removing existing one. The HTTP response body,
property. ExceptionHandled
will be set to correct using the Clear ()
Below is the default built-in method:
Public Virtual Zero OnxSation (Exception Consultant Filter Contracts) {if (filterContext == null) {New Logic (NullException) ("Filter Contex "); } If (filterContext.IsChildAction) {return; } If (filterContext.ExceptionHandled ||! FilterContact ..httptex.ISISISISIISISERERAnited) {Return; } Exception exception = filterContext.Exception; If (new HTTP Exception (empty, exception) .GetHttpCode ()! = 500) {Return; } If (ExceptionType.IsInstanceOfType (exception)) {return; } String control name = (string) filterContext.RouteData.Values ["controller"]; String action name = (string) filterContext.RouteData.Values ["action"]; HandleErrorInfo Model = New HandleErrorInfo (filterContext.Exception, ControlName, Action Name); FilterContext.Result = New ViewResult {ViewName = View, MasterName = Master, View Data = New ViewDataDictionary & lt; HandleErrorInfo & gt; (Model), TempData = filterContext.Controller.TempData}; FilterContext.ExceptionHandled = True; FilterContext.HttpContext.Response.Clear (); FilterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500; FilterContext.HttpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = True; }
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